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New member
Hi, has anyone tried any of the herbal alternatives that are available on the net? Are the any good? Or just a waste of time?



My little pony.. my little pony
Bob sure likes his Enzyte.



~Resident Puck Bunny~
Wrong forum? Seems more appropriate to the Smokers Lounge. But anyhow--No, they are crap :)
dont do it waste of money, it tastes funny and gives you a splitting headache, if you are determined to stay legal then you may want to try tracking down " spice" from a uk headshop, it does have a slight creeper effect but its expensive and tastes like shit,its legal though if thats what your after??!!


New member
Thanks for the advice guys, I just moved to a new place and I don't know anyone that has good stuff out here. My old spot is now 2 hours away from where I'm living now, so I considered buying some of the alternative stuff online.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
get some oregano and parsley stick it to a twig and voila- legal buds...... thats basically what all these things are.....


Active member
You mean the "legal highs"...as in weed without THC? As in a rolling papers without weed? Yup for sure, waste of time...and money.


like was said above, they're mostly overpriced cooking herbs
there's always salvia, but thats completely different


do not buy legal herbal buds i made a mistake and i learn the very hard way i never listen i was like you i asked everone about them they said the same thing dont waste the money it not worth i still did not listen so what did i do i bought some shit off internationaloddities.com some KRYPTO.

F guess what big fucken mistake i made 1 oz for $55 lol anyways i smoked some fat funking joints and f all i got was a kinda funny feeling but not in a good way not a high just more like nothing at all the shit they sent me did not even look close to the stuff on there ad on hightimes what a fucking waste like everone warn me about it.in my opion is way better to smoke swag weed. man the smell on the legal bud it was shit it smelled like u know how hand sanitizer smellls like that alchol smell anyway it was the worst $55 bucks i threw away in my life but i learn a lesson on all this not ever ever buy fake weed again.those folks on hightimes mag that peddle this stuff are fucking scammers and all but of bunch of lies that there products work.
its a shame what these folks do to make some money of poor and rich folks
and i bet with the cash we send them they go for the real weed.well that it hope this post will help those out that are looking to buy these fake weed its a WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!!!!oh just so you know i never smoked the whole ounce only like a fat 10 grammmer bag off this shit the rest it went to trash yes the trash!
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