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Gimme a break Mick! I've heard some Aussies use plenty of bad names when talking to or about the Aboriginies..

Yeah, you're right. I was talking about white people but should of thought it through. Years ago I had an aborigonal girlfriend up north and got to know the community well. They actually turned my life around and taught me the joys of community and sharing. When I travel I still seem to connect with them more than my own race. Rascism is big in Oz.

''''''''''''''''Isn't that just kinda the Aussie equivalent of 'trailer trash" or 'sewer rat"?'''''''''''''''''

They're usually just young kids being stupid. Honestly, being called a bogan today is no big deal. About the same as being called a dickhead, it's soft.


3rd-Eye Jedi
You can be honest and forthright, without being rude and aggressive in nature. As I traveled the world, 1 common opinion of Americans was present....loud, rude, aggressive, brash...don't be one of them, I'm sick of defending the last drunk Texan that came before me.

Smoke a nice bowl, and relax :tiphat:

it offset the bias against minorities

I am not the one alluding to estrogen being a weakness or Muslim beliefs or homosexuality or any other human phenotype different than my own or allowing that type of mindset to be promoted on a community site under my control

and I am not afraid to show people how it feels to be on the receiving end of it when they say this thread is for honest open dialog no holds barred

i grew up being taught don't dish it out if you can't take it


Active member
I am not afraid to show people how it feels to be on the receiving end of it when they say this thread is for honest open dialog no holds barred

i grew up being taught don't dish it out if you can't take it

I appreciate candor and honesty, and agree with defending one's rights/honor...with that said: This certainly isn't a "no holds barred" format, it's a forum for civil discussion and exchange of view points...or the thread will be closed.



Well-known member
the estrogen comment to start

I thought it was obvious enough

It's actually true though....

Another strange but true thing is the water is making the frogs gay. Thankfully I have spring water from the tap. Of course the frogs ain't actually gay they are just turning into females because of a chemical in the water. Male frogs turning into female frogs, must be the same reason for so many men getting surgical vaginas. Sure ladyboys happened long ago, but now it's a big thing, almost normal, but something is certainly causing this phenomenon.


Of course soy is pretty bad too, so bad they are now called soyboys. :biggrin:


Active member
It's actually true though....

Another strange but true thing is the water is making the frogs gay. Thankfully I have spring water from the tap. Of course the frogs ain't actually gay they are just turning into females because of a chemical in the water. Male frogs turning into female frogs, must be the same reason for so many men getting surgical vaginas. Sure ladyboys happened long ago, but now it's a big thing, almost normal, but something is certainly causing this phenomenon.


Of course soy is pretty bad too, so bad they are now called soyboys. :biggrin:

I raise 6 kinds of frogs here, haven't noticed any shenanigans going on...I must be new at this :dance013:But if anyone is going to dominate the ponds, it will be the bullfrogs.


It's actually true though....

Another strange but true thing is the water is making the frogs gay. Thankfully I have spring water from the tap. Of course the frogs ain't actually gay they are just turning into females because of a chemical in the water. Male frogs turning into female frogs, must be the same reason for so many men getting surgical vaginas. Sure ladyboys happened long ago, but now it's a big thing, almost normal, but something is certainly causing this phenomenon.


Of course soy is pretty bad too, so bad they are now called soyboys. :biggrin:

The soy thing is confusing. Some Asian countries consume quite a bit of it yet have way better health outcomes than the west, with none of the western diseaes that plague us. If it was so bad you'd think disease would show up in their cultures too. Maybe their guts have evolved a way of dealing with it or maybe soy isn't the problem. There are many man made estrogen mimicking chemicals in the environment now. Just found out that wrapping cheese in Glad Rap (plastic) releases estrogens.


Well-known member
The soy thing is confusing. Some Asian countries consume quite a bit of it yet have way better health outcomes than the west, with none of the western diseaes that plague us. If it was so bad you'de think disease would show up in their cultures too. Maybe their guts have evolved a way of dealing with it.

Thailand does have a hell of a lot of ladyboys, not sure about the rest of Asia but I would imagine most of them aren't so accepting. I'm sure it does effect people differently like most drugs.

Really, even testosterone based steroids can cause man boobs but certainly not in everyone, probably just a minority of steroid users.


Well-known member
in the defense of soy(someone has to)
the current clinical snapshot i see that it does not significantly lower testosterone levels
and it's not estrogen in there, they're isoflavones, some similarities to estrogen
but also differences, soy is linked to some good things to reduction of human disease


3rd-Eye Jedi
It's actually true though....

Another strange but true thing is the water is making the frogs gay. Thankfully I have spring water from the tap. Of course the frogs ain't actually gay they are just turning into females because of a chemical in the water. Male frogs turning into female frogs, must be the same reason for so many men getting surgical vaginas. Sure ladyboys happened long ago, but now it's a big thing, almost normal, but something is certainly causing this phenomenon.


Of course soy is pretty bad too, so bad they are now called soyboys. :biggrin:

I never said it wasn't but was is that saying about half the earths population that is estrogen driven aka women? or how it effects decision making?

you ever think the reason people who think everyone is driven the same way by emotion are driven by emotion themselves and they can't imagine a reality outside of that imprint?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
the estrogen comment to start

I thought it was obvious enough

Where you get to accusing me of being misogynistic for merely stating the fact that certain foods increase the estrogen in men, so creating female secondary sexual characteristics in men......is beyond me matey.

google it, the proof is out there.


3rd-Eye Jedi
and fwiw i used to eat raw bacon as a kid and one of my current nick names is animal

wanna spoon?

moose eater

Still packing for the trip that begins the first phase of travel on Saturday. Needing to get 50 gallons or so of gas yet, and pack some things, as well as break down auger heads and apply some good arctic grease to the crude reduction-drive gear systems in there so they don't eat themselves, and we're told that there's more snow where we're going than has been there in many years, as well as seriously problematic overflow this year... So we need, emphasis on NEED, to get some snowshoes to strap to the machines. Something I rarely bother with out there.

But thanks for the well-wishes.

All of that preamble out of the way, Igrowone had inquired some pages back as to the evolution of the American election/voting system.

I'm not completed in my mind's eye view and contemplations of what might make our system work for the public and Independents in particular; the Commoners, and the rest who are often given the choice of either opting out and staying home, or voting for partisans they really don't desire, but chose over the real 'toxic candidates.'

Bar parties. Run individuals. No donor money allowed to gather candidate signatures, and if any persons and their friends can, pro bono, gather 10,000 or 20,000 signatures saying they think the person in question has good ideas, then they get into phase one.

Bar corruption, even if implicit; no smoking gun required. Someone helped run your campaign to success, and you engage in handing out favors to them, personally enriching them or the9ir families, at the public's expense, off to prison you go. (*BOTH mainstream parties would cringe at that idea, and they damned well should!!)

Keep advertising for candidates off corporate/private air-waves; have public funded frequencies (television and radio stations) where once a person has the required baseline # of signatures showing they have ample local support, they get ad time allotted -evenly-, without charge. That way the money is removed from the game at the beginning, and those with no interest in having their regular commercialized television and radio programming disturbed by folks who've sold their souls for outrageously expensive air time, don't have to endure that frustration. It's a win:win.

Use instant run-off voting so folks can vote first place/choice, second, third, fourth, etc., for the person whose ideas most closely match their beliefs, even if that person is an independent from the Outlands supporting true idealism the likes of which we rarely see..

Use paper-only ballots, numbered semi-anonymously with a matching stub or receipt, so there's an opportunity for some hard-core accountability in the event of allegations of fraud (*see the documentary 'Uncounted' re. flipping voting machines with thumb-drives, for starters; I could give real examples of questionable counts, including in Alaska).

Choose the first 4, 5, 6, (?) candidates in order of preference for a given spot. If your first choice loses, your second choice gets counted, and so on, until there's a majority of votes for someone. That would permit for the idealists who often get squelched early on.

Those are some of my thoughts, some of them from others that I've considered and found merit in, and some of them my own.

What I do know is that if we want to continue gifting the elections to the Oligarchy's chosen puppets and stooges, then keep doing what we're doing, and that'll eventually head us straight toward revolution, which I often personally think is way past due.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Where you get to accusing me of being misogynistic for merely stating the fact that certain foods increase the estrogen in men, so creating female secondary sexual characteristics in men......is beyond me matey.

google it, the proof is out there.

Yes but then your comment is that people are driven by hormones and many let logic rule past it and it alludes that people with estrogen make worse decisions.

conversely you can't hone physical skills that require it and detach from it at the same time so I can get the difficulty you have seeing outside the lens of your own imprint

not that the imprint is negative but being closed minded to validity being personally relative only means behavior has on consequence

ever think maybe britian is over driven with testosterone and psychopathy after years of dominating every minority and using them?

I know that mindset well because I come form a family of them, can't be a surgeon without detaching from any meaning of life and death

that isn't the only part of your being you have expressed I have heard so many other good things that this makes little sense to me except that life has fed you a shit sandwich and that taste is ripe in the mouth

I can't blame you there and one of the hardest things I heard was learn to eat a shit sand which and like it when it came to something as near and dear to me.

Needless to say it took over a decade to work past it and it did nothing but eat me up but hey your a fighter your not going to just take my word for it, took me ten years of suffering to figure it out.

Maybe you will do better than I will for both our sakes I hope you do.


Well-known member
I never said it wasn't but was is that saying about half the earths population that is estrogen driven aka women? or how it effects decision making?

you ever think the reason people who think everyone is driven the same way by emotion are driven by emotion themselves and they can't imagine a reality outside of that imprint?

Women are different than men, they are more emotional on average been that way for thousands of years. Some women are more manly of course.

But the whole transgenders should be able to compete in sports of the gender they identify as is absolute bullshit. Brock Lesner decides to have a sex change and fights women in the UFC well he's certainly going to have an unfair advantage dudes a beast.

Bottom line women and men are completely different clearly. We also have different views for the most part, majority of vegetarians are female, majority of hunters and farmers are males. Women are just different and it sure seems like estrogen and testosterone are the biggest difference. Tranny's get estrogen pills to help them stop growing facial hair and shit. Trans women get testosterone pills to grow facial hair.


majority of vegetarians are female,

That's interesting and the first time I've heard it, so checked google and came up with this.
"We're not sure what exactly it means that there's such a significant female majority when it comes to vegans — that women are more dedicated, more hardcore, more health conscious, more compassionate???"
It's all good.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes but then your comment is that people are driven by hormones and many let logic rule past it and it alludes that people with estrogen make worse decisions.

Stop inventing stuff I never said or even alluded to

conversely you can't hone physical skills that require it and detach from it at the same time so I can get the difficulty you have seeing outside the lens of your own imprint

That doesn't make any sense at all....well not to me anyway.

not that the imprint is negative but being closed minded to validity being personally relative only means behavior has on consequence

Another load of clap-trap.

ever think maybe britian is over driven with testosterone and psychopathy after years of dominating every minority and using them?

Nope.......it never crossed my mind, did you ever think that of the USA?

I know that mindset well because I come form a family of them, can't be a surgeon without detaching from any meaning of life and death

Its news to me that you are a surgeon, you told me that you live at home, hardly ever go out, and spend most of your time under the kitchen sink once upon a time.

that isn't the only part of your being you have expressed I have heard so many other good things that this makes little sense to me except that life has fed you a shit sandwich and that taste is ripe in the mouth

Its quite plain to me that you are off your rocker sunshine.

I can't blame you there and one of the hardest things I heard was learn to eat a shit sand which and like it when it came to something as near and dear to me.

Your eating habits certainly don't appeal to me

Needless to say it took over a decade to work past it and it did nothing but eat me up but hey your a fighter your not going to just take my word for it, took me ten years of suffering to figure it out.

To figure what out?

Maybe you will do better than I will for both our sakes I hope you do.

Oh.....thank you for your kind indulgence, and that super advice about eating a sandwich with a turd in it.......jeez....


Well-known member
That's interesting and the first time I've heard it, so checked google and came up with this.
"We're not sure what exactly it means that there's such a significant female majority when it comes to vegans — that women are more dedicated, more hardcore, more health conscious, more compassionate???"
It's all good.

I'd say more emotional/compassionate certainly nothing to do with health. Vegetables are healthy but so is meat, especially eggs and fish.
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