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Well-known member
It will be 3rd world-ish if you guys don't wake up and b*tchslap the cheeto covered POS con man that you have in office, to the curb.

He doesn't care about you.... he doesn't care about ANYONE except himself and his grandiose delusions, and will drag you down with him, gladly, like he already is.

'If i can't be the boss of the world, why even have a world?' is his mantra.

And don't even say 'don't bring politics into it'.... it's not politics when the one at the top is a try hard dictator.

Snap out of it America.

Have you not been paying attention at all ?

Gen Wesley Clarke - Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries in Five Years -


None of what you see in the news is just happenstance, , , all these maneuvers have been planned long ago.

Please note : these countries have been invaded or bombed by each subsequent administration. .. regardless of Democrat or Republican

People watch news and think. . . " oh, Assad ( or Qadaffi, or Hussein, or Kim, or Iran, or fill in any bad guy you hear about in the news ) did this, that crossed the line, now US has to do something ". . . that is what people are led to believe. . . many times using same lame ass excusees like WMD's or some other bullshit. . . and yet, some people cant find the intelligence to stop believing the major news outlets. . . oh well

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes I wholeheartedly agree geneva sativa, people are so easily led into thinking what the MSM wants them to think, and react in such a way that they are socially engineered to react.

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I find American history intrinsically interesting. The USA has had many great statesmen in the past. I wonder if any of you have heard of the great Frederick Douglass?

Here are a few of his quotes:

It is easier to build strong children then to repair broken men- Frederick Douglas.

If there is no struggle there is no progress.

It is not light we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind and the earthquake.

Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground.

I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican. And I never intend to be a part of any other party than the party of freedom and progress.

No man can put a chain around the ankle of another man without at last finding the other end fastened around his own neck.

America is false to the past, false to the present and solemnly bonds herself to being false to the future.

The life of the nation is secure only as long as the nation is honest, truthful and virtuous.

To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker.

Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.

Frederick Douglas. The first black man and leader who was invited to the White House by Abraham Lincoln (Republican as well) first black leader who was invited and attended the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln and one of Abe’s finest critics.

From Slave to Bestselling Author and Advisor to Presidents- The Great Frederick Douglass

(link to brief youtube documentary, only 10 minutes!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0spMvHeRIw

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Thank the Cosmos that Edward Snowden did what he did.... His actions led to Russia doing a 180 and led to the Bear telling the Zionist to stay in your lane bro


Active member
It's all race and religion phobia. Shit that could not be less important is the totality of peoples reality and esteem.

They made it a federal crime to speak against ww1. Now they just spy on you. So if you grow or toke they make it that you broke those laws. When the reality is purely political fiction.


I find American history intrinsically interesting. The USA has had many great statesmen in the past. I wonder if any of you have heard of the great Frederick Douglass?

Here are a few of his quotes:

It is easier to build strong children then to repair broken men- Frederick Douglas.

If there is no struggle there is no progress.

It is not light we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind and the earthquake.

Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground.

I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican. And I never intend to be a part of any other party than the party of freedom and progress.

No man can put a chain around the ankle of another man without at last finding the other end fastened around his own neck.

America is false to the past, false to the present and solemnly bonds herself to being false to the future.

The life of the nation is secure only as long as the nation is honest, truthful and virtuous.

To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker.

Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.

Frederick Douglas. The first black man and leader who was invited to the White House by Abraham Lincoln (Republican as well) first black leader who was invited and attended the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln and one of Abe’s finest critics.

From Slave to Bestselling Author and Advisor to Presidents- The Great Frederick Douglass

(link to brief youtube documentary, only 10 minutes!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0spMvHeRIw

Abraham payed a heavy price for that friendship and open mindedness.


Rubber Chicken

Have you not been paying attention at all ?

Gen Wesley Clarke - Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries in Five Years -


None of what you see in the news is just happenstance, , , all these maneuvers have been planned long ago.

Please note : these countries have been invaded or bombed by each subsequent administration. .. regardless of Democrat or Republican

People watch news and think. . . " oh, Assad ( or Qadaffi, or Hussein, or Kim, or Iran, or fill in any bad guy you hear about in the news ) did this, that crossed the line, now US has to do something ". . . that is what people are led to believe. . . many times using same lame ass excusees like WMD's or some other bullshit. . . and yet, some people cant find the intelligence to stop believing the major news outlets. . . oh well

I'm not talking about any of that... of course MSM is all full of garbage and pushing their own agenda.

I'm talking about looking at a mentally demented, self obsessed, 'i have a really good brain, like one of the bet brains', truly hideous, bottom of the barrel scum person and voting for him.

How could you NOT evaluate him as unfit?
Buffoons chanting 'USA, USA, USA'..... jesus christ.....


Well-known member
Yeah, I guess maybe folks got tired of the slick, smooth talking, politically correct candidates. . . and figured,

" What the hell. . . all the recent presidents have screwed America every chance they got. . . maybe he might be better "

but whenevr the media comes out so strongly against something. . . i tend to not give much credence to it. . . just going by their track record. . . and that of their masters.


Active member
the simple fact that the establishment is bothered by him makes me love it. i love watching those suck asses like Scott Pelley Rachel Maddow squirm and try to act like legit journalists. big middle finger to all the globalist scum!


Well-known member
america has gotten itself into some very 'conservative' waters, year by year it's become more and more
not saying it's wrong, but definitely more extreme
this is why Nixon could never be elected today, he was too damn liberal by today's standards


Active member
america has gotten itself into some very 'conservative' waters, year by year it's become more and more
not saying it's wrong, but definitely more extreme
this is why Nixon could never be elected today, he was too damn liberal by today's standards

I'd have to respectfully disagree..... repubs are no longer fiscally conservative, promote the surveillance state, spend billions oversees. I don't even know what that party stands for anymore. dems have split down the middle with half being the party of the rich and half being socialists. Shit is all over the place, but I'd say regretfully we are a generation away from socialism here in the states. which puts us 2 generations away from the collapse of the most dynamic economy and home of individual liberties the world has ever known


Well-known member
I'd have to respectfully disagree..... repubs are no longer fiscally conservative, promote the surveillance state, spend billions oversees. I don't even know what that party stands for anymore. dems have split down the middle with half being the party of the rich and half being socialists. Shit is all over the place, but I'd say regretfully we are a generation away from socialism here in the states. which puts us 2 generations away from the collapse of the most dynamic economy and home of individual liberties the world has ever known

it's a very slippery word
probably better put as 'anti liberal'
but the doesn't really capture it either
rough seas on the political oceans
i suppose if nothing else, change is in the air, the discontent is palpable


Active member
Agreed. Try as they might, people cannot just dump all this blame on trump. The globalists were chugging along fine during the bush-Clinton-bush days while raping us right along, Obama was a pussy on the world stage while shoving race politics and socialism down our throats back home. Trump inherits 350 million pissed off people because nothing thats happened in the past 30 years has been in the interest of average people. no wonder we sent a human hand grenade to washington


Well-known member
It will be 3rd world-ish if you guys don't wake up and b*tchslap the cheeto covered POS con man that you have in office, to the curb.

He doesn't care about you.... he doesn't care about ANYONE except himself and his grandiose delusions, and will drag you down with him, gladly, like he already is.

'If i can't be the boss of the world, why even have a world?' is his mantra.

And don't even say 'don't bring politics into it'.... it's not politics when the one at the top is a try hard dictator.

Snap out of it America.

Hey, don't worry about the orange fella, Obama down to Nixon have been much worse. Trump ain't done a damn thing that wasn't in place from Obomber.

Do you really think Hillary Clinton was a better option?? The lady bragging about murdering Gaddafi??


Active member
Socialism has the worst survailance aspect along with far more extrajudical exterminations and imprisonments.

The whole notion of government is what to do with ourselves and our money. Cllective security never really existed because what is good for one, is bad for another. I trully belueve we need fresh ideas.

But demcracy as we've never known it is hard to work out details. I just miss the early 80s. Didn't know squat and didn't care.

Rubber Chicken

Hey, don't worry about the orange fella, Obama down to Nixon have been much worse. Trump ain't done a damn thing that wasn't in place from Obomber.

Do you really think Hillary Clinton was a better option?? The lady bragging about murdering Gaddafi??

Hillary is pretty grotesque herself, i do agree...... but one thing i heard Sam Harris say almost made me fall off my chair laughing but i couldn't agree with him more,

"If you gave me a choice to randomly pick an American citizen or take Trump. I would roll the dice with random citizen."

Rubber Chicken

I saw this comment from reddit by someone when i was looking the Harris quote and i think it is close to my feelings....

I would roll the dice on ten random citizens if we had to pick the least qualified of the ten. Trump is that bad.

Maybe 1 in 100 would be worse, but it's hard to say. I don't actually know of anyone who would be worse without delving into the ranks of jihadists or serial killers. Trump has an uniquely extreme combination of ignorance and arrogance that makes him one of the worst people imaginable for this job. Combine that with a total lack of morality, blatant corruption, possible subservience to Russia, and the fact that he's probably a rapist, and it's really hard to imagine what could be worse... except an intelligent, competent version of Trump. Our greatest hope is that his incompetence will save us from his malice.


Well-known member
the only upside to trump is he's quickening the revolution. if hillary the **** clinton was president right now we wouldnt be discussing this.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Agreed. Try as they might, people cannot just dump all this blame on trump. The globalists were chugging along fine during the bush-Clinton-bush days while raping us right along, Obama was a pussy on the world stage while shoving race politics and socialism down our throats back home. Trump inherits 350 million pissed off people because nothing thats happened in the past 30 years has been in the interest of average people. no wonder we sent a human hand grenade to washington

Obama inherited the bush mortgage crisis without the nuclear death clock needing to being activated

trump is using america like a corporation and people still rather rationalize his innocence than see it for what it is

then again that is how this country got in this place the first place
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