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ancient mazar


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7 weeks flower

7 weeks flower

7 weeks of flower
ok, the 1st order of business, it fucking hermied(NOOOO!)
after the tears dried, assessed the damage, not as bad as feared
several dried up roosters that looked like dry ones?
just one seems to have drawn blood, a small cluster of seeds(5 or so)
no more showing, but have to watch it real careful now, landraces are a risk for this shit
the odor is a kind of sweet weedy, if that make sense
bud production isn't great, but it is filling out some
thinking 9 weeks. maybe 10, provided no more surprises


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Active member
Ill get on this train if you dont mind. I am currently growing some Mazar outdoor and would like to see some finished product. It always was a challenge being a micro grower, but being an outdoor growing has its challenges too. Plant looks healthy man, keep up the good work!

Didnt see 2nd page before i replied, thats terrible that it hermied on you. Sounds like you're still going to take her to term. Best of luck!
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Well-known member
^^^ thanks for stopping by, glad to hear from an experienced micro grower, you can relate to the tribulations
not a bad hermie though(knock wood), just a couple of seeds
and mazar ouitdoors sounds good, if it's landrace it will like that better i think
but i was determined to grow out a 'wild' afghan, and was willing to accept it may have some trouble inside


Well-known member
8 weeks

8 weeks

8 weeks, and what do i see
no more roosters for the moment, a hit and run?
a new surge of pistils, more noticeable up top, but happening all over
the buds are fair sized at best, more to pack on? closer check up tomorrow
smell has become very interesting, not much undisturbed, stealth afghan?
but rubbed, a very heavy, sweet smell - one more new odor profile for my list
chop? still thinking 2 more weeks, but this is tough to call, it's different from prior experiences
all suggestions welcome


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Well-known member
9 weeks

9 weeks

9 weeks, and apologies for crappy picture
but does show the bud down low, basically it's bud from tail to top
so a little better, the trichs were all clear last check, more to be packed on i think
i'll guess a total 1/2 zip, not much but for me just enough


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Well-known member
better picture

better picture

the last picture was quite poor, so snapped a better one when trich checking
all clear as far as i can see, few more weeks me thinks


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Well-known member
genetic speculation

genetic speculation

now it's time for some genetic thoughts, just what the hell were these mazar freebies?
as mentioned earlier they weren't too popular, but some peeps reported good things
what stands out is the size, this is a small plant
here's what i see on an afghan thread over in the landrace subforum
some afghan that grow up high in those mountains are small stature plants
low moisture and low soil fertility have given rise to a number of squat hashish cultivars
picture lifted from the thread, those are small plants indeed
so the mazar freebies of ancestry like those? i think it's quite possible


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Well-known member
week 10

week 10

week 10 of flower, and it's not done
so much for the stereotype of fast finishing afghans, stereotypes often miss
damn this thing is compact, but it is still packing on weight
the 'inside info' for harvesting afghans often mention leaving them late in the year
literally until some snow falls, or as much snow as you see in an afghani desert
red colored trichomes also mentioned
don't know if i'll go quite that long, growing out a landrace not so easy


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Well-known member
11 weeks of 12/12

11 weeks of 12/12

finally closing in on the end of this landrace grow, it's been interesting
first off, 11 weeks is the light schedule, it didn't start flowering until 14 days
which was slow for an afghan i think, so we are talking more of a 9 week flower, which makes more sense with what i'm seeing
some trichs color changes(finally), not cloudy but kind of amber/clear
like a light tea color
still maybe another week, or longer, plant is still something of a mystery to me


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Well-known member
10 weeks of actual flower, say what?

10 weeks of actual flower, say what?

12 weeks of 12/12 and as the title says, 10 weeks of flowers showing
ok, i admit this is not what i was expecting
still overwhelming percentage clear trichomes, it's just not done yet
not the afghan stereotype, although it might make some sense
traditional harvesting of many afghans is not september, much deeper season wise then that
and i don't recall the grow logs of these mazars going this long
maybe many gave up and cut, which might explain the mixed results
underdone weed ain't the best stuff
plant is still bulking up as pic shows


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Active member
It still looks good. I would pluck some of those yellowed leaves though, just how tall are we talking about there... looks like maybe 2ft overall? Just keep checking on the trichomes, thats the only way to tell


Well-known member
if only it was 2 foot, but it's just a foot tall
on the prior page there's a pic i reposted from an afghan landrace thread
afghan field of dwarves like this, look to be desert growers

edit: old leaves will be off for the final pic, as i understand it if a leaf has some color it provides some nutrient to the plant as it resorbs nutrients from the leaf


Active member
Yeah i saw the post you're talking about. Not exactly the same Afgani that i have then... i don't know about IBL, im sure mine are a hybrid but im still happy with them... they're going to be over 6ft by the time i harvest. Well on their way now!


Well-known member
i'll guess he was asking about this thread, but teh_baker also has a mazar running
this one is from the mazar freebies that the bay and boutique were giving out years ago
always wanted to run an afghan landrace, i was prepared to take the risk i'd see something different
and it is different


Active member
Yeah, sorry igro. I had just mentioned mine, and then he was asking what kind. I realize it was probably yours he was asking about. It is your thread after all...


Well-known member
the cut

the cut

final clean up on this little grow - literally
cut about 12 1/2 weeks 12/12, 10 1/2 weeks of visible flowers
not an easy grow, this old seed really does look like a hashish cultivar from the afghan 'region'
12 grams of bud for my trouble - ouch - but no complaints, a landrace is going to be a lot more iffy
slow ripener, which could be due to inside type grow, but no way of knowing
i did pop a popcorn into the vaporizer
i was prepared for bad, the flowers of hasish producers may not be the best testing things
but i'll be damned, it was sweet, quite sweet actually, and with some bite/tingle
well, my feel is this will be different after a dry and cure, which will be another 3 weeks or so
and to any that have this old seed hanging around, it could be worth a try


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Well-known member
smoke report

smoke report

time to review what i got, every grow is interesting, this one was no exception

Grow Environment: Micro setup with 78w of cfl's
last run with cfl's, on to led's, stuck with cfl's because of the reputation for indica's not needing the higher light intensity and was comfortable with their prior results
Soil/Nutes: 2 gallon pot with cow compost. Bone meal(6-9-0) and dolomite added. Molasses/alfalfa tea used for feeding.

Yield: painful, 12 grams dry it was

Appearance: very compact indica/afghan, actually afghan i think but indica has burrowed into my subconcious, fairly resinous but not to compare with most hybrid grows

Smell: a hard call, some sweet, some weedy, some spice

Taste: kind of like the smell, some sweet and spice, and a slight nip of something else that i can't find words for

Effect: potency - maybe a 3-4 out of 10, not strong
now the feeling, a gentle up, no unpleasantness, call it kind
effect was good, but the low yield makes it an expensive grow

Thoughts: my experience looks close to others i read about
few found it worth while, they got small quantities of ok bud, but nothing special
i got similar, but from what i saw this plant was not as ripe as it could have been at 12 weeks of flower
indoor just didn't work for it
outdoors in afghan like hills could be a very different story

and a final picture of some seeds the plant produced
pic of some regular hybrid seeds on left, this afghan on right
pic quality poor but what i got was some large light colored beans with light purplish tiger striping
as big as any seeds i've ever seen


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