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Am i the only one who finds this wrong?


"I'm smoking out of my bong with Ashcatcher."

Oh really dude? What's he like? Please, tell me more...

Wasted 16 seconds of my life.. LOL


thats about all it takes to see how fucked this is. if you watch the whole thing it will only send you into a rage. i don't recommend it. i fell across this kid while looking up vids about mango haze on youtube, and it has had me pissed since i first watched it. kids like this are only holding the cannabis community back with this shit.


C'mon guys, it's gotta be for his glaucoma, that is the face of a sick man, looks like his growth has been stunted.
Frustrated..... in a way... Only because I didnt think to make a multi filtration bong like that when I was his age. The lil fuck is kinda smart, I see a future grower without a doubt in my mind. Plus I sorta respect that hes just like fuck it, thats me and im smoking weed, come stop me if you dont like it. And also in a way thins makes me think more and more that we will see marijuana be legalized in the US before I die.

IDk why this would frustrate someone, maybe because he is young. But i smoked when I was his age, im not saying it was the right time to start but im not a hypocrite so I cant really say anything to the kid and many other ICmaggers smoked at his age. I thought it was funny that the kid knew he was rambling at one point, haha

Panama Red

Active member
Like none of you hypocritical jerk-offs got high when you were 15 or <15.

He's just got better glass than you losers had back then.......


Damn kids these days, at that age we had just shitty moroccoan hash around here :D


Active member
At first I lol'd had no idea that vid was going to be about Mj.. but man you gotta be young & stupid to become old and wise, remember that.. don't hate on the poor kid, he might be too young Imo, but he likes to chill like the rest of us!;)


say what yu will, but this is not a good thing for the community. say what you want to justify it i think this is only a set back. just becuase it's what you were doing at that age doesn't make it ok imo. if i could go back i would have focused more on school and work than getting high and drawing trippy shit. maybe that's why it makes me so mad is becuase i see myself in this kid, and i don't like it.


Active member
15 and thinks he needs to wake and bake. No WAY! Only if he is paying all hte bills and not by seliing drugs

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
as long as he gets his school work done and is not disruptive at home, what's the problem. his parents would have to be stupid not to know, so as long as they teach him to be a responsible productive member of society,

his recreational time is his.


Active member
Slightly. However, in the future if we find that it has no harmful effects on the development of children I wouldn't have a problem with it.