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Alright Canada!



Just saw this:


A new poll shows B.C. residents strongly support a series of proposed justice reforms to curb gang activity and nearly two-thirds also back the legalization of marijuana.

Angus Reid Strategies surveyed Canadians across the country and found at least 95 per cent of the B.C. respondents back mandatory minimum sentences for serious drug crime like drive-by shootings and designating gang-related homicide first-degree murder.

Those proposed changes are being spearheaded by the federal Conservative government.

The B.C. government's call to loosen evidence disclosure laws to allow speedier prosecution of gangsters also got 86 per cent support in the province.

Another 80 per cent here support eliminating the "dead time" credit that gives criminals two-for-one credit for time they spend in jail awaiting trial.

Support is weaker for expanded police wiretap powers to intercept cell phone conversations and other wireless data transmissions – 64 per cent in B.C. were in favour, and 60 per cent nationally.

B.C. was the province most likely to back legalization of marijuana – 64 per cent of respondents support the idea, compared to 50 per cent nationally.

Two-thirds of B.C. respondents also said the federal government should not eliminate harm reduction programs such as supervised injection sites and needle exchanges.

A majority from B.C. (53 per cent) said the federal Tories shouldn't have scrapped the marijuana decriminalization legislation previously introduced by the Liberals.

Nearly half of respondents nationally said drug abuse is a national problem, while 34 per cent said it was confined to specific areas and people.

The online poll of more than 1,000 people was conducted in late February


Active member
Its going to happen canada is so far ahead of the US when it comes to cannabis laws IMO its crazy.
when i was younger i told myself that canada would decriminilize by the time i was 30. well. im 29 and grow, posess and use cannabis legally now. i would say in my opinion that california is ahead of canada in the medical policy corner. only 4000 canadians have excemptions for medical marijuana and its tedious to say the least to get. in cali, u need a headache and you get a lisence:)


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Its going to happen canada is so far ahead of the US when it comes to cannabis laws IMO its crazy.

Riiiight....go ask Harper his views lol So long as the Conservatives are in power, nothing will change. We have gone backwards since Harper got in.


Active member
Riiiight....go ask Harper his views lol So long as the Conservatives are in power, nothing will change. We have gone backwards since Harper got in.
as bad as you think you have it i'd be willing to bet you that canada legalizes first... I wish we had a marijuana party of america ! conservatives or not theres a reason some of our medical patients have crossed into canada.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
It's annoying when people talk without knowing anything. Go take a look at the Sticky up there about Bill C-15.


Riiiight....go ask Harper his views lol So long as the Conservatives are in power, nothing will change. We have gone backwards since Harper got in.
Harper is Bush lite, slightly smarter - but less powerful...

He is huge step backward for mj in Canada - right on KG :2cents: