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"America's High" on Anderson Cooper 360



Tonight's episode was good.. Rob was great!

He is correct after all that the FDA has a monopoly on the supply of Cannabis so we can't do the studies they demand.

What seemed a bit biased against legalizing was the report on the grow in the national forest and the second use of the farmacy video footage.
We already saw the farmacy so why emphasize the availability of Cannabis and Cannabis products twice except to entice a reaction. combine that with a Mexican cartel grow and the message is it's all illegal activity.
Did anyone notice the soil? Someone had amended the holes.

Also I would guess that the site was abandoned at least 12 hours or more before the "raid." because the plants in Veg had a strong odor like they needed water.
Then again I could be wrong on that since some strains have strong odors in Veg.

What was your impression of Tuesday's show?



not seen last nights yet but thoughtthe first night was somewhat biased...wish our favorite lesbian hadn't said things about "needing" it to relax...sounds too much like addiction.....but at least she has a clue...but then the crazy lady with thoughts of suicide before and after use..oh well can't "cure" everyone with one magic toke..some crazy people are just that....and then the doc who says research suggests that continued used results in depression and anxiety...gee I look for this stuff but must have missed that article...hope last night is better


all praises are due to the Most High
JackTheGrower, you forgot to add they also interview a catholic priest inside his church and he says that medicinal cannabis is just a front for plain old drug addicts (plain old drug addicts is then used several times by narrator, interviewer and interviewed in a very negative way, like when a nazi says jew).

whoever had that guerilla op going was a noob too, the holes were way too noticeable, they did not add local mulch to the top soil to cover the tracks. plus, most plants were under and in-between trees, not much light there.

i am not liking one bit this 360 thing... there was a very ugly dude also interviewed, he said if we legalize, then in the future society would have to deal with an epidemic of drug addicts lol... i bet after the show he had a few drinks.



CNN loves to sell itself as an unbiased news source. What the fuck ever. This mythological unbiased news never even existed in the first place. It's like the anti-Fox news but a little slicker. Speaking of biased news, I love listening to NPR, all the freaking time, but it has some serious hardcore slants depending upon the reporter and show. That's how it all is, and everyone likes to holler "unbiased, straight from the source" but human nature dictates a slant. It just happens. News is a business, not some service.

People listen and trust the news they like and agree with. I challenge everyone to listen to news they don't agree with. Not just the simpleton style, easily smacked down variety, but some news that challenges and drops a knowledge bomb on your preconceived notions. Get on Pubmed and search for some cannabis studies that actually show some bad repercussions. Get out of the box, everyone, no matter what side of the fence you're on. It's healthy!

Sorry for the rant. I want to watch that little white haired Vanderbilt's special now that you posted about it. Thanks for the heads up.

No need for appologies, I could not agree more.
seems as of lately all the news outlets are giving the "decriminalize/medicinal marijuana debate big air time. a couple years back i would show up in the news form time to time but more recently it seems there is good coverage just about every other week or so.


i been tooning in every night but you gotta watch the whole AC report because the weed segment is only one small part of the whole show.. BUT real decent coverage none the less.

andersons got a huge hidden walk in grow closet at his crib and hes growing and smoking bogs shit right now.. lol


Active member
I like watching weeds better! Atleast they make no bones with letting people know it's fiction and lies. It was funny when they showed up build their guerilla site and someone else already had the spot, but let them go cause his genetics were top notch. A lot of the anti cannabis people that show up on TV are severely misinformed and have issues because of OTHER drugs. To that bipolar woman. SHe can go fuck herself, I'm bipolar too. She obviously didn't try using a mood stabilizer and cannabis to complement each other, or she would have a different story.
been alota shows lately, cause they have been pulling ratings. cnbc did theirs and it was cnbc most watch'd special ever. And that was after nat-geo did a nice ratings pull on theirs. i always enjoy watching them but still at the end of the shows always feel like are pro-ponets for the cause on the shows never get a good message across. the crime that criminalization has brought to are great country is always something i feel is never told in the way it should be. they never touch on how hemp by far is one of the best textile goods on the face of the earth, and how the goverment has let company like dupont dictate policy of are nation. It isnt the social/medical issues that keep us from decriminalizing, its the fat cat lobbyist payn fat cat policy makers to protect the intrest of the big corp world. just remember it isnt a war on drugs its a war on personal freedoms.
horribly biased. They interview a public figure with breast cancer who was saved by MJ, then interview a teacher who wont identify herself who claims she was almost driven to suicide by mj... even though she was suicidal before starting mj

Storm Crow

Active member
My take on the "cat lady" teacher....

My take on the "cat lady" teacher....

Even the unstable teacher (who WAS helped by cannabis for a while) agreed that it should be legal. I wonder what strains were effective for her at first-were they street sativas? Did the cannabis start to "lose effectiveness" when she began to buy at dispensaries, buying the high THC strains?

I think she was getting the dispensary's usual THC-rich strains and although she was getting higher (easy to feel), she was not getting the calming dose of CBD (very subtle effects, compared to a THC high) that might have helped her.

And if she had been on pills that lost effectiveness and she got suicidal, the doctor would have just changed her to a different pill. How is her cannabis use any different? Perhaps she had changed to a high CBD /lower THC variety, she would have done better.

I do understand about her wanting to hide her identity. I wouldn't have let my face be seen either. I also work in the educational system, and since Arnie wimped out on the job protection bill, no Californian MMJ user is safe. The schools take a very dim view of using "illegal drugs", even when they are legal (state-wise, anyway).


(And my 2 big cats are way bigger and fluffier than hers! :nanana:)

I do hope the lithium helps her though.

Granny :joint:


Active member
So today Sanjay Gupta said there are lots of medical benefits to MMJ and showed how the addiction theories comparing it to other drugs show that it's much safer than legal substances. He even exposed the marinol myth and that THC isn't the only thing that matters in cannabis.

Tomorrow they are showing a real grow lol!
It was proven during the presidental elections how the media, especially CNN, effects overall public opinion. So far, especially tonight from what I saw, Anderson seems to be on our side and they seem to be trying to educate the public on a superficial layer. The "con" side they have to present isnt as hardcore damaging as I expected. Even CNN Dr Sanjia admitted to the medical benefits. For CNN, I've been pretty impressed so far and think it has done alot of good in making a step towards the media not thinking of marijuana as the devils weed.


I took offense to the "Pot PUSHER" comment and Gupta was speaking too fast and unclear for the average viewer to understand.

To Me tonight's show, on a cursory level the average viewer operates at attention span wise IMO, was horribly biased against legalization.

That Gupta was more or less honest; he was doing it in a defensive mode.. Not very strong toned in his answers that favored the safety of Cannabis. Not very concise for the short attention span the average viewer has.

I'm seeing a serious bias for the week so far IMO...

One poster wrote it's about ratings and selling commercials. That may be the point of this week long "debate."



sadly every part of anything that is connected to cnn is also connected to our favorite flowers demise so fuck cnn and fuck the bumbacaaat dude that was arguing against the mpp.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Thought it was a good and pretty unbiased show. The doc was honest as could be without basically saying im for it and lets legelize! He turned down the top doc post with Obama's cabinet so he got major cred. and is a freaking brain surgeon! We have to realize tho that there are other sides to this and they will need to get their stance out also. I think the tide has really changed for MMJ and it is easily headed towards some sort of legelization on a Fed level soon. Look at the other thread about the city of Garden grove's 135k bill for taking a guys herb! The AG of our state wrote a letter in favor of the guy when it went to court upholding his rights to have it! Tell me thats not progress people!!? And is it me or can you see Anderson taste testing joints and sucking down browines in one of the green rooms?

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