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Am I Being Douchey?


Active member
Thanks for the POVs folks. And yes, my ABV is still pretty decent as I usually run it through my fixed temp vape (MyrtleZap) and it doesnt get super brown. During the duration of my dry spell, I could get plenty more out of it when I packed it in the Silver Surfer. And of course my smoker buddies could smoke it and cop a heavy buzz as well.
As far as selling my ABV, nope - its most always gifted. I guess I do need to learn that 'assertion' word (at least for self preservation purposes) I have a problem 'making $$$' on weed at all. Its always at cost or free to my buddies, hence my dilemma of when I finally come into the good again.

And FWIW, 7g can usually last me close to a month (If I dont use my SSV) :p And to give you an idea of what its like in my draconian non med state - Mr. Jackson equates to Mr. Gram. (Roughly)

Damn, I need to start a grow.


they have classes for assertiveness, classes that you do in groups very often

because it's something that you live with others as well as yourself

it can help nervousness, gain confidence, timidity/shyness, gain self-esteem, better communication,
be well with yourself, succeed in life, self-mastery, overcome fear of ridicule etc..

you can google assertiveness training / assertiveness classes and your city name and youll probably find something

or if you cant find anything you can use names of bigger cities near you

you have to put in effort though that's for sure nothing comes for free

have I know about these courses before, I would have suggested them to a fellow named yummybud.. but... we usually gave him advice and he didnt even listen to it :p
No, you're not being douchey as you say. Look around man and find better friends, I have 7 oz's of some "white something" and could get more free if needed. But fuck that let's grow!


Sorcerer's Apprentice
You can grow small amounts in PC cases in almost foolproof stealth. Or you can go slightly larger and never buy herb again.

(See link below.)


Some good advise here, and some good jokes too. ;)

In my experience, the more good natured a person, the more abuse they'll fend off. I had to learn the hard way, as I was raised to turn the other cheek. Eventually, I read everything I could get my hands on on the subject of reading people and so on. You want to be able to establish very quickly what kind of person someone is when you first meet them. In this way, you get to decide who gets close to you and who doesn't in a way that best protects you from those who would bleed you dry. I now do it automatically, and its amazing how accurate you can get.

Quite frankly, there are people in this world who will befriend you only to take from you all that you let them have. There are also people in this world who will give you the shirt off of their back. Being kind and generous is admirable when they deserve it.

Love those who love you back. It's that simple. :D


FFWD to the weekend. I managed to finally hook up and picked up 7g of very overpriced buds and I am left with about 7-15g of ABV. Now that I have finally hooked up, all of my duff smoking buddies are wanting to 'buy' my stash from under me.

Explain to your friends that your not Jesus and you cant work the miracle of the fishes and loaves on 7 grams of weed.


Active member
would he do it for you? the answer to that question is the answer to yours

Man, and I hate that uncertainty with my own bro. My heart says yes, but his actions as of late make me a little sketchy. Ive known this cat for a number of years and he has always been straight up (as far as Ive known)

But recently, it seems as if he is 'slipping' and my broham warning flags are going up.
-Popped on a piss test (but wasnt fully truthful - he popped for coke)
-Had an 'affair' of sorts (Got a BJ from a former co worker)

And just generally he seems like hes becoming more and more self absorbed. This just concerns me a little and basically the only reason I questioned whether I should or should not hook him up (or begin to distance myself before I get sucked in) No pun intended...


weed fiend
Lying isn't the best route but I never had trouble holding out on a sponge.

Them - Hey bro, blaze me up!

Me - Was hoping you had some.

Them - Ah, you're dry?

Me - Yeah.

Easy as that.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
how the ???? does one run out that just never enters my mind.

Honey where did ya put the GDP. Theres 5lbs in the fridge. lol


Oprah got busted....tryin to smuggle 30lbs. of crack under her skirt

Oprah got busted....tryin to smuggle 30lbs. of crack under her skirt

Man, and I hate that uncertainty with my own bro. My heart says yes, but his actions as of late make me a little sketchy. Ive known this cat for a number of years and he has always been straight up (as far as Ive known)

But recently, it seems as if he is 'slipping' and my broham warning flags are going up.
-Popped on a piss test (but wasnt fully truthful - he popped for coke)
-Had an 'affair' of sorts (Got a BJ from a former co worker)

And just generally he seems like hes becoming more and more self absorbed. This just concerns me a little and basically the only reason I questioned whether I should or should not hook him up (or begin to distance myself before I get sucked in) No pun intended...

I can understand the not broadcasting the BJ bit, at least until the direct line of questioning started i.e I wouldn't lie to my brother about it.

You know when shit don't feel right man...go with that.

This is a weed growing site bro,maybe you have confused us with the OWN network on cable.


You're right...the shit is gettin a lil touchy-feely :dance013:


Active member
I am only gonna read the title of this thread and answer with a yes ;)

Just kidding, I will read it now and give you a real answer.


Active member
Nope, just be selective when you smoke. You know, enough to get good karma, and not too much to where you are bone dry. I havent had those days in a long long long time, but it happens. Dont beat your self up for planning for the future. Remember, there are no physical withdraws with herb so none of your friends will die if they are low.


Recovering UO addict.
It's always possible to grow.

You need to spend more time learning how to grow, and less time complaining about being out of weed. You reap what you sow.

Quit squandering IC like this and start using it to grow your own. This is the greatest weed growing resource the world has ever seen and you're using it to bitch and complain instead of educate yourself


Active member
It's always possible to grow.

You need to spend more time learning how to grow, and less time complaining about being out of weed. You reap what you sow.

Thank you for your wonderous insight captain obvious, but there is a little more behind the whole process of being in this business - either as a supplier (even self supplier) and a consumer.

While this might not be directly pertinent to a grow, it could very well come into play in the not so distant future.

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