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Am I screwed? No more room for buds to grow...


Herbal relaxation...
I would just bend & bond them carefully if it would be my grow..

This way you dont put plant under a stress that much. Only the tops turned down will most likely reduce your yield, so bend & bond the whole branh instead, let it be woody or not, you can still B & & it...

Just rub the branch with your thumb and carefully bend it to position you would like to see it :wink:

Wount even consider topping in this stage :nono:

Also, the stem "snap" method works as well as carefull B & B, but produces whole lot more of stress, dont know if you are growing hermie prone strain??? Also, I will reduce your yield a bit, because plant has to put it´s energy for some days to rebuild that broken branch and I dont even gonna go there and explain how much toppin your top´s will increase flowatime & reduce yield!

The key word at flowering cycle is "low stress training" just my :2cents:


Active member
ICMag Donor
I know that it seems that a supercropped branch would cause a delay in things, similar to how topping would. But, I'm not convinced that a delay is actually the case.
I watched a top branch get too tall, and after supercropping it, the buds immediately started turning up (reaching vertical) and outgrowing what it looked like they would have been.
Now, this is all speculation, but I have a strong feeling the when we supercrop a branch the auxins go into hyperdrive and are rushed to the point of wound.
I am fairly certain, from witnessing how this works on many occasions, that this actually accelerates the bud growth above the bend.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
hoosierdaddy said:
I am fairly certain, from witnessing how this works on many occasions, that this actually accelerates the bud growth above the bend.

Absolutely. But, don't forget that our first move was to subtract 10" off the height.

My girl just straightened up like nothing happened. My Candy Canes however, performed much like a supercropped stem would. Buds along the top of the curve turned into mini colas. But, instead of a 16" single cola, it was several smaller colas.


Cozy Amnesia

Yeah I agree. I haven't noticed any ill effects from suppercropping this late in flowering.


Herbal relaxation...
Im really not that familiar with supercropping, but if it break the stem issue(bark), then plant certainly put´s some energy on to repairing it!!

However, if your supercroppin means just simple bending, then I agree it does only good things for yield in small spaces :yes:
Powerplant, topped + B & B :wink:

Neville´s Haze :D Only pinched & B&B :wink:



Ran across this thread last night, and it got me thinking about supercropping. I have two girls about 25 days into flower. One has outgrown the other by 13" which resulted in the smaller one getting minimum light while the taller one was getting too close to the light. Supercropping seemed like my answer, but was a little apprehensive about doing it during flower.

I pinched all the tops on the taller plant (was many because of LST) and everything looked horrible. I was a little freaked out becasue some of the stems split after bending them over. It was only an hour later that I noticed the tops and bud sites started to turn upwards. Supercropping didn't seem to slow it down a bit, and today it looks fine and is actually eating a bit more.

Tony Danza

You could do the extension thing:

Buy two more tubs and cut the top 6 1/2 inches off of the top of one and 4 1/2 off of the other and oppose them and tape them together with the flanges facing outward, this would add around 10" to the height and fit right onto your existing garden. Seems a little wasteful though, unless you could find a use for the bottom halves.


Herbal relaxation...
OK, so the supercroppin include stem break, right?

That said.. I know that method works more than well and can really explode node´s grow, but I wouldnt use it on flowering plants, at least not in those that have build some bud´s, because all the stress it brings the plant.. It might not delay flowering noticeable, at least if you split only one branch, but it sure does produce lot´s of stress to the plant and taking note big part of todays commercial strains could throw nana, or two if stressed. Many of these strains react strongly to stress at end flowering, or... they could do it earlier, or they dont do it all, it´s all in the genetics :2cents:
Many of these strains react strongly to stress at end flowering, or... they could do it earlier, or they dont do it all, it´s all in the genetics
Oh REALLY!!!! :bashhead:

Didnt try to be a smartass, but been partying whole night + now puffin some blockhead nugs laced with trim oil & various strain drysift (blockhead,swazi rooibart, kalimost, sagedaze, trianglexnlxlkxpk etc.. =) So I it´s like hmm.. :chin: free flow of thoughts! Im so baked :biglaugh:

But seriously guys/gals(?) if you do supercrop as described and you have to use it in flowamode, then try to do it as early flowering stage as possible to avoid stress. However.. and sorry that I repeat myself(I blame devil´s weed and the resins of it!) You ppl can acquire same results by only bending & bonding branches carefully directly down from the tip, the branch should look rounded at after the b&b and the there is absolutely no branch break using this "tech" and the plant doesnt have to put any of it energy repairin stem issue + no stress involved :wink:

Just my sincere thoought of the subject based on my experiences..

There are as many "techniques" & way´s as there are different people, one should always try not to judge other man´s way of doing things, but keep eye´s open & listen what the idea is all about. Of course you make your judgement after that..

Really ppl, I got to get some sleep now, dont waste the space of this thread with "life lessons" no more! Really dont try to preach..

Just my :2cents: about the subject & some other things :bashhead: