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An intersting discovery



I got all screwed up on my schedule this year and my last winter crop was bleeding into my seed and clone work for the upcomming spring. What to do?

I was flowering my indoor crop on 13 hours of light and was about 25 days into flower. I needed 16 for my seedlings and clones to go outdoors and i only have 1 set of twin 400 w. Since i had a good stash in the closet, i decided that I had to kick up the lights and start my spring plants and if i lost the indoor grow then so be it.

After 25 days of flower on 13/11, the lights were kicked up to 16/8 hrs.

Neither the sugar berry nor the sourbubble showed any delay in flower nor did they try to reverse and return to the veg status. They continued to flower on normally even though the light had been increasefrom 13 hrs to 16.

It my view that this finding is a strong idicator that once a cannabis plant is committed to flower, reversal is very difficult.

Ive started 4 plants into flower under 12 hrs of dark/light for a little experiement. They will be about 30 days into flower in 2 weeks when they can go outdoors at 15 hrs of natural light. I don't expect the plants to try and reveg when placed outdoors as it appears that once the plant is committed, then......


Intresting experiment....if it stays in flower n finishes normally that would really be quite something...
You said it was on 13 hrs light? Why? I would think that if u wanted to speed flowering you would be giving more night rather then extra light?

Best of luck with yer experiment....I would like to have the time n space to try pollinating very lightly a plant or 2 and see if the light pollination speeds the maturation of t5he whole plant.... If it worked i figure might be a good way to bring in plants earlier or run them later into the year

Silverback that is interesting, Indoors i have reversed flowering from 12 to 20, in one month the plant was re-vegging, this was done in the first month of flowering. I was under the impression that if one did what you did it would induce the herm. and also i have learned the seeds produced from this herm, are in fact all feminized versions of the strain. As for once flowering i dont think any plant will re veg if placed outdoors.. unless if your location is something crazy like limited daylight hours.


Interesting.. Would be great if one could do that up north.. but eventually in the summer the day is almost 18 hours long, and im pretty sure its too much, and would force things back in veg. If not, it would be a sweet way to finish some more exotic strains up here. Keep us posted on your project!


Bubs, I use 13 to flower because i believe you get more growth on 13 than on 12. I havent grown any indica leaning strain yet that wont begin to flower under 14 hrs. of light either indoors or out. As long as one stays below that number the plants will flower normally. I could be wrong, but i think 12/12 really only applies to equatorial sativa's and has no practical application except to denote the initiation of flowering.

I hear you slapstick, but if it works inside, it should work outside. Im about to find out.

JJP I was under the impression that outdoor plants would try to reveg for as long as the day length continued to lengthen, (until june 22). I think i was wrong about that. I havent seen the first male flower and its near the end. Nothing unusual.

I read recently that there was an article in high times making the claim that once fully committed, cannabis wouldnt try and reveg. Anybody?


Active member
I read recently that there was an article in high times making the claim that once fully committed, cannabis wouldnt try and reveg. Anybody?

I believe you'll find a wide range of light schedules that will keep cannabis flowering, depending on your strain. I'd like to play with my plants that way but haven't reached that flexibility yet. :)

I know it took my C-99 over a month to re-veg on 24/0 lighting. I started the re-veg about 20 days before maturity.


New member
My experience is that the further into flowering, the harder it is to reveg. In our area, 43 lat, nearly everyone had their outdoor start budding last May during a particularly cloudy stretch. Pretty much everyone's stuff reverted, including mine, but the stuff that got the furthest into flowering (the earlier varieties) took the longest, and a couple never went back and I ended up harvesting the buds. No hermies.


Registered Pothead
I have noticed what you are saying but all my plants end up reveging. They will flower super hard and get fat nodes but eventually they will revert back to veg covered in crystals. Stressed plants that revert yield a hell of a lot less in my opinion. It is all about getting your indoor plants used to the outside light cycle before throwing them out.


Just an update folks.

Yes, in the end, the plants tried to reveg, no question. The problem started at about 45 days, new growth appeared and the tops began to extend. I cut the plants at 55 days when i was convinced that things were headed in the wrong direction. I wish i could have cut the lights back down to see what would happen, but i couldnt do that.

After 25 days of 13/11, I switched to 16.5. Thats too much light and while the plants continued to build flowers for 3 more weeks after the increase, near the end, the buds stopped b uilding and new growth appears.. I have a sense that 15 would probably work fine without problems, but at16.5, they will attempt to reveg.


I recently put out my plants and they started to flower. But the thing is that I actually matched the lighting schedule before I put them out (24/0, 22/2, and so forth till 14/10) I'm baffled :(


Active member
Just an update folks.

Yes, in the end, the plants tried to reveg, no question. The problem started at about 45 days, new growth appeared and the tops began to extend. I cut the plants at 55 days when i was convinced that things were headed in the wrong direction. I wish i could have cut the lights back down to see what would happen, but i couldnt do that.

After 25 days of 13/11, I switched to 16.5. Thats too much light and while the plants continued to build flowers for 3 more weeks after the increase, near the end, the buds stopped b uilding and new growth appears.. I have a sense that 15 would probably work fine without problems, but at16.5, they will attempt to reveg.

Hi SB. What i have found is that the length of time it takes a variety to start reveging varies greatly from strain to strain. In general I find Sativas and Sativa dominant crosses easier to reveg, while the reverse is true for Indicas. It also depends on how long they have been in flower. The longer they have been flowering the longer it takes for them to start to reveg. Light intensity and duration also play a role. I have always found that the more intense the light and the greater the day length, the quicker the plant will start to reveg.

There are some varieties that are much more difficult than others. One of the hardest strains I have ever tried to reveg was the c-99(Bros. Grimm originals). It literally took 7 weeks for a previously flowered mother to start to reveg directly under a 250 MH and 24/0. I have also had strains that simply would not revert, no matter what I did.


I couldnta agree more with everything you state Scaramanga. The plants reacted differntly and i could tell it is somewhat plant specific.

Different variities, the length of flowering before the light increase, the intensity and length of the light all plays a role.


Active member
I've been doing this the last couple of grows with no problems. I've been led to beleive it reduces flower time by a week or so but have yet to do a real test with clones.

The theory is that there's a certain amount of light a plant uses over it's life and if it gets all that light in a shorter time frame than normal then obviously it'll take less time to finish. I haven't done it before 4-5 weeks as apparently they need that amount of time to make sure enough flowering hormone is present.


How many hours of light are you jumping up to SC? I think you may be right about the length of flowering time before the lights are kicked up. I kicked my lights up after 25 days, but i think if I had waited until about 40 days, there wouldnt have really been time for them to reverse. I ve also noticed that clones taken from a flowering plant are harder than hell to reverse -24 hrs of high light or they'll continue to try and flower.

Its my sense that 40 days into flower and Kicking up to 15 hrs would work fine.


Active member
Yeah I think I went up to 14 just flicking a pin on the timer each night. I started around 4-5 weeks because I grow 10-11 week strains generally (should have mentioned) so around half way through flowering should be cool.

Yeah I've taken cuts from plants in week 6 and while they rooted fine they took literally months to reveg under 24hrs so I guess an experiment is in order to see how far you can go and find out where the tipping point is. Definitely one to try in the future.

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