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3rd-Eye Jedi
Oh.....thank you for your kind indulgence, and that super advice about eating a sandwich with a turd in it.......jeez....

lol where did I say I was a surgeon I came form a family of them and a trait is ocd/psychopathy which I was exposed to in spades

and drawing a conclusion is not inverting it just shows how you superimpose your perspective as correct opposed as relative as you claim it to be

your trying to hard


3rd-Eye Jedi
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
conversely you can't hone physical skills that require it and detach from it at the same time so I can get the difficulty you have seeing outside the lens of your own imprint

That doesn't make any sense at all....well not to me anyway.
when you are so physically engaged as a lifestyle you have less time to ponder shit

that make sense?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
not that the imprint is negative but being closed minded to validity being personally relative only means behavior has on consequence

Another load of clap-trap.

not a logical retort

WHY is it claptrap?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ever think maybe britian is over driven with testosterone and psychopathy after years of dominating every minority and using them?

Nope.......it never crossed my mind, did you ever think that of the USA?


we have invaded 9 out of every 10 countries, that is news to the world

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]that isn't the only part of your being you have expressed I have heard so many other good things that this makes little sense to me except that life has fed you a shit sandwich and that taste is ripe in the mouth

Its quite plain to me that you are off your rocker sunshine.

or your still bitter about your situation and in denial of how hard it is effecting you and like I said in this regard I certainly feel for you

shame you have such a hard time with it

I'd call you sweet meat but like I said you sound bitter :p

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
I can't blame you there and one of the hardest things I heard was learn to eat a shit sand which and like it when it came to something as near and dear to me.

Your eating habits certainly don't appeal to me

or I was alluding to being separated unfairly from the ones I loved

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Needless to say it took over a decade to work past it and it did nothing but eat me up but hey your a fighter your not going to just take my word for it, took me ten years of suffering to figure it out.

To figure what out?

letting things beyond my control undermine my well being and that of those around me offers nothing but time that could have been spent better in other ways to the end of all involved

good luck


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
lol where did I say I was a surgeon I came form a family of them and a trait is ocd/psychopathy which I was exposed to in spades

Maybe you should pay better attention to how you're relentless diatribe reads, then perhaps we might have a better understanding as to what exactly you are attempting to say.

and drawing a conclusion is not inverting it just shows how you superimpose your perspective as correct opposed as relative as you claim it to be

We all have our own perspective over a range of topics, mine is no more valid than yours.....but to me it is the correct perspective....for the moment, but it could always change via access to new knowledge about any given subject.

your trying to hard

Too hard?.....I couldn't really be arsed to even try enough, when conversing with a self-proclaimed mad-man.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Women are different than men, they are more emotional on average been that way for thousands of years. Some women are more manly of course.

But the whole transgenders should be able to compete in sports of the gender they identify as is absolute bullshit. Brock Lesner decides to have a sex change and fights women in the UFC well he's certainly going to have an unfair advantage dudes a beast.

Bottom line women and men are completely different clearly. We also have different views for the most part, majority of vegetarians are female, majority of hunters and farmers are males. Women are just different and it sure seems like estrogen and testosterone are the biggest difference. Tranny's get estrogen pills to help them stop growing facial hair and shit. Trans women get testosterone pills to grow facial hair.

what do trannys have to do with infleunce on american votes and a trump driven america?

you know what I derive from this on a personal level

a bunch of dudes who call themselves men but are still trigger but inappropriate instinctive fear like a little girls fear of spiders and snakes

I know especially none of hte he men haters here have enough first hand experience with the people they hate to have an opinion that matches statistical reality

lol have you missed the like mindedness here? where are the scientists and all the other great minds and professionals who have embraced cannabis?

Come on if you can't come to terms with your own personal shortcomings you are a slave to self

why even grow or smoke pot?

lol cause its criminal?


3rd-Eye Jedi
Too hard?.....I couldn't really be arsed to even try enough, when conversing with a self-proclaimed mad-man.

lol mental illness doesn't make me illogical it just makes me feel emotions that are not reasonable which is why I had to learn to let logic prevail over them

that is the whole fucking point and the reason I break teh law to smoke pot and why I devote myself to Buddhism as those did who sustained you in your darkest times

was it for this?
Hops also contain phytoestrogens, so all those hardcore beer drinking, double IIPA loving American men must all secretly be sissies :lol:

moose eater

And now, for a word from our sponsors...

"No stems, no seeds that you don't need.. Acapulco Gold is BAAAAAD AAAAASSED WEEEED!!"

St. Phatty

Active member
Oh.....thank you for your kind indulgence, and that super advice about eating a sandwich with a turd in it.......jeez....

That reminds me of Rita Mae Brown's autobiography, "Rubyfruit Jungle".

She feeds some schoolyard bully a box of raisins. That have been replaced with rabbit turds.

Good book.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Man it's a little tense in here isn't it...


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Bud Green

I dig dirt
And now, for a word from our sponsors...

"No stems, no seeds that you don't need.. Acapulco Gold is BAAAAAD AAAAASSED WEEEED!!"

Help me out here...

I'm wracking my brain out trying to remember where I remember that little ditty from??!!
I know it's really old, but where???


Active member
I'm going to drink a double IPA and fondle my flabby manbreasts.

Dose anyone think we should have a section on IC Mag for posting porno???? I think it would be pretty cool.

Bumbatar you and Mr.Mustard should get together for a "man date", kill 2 birds with 1 stone bro :biggrin:

PS: I have a strong feeling the ladies at ICMag wouldn't appreciate the porn section, unless it's pics of dank buds or Chippendales :tiphat:


Dose anyone think we should have a section on IC Mag for posting porno???? I think it would be pretty cool.

You mean like dick pics?
It would certainly settle a lot of arguments here if you could just post a pic of your dick with a tape measure behind it. The biggest dick wins. In the end I'd probably get sick of winning every argument, but hey, we all make sacrifices.
If you are talking about dick pics, maybe you should think of changing your handle. “Bumbatar”, hmmmmmm :biggrin:
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