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Alpha Diesel



No herms just tons of 1st class herb.Vigorous in veg and flower with keepers on the left and keepers on the right.I bet outdoors in full sun this cut as well as some of its sisters could pull some pounds, if anyone was interested in that sort of thing.....Chaco. :joint: :joint:

Lune TNS

Glad to hear the good report, I have a few of these entering early veg right now. Straight up explosive growth...


Just germinated me some, thanks for the info Chaco. 20 for 20...100% germination!!


Watch out those fukers grow real big but they do like some nice veg time.Thanx for stoppin' in, Chaco.Here's my single Alpha 18 days into flower, same old cut...


Yah man that looks like some tasty bud chaco, just germed my aplha's got a 100% germ :joint:


Thanks for the update, and look... Everything i've heard about the Alpha has been great....

So many strains, and so little time, but i'm trying :bashhead:

All the Best



Im gonna go for it.

Im gonna go for it.

Only hope it wont smell up my little one bed room apartment. I s carbon filter required this could get expensive.heard it smells a lot. Cant wait the extra month(s) till the SD ibl is released.


I'm wondering if it was harvested with cloudy trichs if it would be more of an up high. i kinda think thats the standard deal but I havent run any of these yet. I'm an old fart and need the speed. Always lookin for the sativa high.
Chaco - Good to hear you say the taste is straight Diesel, makes me feel even better than I already do with the pack i just germd, all 10 cracked!!!!

How long it takes for them to show sex?

space is limited or me right now, so i wnted to know how long i have to veg em b4 i take clips. thanx



i only speak for my alpha diesels but as long as ur not exhausting right back into the apartment, there shouldnt be too much of an issue with smell without the filter. i dont have one myself and i spend hours walking around my 1bd house trying to see if i can smell it. but im on week 9 and i still dont smell it.
(exhaust into the attic, or any other way you can to make it come out the roof) unless your 15 feet tall i dont think ull catch a wiff.
keep in mind im a med patient and have no worry about being robbed(theyd need the us army if they wanna jack me) sorry if this isnt too helpful, but i just want to say with proper airflow the smell doesnt really get a chance to linger and build up



ok. time has gone by and im past day 60 now. and it kinda reeks outside my house. sorry for the bad info. i guess i just underestimated how much the smell would develop in the last week. id recommed a filter for the last two weeks at this point. sorry


Gotcha!!So nice to hear your having an odor issue.I just got tired of my mother in law coming over and talking about my skunk problem.I said its not skunk its DIESEL."Why whats that?"." Its a pot plant."All the best, Chaco. :joint: :joint: :joint:

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