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an old og'ers?


New member
just wanted to drop a hi to all ya mad hoors out there. i'm just after joining, i'm an indoor grower from the midlands, i'm going to start my third grow in the next month or so. learned everything i know from overgrow and i almost had a nervous breakdown when the site shut :badday: .

any old OG heads? used to hang out on the irish thread when it was running, anyone else the same? what was your old username?

see ya round :wave: :wave:
I used to lurk and occasionally post on OG. Can't remember my login though. Bloody White Rhino. Wait - it was Hemmingway. I posted a few times on the Irish thread but nothing of any signficance.

I'm also on my third grow - DP's Blueberry. Seedlings are 2 weeks old


New member
good stuff man, keep dropping in and update on how they're doing. i think i remember you, name rings a bell anyway. mine was copperie, was up to about 500 posts b4 was shut down


New member
I was on OG .Miss it ,it was a great site,a good community.My name was the same there.Didn't post much though.Had a thread Outdoors in Ireland with some nice pics.
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I just lurked at OG never posted much i cant remeber my user name though, your right about OG being a great community if it wast for that site i dont think i every would have started my own grown.


Yip i was an og'er but opted for this place instead well before it was shut down, OG was huge and second to none for info but i liked it here because it was a small tight community, no bullshit and no kids. Did you know you can still view some of the strain base... www.hanflexikon.de/


Hey Belfast, Good to see you here. You were quite the man for the info and links on the Irish thread on OG. People seem to be alot more shy here with posting pics and talking about their plants but theres still a few Irish heads throwin in their 2 cents.