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My arsenal is considered a form of life insurance. You want safety? Protect yourself. It's not very complicated. If you keep your business to yourself you shouldn't have any problems. If trouble comes your way let them bathe in hot lead.

Dude my 5.7 is accurate and strong enough to take down decent sized game. Around here the deer get pretty close and wild turkeys abound. I won't go hungry. A 5.7 round is accurate to 600+' but that won't happen in the Five-seveN.

Life insurance to me also means the ability to feed myself. I'll take care of that better with my next purchase though.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
im sorry but most home invaders run scared if someone is home and if they are willing to hurt you they in all likelyhood would only do so because you pull a weapon..

like i said before they are there for your property not your life...

what about hunters, and i believe you mean conscientious, if so, have you ever killed someone, do you even know someone that has killed another human, prolly not, so dont go talking about how you wouldn't have even the slightest regret for killing someone no matter the circumstances...

LOL YOU DONT KNOW ME. ANYONE COMES OVER HERE AND TRYS AND ROB ME YOU WILL FIND OUT HOW I FEEL. We all dont think and feel like you do. WTF does a hunter have to do with any of this discussion. Im a hunter go ofter mostly duck,Pheasant love it.
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I'm sorry for you all that you live in a place where you need to have guns and ammo to feel safe. That you have decided to kill others and go to war over the thought of feeling safe.

I wonder if it's because of all the guns you all have or the way you treat your fellow people.


Active member
its pretty unlikely someone is gunna break into your house just to kill you, and if so you most likely have beef with the person so thats a different story.

i dont have to watch my back, and if someone breaks into my house it's to steal something, something i may care about but all in all i value human life more than any material good, let them have it, let them lead a guilt ridden empty life... i can move on...

whodare i have heard many anti-gunnies express your sentiments...that if someone was to rob or break into their house, you would simply "let them take whatever they want and leave"

yes in many cases the robbers are simply there to steal a laptop or some shit and bounce out....

but i want you to realize you are GAMBLING with your life because you are assuming that a brazen criminal will not harm you...if you live alone than its all on you, but if you have a wife and kids to defend it would be extremely selfish and naive to simply let them break in and have their way...

as a victim, YOU HAVE NO WAY TO POSITIVELY IDENTIFY YOUR ATTACKERS INTENTIONS....they could be there to rob your laptop, or there to rape your wife and kids....

dont give them the benefit of the doubt, if they are inside your house draw down on them and kill them...

i have NO sympathy for rippers...i would have zero guilt about gunning down a pathetic waste of life ripper...


Active member
I'm sorry for you all that you live in a place where you need to have guns and ammo to feel safe. That you have decided to kill others and go to war over the thought of feeling safe.

I wonder if it's because of all the guns you all have or the way you treat your fellow people.

guns are a tool, only anti gunnies express your sentiments that our society is messed up because of guns.....if you truely want to stop gun violence you gotta reach out to the younger generation of pistol packing gangbangers...banning guns will not do SHIT because criminals will find ways to get the weapons they need...

guns are every persons right to self defense...to protect your life family and assets, and as a tool in survival scenario to hunt for food....if you live in the middle of an urban environment like most liberal anti gunnies, there isnt much need for a gun. but get out into the countryside and rural areas and you will begin to see their necessity..

i really cannot get on board with you anti gunnies who want to "ban all the guns".....sounds good on paper but has no real life application process...japan has a virtual ban on guns yet they still have a high suicide rate and have murders from samurai swords, knifes, baseball bats you name it......who are you to deny the right of self defense to an eldery or disabled person who has no way to physically defend themselves...GUNS ARE THE GREAT EQUALIZER! a 300 lb ex convict would destroy me in a 1v1 fist fight and possibly kill me, my .40 caliber evens out the scenario a bit...

and whodare...got good friends who have dealth with rippers in the past, i see no sense of regret in their eyes....instead i see a sparkle and smile lol...

have you ever been the victim of a crime or robbery....when you see in your attackers eyes that he truely wants to harm you and has no regard for your life....it is not hard to feel the same about him. THE ONLY GOOD RIPPER IS A DEAD ONE!!


guns are a tool, only anti gunnies express your sentiments that our society is messed up because of guns.....if you truely want to stop gun violence you gotta reach out to the younger generation of pistol packing gangbangers...banning guns will not do SHIT because criminals will find ways to get the weapons they need...

guns are every persons right to self defense...to protect your life family and assets, and as a tool in survival scenario to hunt for food....if you live in the middle of an urban environment like most liberal anti gunnies, there isnt much need for a gun. but get out into the countryside and rural areas and you will begin to see their necessity..

i really cannot get on board with you anti gunnies who want to "ban all the guns".....sounds good on paper but has no real life application process...japan has a virtual ban on guns yet they still have a high suicide rate and have murders from samurai swords, knifes, baseball bats you name it......who are you to deny the right of self defense to an eldery or disabled person who has no way to physically defend themselves...GUNS ARE THE GREAT EQUALIZER! a 300 lb ex convict would destroy me in a 1v1 fist fight and possibly kill me, my .40 caliber evens out the scenario a bit...

and whodare...got good friends who have dealth with rippers in the past, i see no sense of regret in their eyes....instead i see a sparkle and smile lol...

have you ever been the victim of a crime or robbery....when you see in your attackers eyes that he truely wants to harm you and has no regard for your life....it is not hard to feel the same about him. THE ONLY GOOD RIPPER IS A DEAD ONE!!
JUST YEAP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


I knew of some growers about 5 years back where some rippers came in, tied them up, shot the guy and he sat there for a day or two and lucky to have survived. Just a few months ago in my little nowhere town some peeps invaded a house, robbed them and raped the wife. That was almost certainly an inside job but still just up the road from me.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Every time I SEE a home invasion the occupants are beaten and or killed so where you get your info from is bogus. Most of these people are High and will do what ever they need to to get there next high that includes killing you your wife kids, dogs, birds,cats,fish.

Those of us that are willing to protect our families in no way indicates we are insensitive or have no feelings. Im not the one that broke into someone home. They know the risk. If they take that risk there should be prepared to die


Active member

dude you are acting like most anti gunnies...assuming most gun owners are wannabe badass john wayne types...of course there are mall ninja types guys who brag about wanting to kill people, wear army fatigues even though they never served, etc.....

there is nothing "gangster" about wanting to defend your life, family and property from the evil elements.....there is nothing "gangster" about owning a gun to hunt or enjoy recreational target shooting...

you are protecting yourself from the "gangstas"....

seriously...have any you anti gunnies ever experiancing getting robbed? especially if you have a family to defend! its downright selfish and irresponsible to NOT have something in place to protect them.....

my dad is such an anti-gun idiot sometimes...he claims he could disarm intruders with his karate, LMAO.....


Back to the OP. why the fuck u want bullets an no way to fire them??? This is a black or white thing for me. I am an Alpha male, my job is to protect my pack/clan. I hav several patients who may not see Christmas. Trust me when I say they are more important than anyone comin into my world uninvited. "You don't hav to respect me, But you will by God Fear Me"


Active member
i also want to emphasize that growhouse robberies are a little different than your standard BNE.....in growhouse robberies the burglars almost always know the victims, or they were hired by someone who knows about the grow...letting the growers live gives them the chance for a little private investigation and revenge...killing them silences any chance of people knowing who the intruder was..

i have heard of growhouse robberies where nothing happened, they broke in, stole plants, pistol whipped victims, and left... but i have also heard of many more from up in shasta county down to souther california where the growers and people living there with them were savagely murdered to cover up evidence....and many other instances where intruders broke in not to steal anything, but to commit rape or other heinouse crimes...

you have absolutely zero chance of predicting your attackers intentions, until you can read minds treat every intruder as if they are immediately harming your life...


if your grow is legal, and your gun is legal, then you are fine. at least in cali.

I was busted with a 12ga shotgun and 2lbs of bud, both were legal so the charges were dropped and i got the shit back from the pigs. true story.


Active member
look i stated a while back my only opposition is having guns in a grow, its a bad combo for you butthole and the image of other growers... sad but true,

i am 100% for everyones right to carry a weapon, sucks i have a drug felony so i can't or its a mandatory 2-5

my other beef is people thinking its that easy to kill, sure your finger might pull the trigger but when its over its likely your mind didnt, to say you would feel no guilt is naive, ever heard of ptsd, go talk to some soilders who killed in the name of america and see how killing another human effects the normal person...

it takes a truly sick person not to feel anything after killng no matter the circumstances.

shit i never said i dont have access to guns in my home, never said i didnt know how to use them.

and i would certainly protect my family, but that would start with a better neighborhood, maybe a good lock and alarm system, and lastly a weapon...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
you said you would let them take what they want not me. You would be an easy mark I feel for ya. I guess we are all sick people since we dont agree with your opinion


Active member
whodare thats what i was saying the whole time...gun is last resort, good locks, alarm, cameras, etc need to be combined with a gun for ultimate defense...

and yes i agree that guns and grows equals bad image for the medical marijuana scene...but what about dead growers and dead victims like the faces of the poor growers up in shasta who were brutally murdered...still got their faces in my head they did not deserve to die...the rippers who killed them deserve the worst possible of deaths...

and i have several friends who served overseas in the USMC...one was 0311 infantry in fallujah and told me he felt sorry about his squad accidently shooting a kid once...but that he had zero sympathy for any armed insurgant who caught a hot one....but you're right who knows what goes through his head at night, hes a heavy drinker and reclusive but i think most of his PTSD comes from his fellow marines getting killed, not over a dead hadji...but it comes down to this...its either him or me...if you didnt kill that ripper you might not be breathing right now. if you didnt kill that enemy soldier your best friend could be dead...

i have looked into my attackers eyes and seen his intentions to harm me....once that happens i really believe i would have no sympathy killing him..in that case i did not have a gun and had to fight with my bare hands and luckily got my shit back...but i will never forget that look in his eyes of "im gonna rob and kill you mother fucker"...

most of us who grow or involved in the "game" are not normal folks, some of us are downright crazy...it takes a certain level of insanity to commit felonies on a daily basis risking years in prison as our livelihood...im no thug gangster but im not a saint either, seen alot of violence growing up and i truely believe that burglars, rippers, goons whatever you want to cal them, are the bottom of the food chain and should be treated as such...

of course i would loose sleep over accidently killing an innocent person...but a god damn worthless ripper who was out to harm my life? really find it hard to feel sorry about that...
no, you said 'most' robbers just want materialistic things so you said you would let them take what they wanted and not stand in their way.

that was your argument.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
how true killing someone that is an innocent would give me extreme difficulties dealing with that. On the flip side those people that will kill me I have no feelings for at all.
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