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ancestrydna is a hoax, is there a dna test to help me find my famille?

St. Phatty

Active member
The DNA database does not stay with the DNA service, they sell the information.

Especially if you are a woman, I would be very concerned about who has access to that personal data.

I suggest using a DNA service that will state in writing - under penalty of liquidated damages, paid to you - that they do not re-sell the DNA data that they collect.

It's very different from Apple Air-Tags but has similar stalking potential.

Technology Giveth and Technology Taketh Away.


Well-known member
Then I have been deceived the person ancestrydna is my parent told methey do not share the information.

St. Phatty

Active member
Then I have been deceived the person ancestrydna is my parent told methey do not share the information.

Maybe they don't.

If you're dealing with an American corporation, they hide lots of Shit in the fine print.

and even then they often attempt to deceive.

And perhaps a few are completely honest.


The DNA database does not stay with the DNA service, they sell the information.

Especially if you are a woman, I would be very concerned about who has access to that personal data.
Iirc the chinese do so. They collect genetic data from all women at reproducting age from all over the world.