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An adventure with ACE.


Active member
beautifull plants bean!
i always plant some indica to have it before i go to sleep, after smoking sativas...
it is very nice medicine



nepal x congo x congo/paki A

nepal x congo x congo/paki A




Thanks mayan, photo credit goes to BodhiSeeds...:)

Ras, thanks man..i like her too, the girlfriend says this weed gets her battered..with no cure it is potent enough it seems, i bet it would be somthing to remember at 2months+ cure, i said this one was the better of the two when i saw resin a 2.5weeks flower..:D

Here is the other NCCP, aptly named B, 2nd best of six girls. :)
<<More congo in growth n structure, i think this expression is better than the congoF1 girl from before, more potent n tasty..:yummy:


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks mayan, photo credit goes to BodhiSeeds...:)

Ras, thanks man..i like her too, the girlfriend says this weed gets her battered..with no cure it is potent enough it seems, i bet it would be somthing to remember at 2months+ cure, i said this one was the better of the two when i saw resin a 2.5weeks flower..:D

Here is the other NCCP, aptly named B, 2nd best of six girls. :)
<<More congo in growth n structure, i think this expression is better than the congoF1 girl from before, more potent n tasty..:yummy:

Thanks for share it Bean,

Im glad the Congo crosses are woking even better than straight congo, the last photo shows an expcetional branching and growth, good luck on the new congo projects and hybrids!


Nada problemo mi amigo Dubi, thanks for bringing these genes to market..;)

<<<B...from semilia.
It seems that specimen A is Nepal dominant, and specimen B towards the ccp father side..the congo dominant is warm, soothing daytime smoke, active with a little eratic vibe, good cardiac weed, not bad at all in terms of overall phenotype.
<<<A...from clone..
Upon first testing of specimen A, it seems this is the one to look for, atleast where the flowers are concerned, more resin, more flava, more potency. The first run was too cold and there wasnt much, im vegging up another for a second run, i think a search for some males is needed...definatly the structure of B with the resin of A is what to look for inside the F2...:)


ACE Seeds Breeder
Your thoughts are correct,

A has more congolese influenced flowers while B is more nepalese-paki dominant. Good eye! ;)


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
this is driving me crazy! I cant wait till my order gets here! :joint: great show BeAN and company!!




Jah bless... :joint:

^^The one in the front is the same cut as above, pheno A, thinner leaves than the ones here, which i put down to more light and no veg, and here a lower intensity 24hr cfl veg, then 250W hps flower..a bit more finnicky than the B, but better smoke in terms of potency, the B is good if ya suddenly have to go to work, cos its fine, things flow....but the other one, not good, i regretted smoking all day and then having to work for the first time since my adventure with ace..haha, thats why imma keep both, sprout some more beans and try to open polinate to the best of my capacity and make F2's..these two were picked simply because they made buds quick, the others were slower and didnt have the flower density at 3wks..Specimen A had nugs n resin by then and the B was taller than all of them, but had the pre-trichome stalks and then the exact smell of the finished nepal mother, as the resin increased towards 9wks or somthing the smell changed and became more fruity like the A was to begin with, the other 4 girls from this batch all had this similar smell early on. So, the nepal mother was not fruity at all, but has passed flower structure to the B, the nepal was way tall, but so was one of the congo males, which wasnt a pollen doner in this cross, the A pheno doesnt flower like Banghi the grandmother ive been told, or the nepal, so its either paki or congo 3 flower structure, it looks like the nepal from clone, the leaves may be adaptation to lower light intensity, the small pot n 24hr lights dont help..:chin:

So, i believe these 2 individuals are the middle of the spectrum, the slower ones were to either end of the spectrum...i look forward to poping more and finding a male or two, inshallah...:)

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