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almost lost a crop to connoiseur


Active member
this is my first run after a short vacation from growing.

i was using AN conny and the 2+ and lost my notes on how i used to use it and used it like sensibloom and burnt the be-jesus out of em.

quickquick list'

pro mix hp with 25% perlite.

ph of nutes was a steady 6.3 *

hand watered, every five to seven days.

plain ro irrigations every second feeding,

ec was 1.15 starting at day 5 of 12/12,
then a second feed 19 days in at a ec of 1.6, then another feed at day 24 at a ec of 1.9

ph of runoff was a constant 6.15 to 6.4

ec of runoff first feeding= 2.13 second feed=.94 tird feed=1.29

not pest problems,

humidity at 60-70% (always runs this high, have frequent ventilation, and it drops to 55%

temps daytime 79 night time 70

co2 at 1300ppm, monitiored with green air cdmmc-6

600 watt hortilux cooltube reflector(summertime reflector winter time is a super sun 2)

garden size 2 X 5 feet total, canopy size= 2 X 4 feet. 8 foot ceiling.

strain= gypsys own "Aurora Indica"

more NL#5 type pheno

3.1 gallon pots square.

anything else needed let me know

well i first went to another thread to sseek help from a fellow who told me if i ever had an issues......or better yet he said when i finally saw the light regarding AN to hit him up and he would help

well he did and he really bent over backwards during our communications to help and make sure i got my ladies back on track

followed his recomendation by doing an emergency flush with calmag at 5ml per gallon untill runoff reached .6 to .5 ec.

did that on day 27, and immediately bout 12 hours later they looked already to be improving. thank go for icmag.

kinds still am rusty i guess and made stupid rookie mistakes. i actually thought i was underfeeding cuzz of my ow ec levels and forgetting that an conny is a really really strong nutes and in no way should you follow the charts.

but anyway it is day 31 of flower and the pots are getting dry soon and will need a irrigation.

so i will get pics up soon i promise, but in the mean time i was told to give em the gh back of bottle recomendation for a 3/4 strength transition feed the next time they need food.

do you think its too soon after the flush to start them on food, they are pretty deep in the flower cycle and i want them to still finish fine and they look as if they will as long as im dilligent with the ferts from here on out.

so how soon shoudl i give them the 1-1-1 gh ratio, this next day or so when tyey get dry again(first dry period after flush) or give them plain ro and feed em nest time they get dry.

and that brings me to my next question, do i still give em cal mag at 5ml per gallon or plain ro for plain waterings without food.

let me know please.


Active member
TooHighMF heres my thread in the infirmary. i use dial up so i cant get pics up till i go to barnes and noble.:)

well the pots are on the dry end of the spectrum of moisture.

should i give them the 1-1-1 gh ratio, or just some RO water with 5ml calmag per gallon??

or enough calmag to bring the water to .3 EC??

i did the flush with calmag @ 5ml per gallon, so are they alright with their calmag needs??

some one, anybody, please i need a little bit of guidance.

thanks in advance all who help.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
This is just a rinsing flush right?

You're not talking about flushing for harvest, if I understand correctly (doesn't happen often).

I don't use calmag for flushing before harvest... if you're speaking of flushing once for a rinse... well that's a different story.

I would make sure that you just cut waaay back on the feeding for a watering or two.

Then flush closer to day fifty or so.



Active member
yeah imma doing the photos now.

MEAN MR> MUSTARD== this was a "emergency flush" or a rinsing flush. i had over ferted them according to a connoiseur expert. i was running way to high a EC for AN connoiseur.

i had to water them yesterday, i was originally going to give them 15 ml/gal. of botanicare"organicare line" HUMEGA, and 15ml/gal or HUVEGA, but my humega went bad and smelled like rotting eggs, so i used AN's HUMIC and FULVIC at 2ml/gall, 4ml/gal of AN's REVIVE, and 8ml/gal HYgROZYME, this mix had a EC of .17ms/cm and i set the ph at 6.1.

the runoff water measured a ph of 6.56 and an EC of .55 ms/cm

it was given to them last night, i made 10 gallons of this solution. last night was day 33.

thanks you all for chiming in as i said i am posting up the pics now.


Active member
can somebody tell me how the fuck to make the pics apear as thimbnails, i followed the instructions on the reply page and nothing happens, i had to coppy and paste the god damn things.

it took me close to a week to get these two photos uploaded to my album, and now i have to half ass the ic in post, and by the time i get a pic to help you all help me the god damn crop will be hanging up to dry.:)


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
i think ull be fine bro just rinse real good and keep ur ec down i never go above 900ppm with conni alittle goes along way i was expecting to see much worse lookin plants. im prob one of the few that love the conni line.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
for the thumbnail thing you have to use "go advanced" and then use the little paperclip icon in the toolbar bit.

good luck


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
not to be a dic not feelin ur title wasnt connies fault u over did it. when i saw the title i thought it was sumthin wrong with the product an had a slight concern bout the new gals i picked up. i been usin it since it came out this shit gets alot of hate already just cause of the price im surprized this thread is full of an haters already. peace homey best of luck with ya grow


Active member
no im not a hater i been using advanced for 7 years . yeah i always had great results with it. but recently i had a MAJOR ISSUE.

The consistency of thier stuff just fuckin crashed, i mean i ordered some stuff i was out of, i ordered all products in quarts, like Connoiseur A &B, Nirvana, B-52, overdrive. well the Connoiseur B, the B-52, and the Nirvana all had multiple 2-5mm sized rocks in them.(not the first time this has happend either, in the past once).

well i shake the bottles and i can hear them a rattlin around. i call where i got them, and of course theyll replace them with new stuff, but i got to ship the damn bottles back on my coin. it costs me 20 bucks to send 3 quart bottles back.

i get the replacement bottles, and believe this shit or not, they all got ROCKS in 'em. start to maybee question the place i got em, like they gave me the same ones back?, but no... they wouldnt do that and the batch codes are different on all of them.

i call and he is suprised ass hell that im tellin him this, i aske if maybe there is a significant temp. fluctuation the bottles go through during shipping or if they get hot or cold along time during shipping, they tell me no they dont and no one else realy has many problems with rocks.

well they agree to give me another set of replacements, but i still have to ship em back, another 20 bucks, and then i wait.

i get the 2nd. set of replacements, and i am not kidding here, the b-52, and nirvana, have ROCKS ROCKS ROCKS-A-PLENTY in them. the Connoiseur part B was good this time, i shook it and it was good so i opened it and it kinda had floaties in it that were stringy and clear whitish, but it was the third bottle, and the third bottles of B-52 and Nirvana had rocks and i AM PISSED, i think to myself "i got to send em back, another 20 bucks. Wait! the store owner will never believe me he will think im fucking him around"

well i call him up tell him about the B-52 and Nirvana and se is pissed, he cant believe it and says send the things back. i say i gotta pay for shipping again and thats like gonna be over 60 bucks i spent here just to get good nutes. he understands. i tell him i want to change the products instead of nirvana and B-52 i want something different thats comparable. he tell me nothing AN has is like Nirvana, but Vita Boost Pro is close to B-52 as its sea weed and vitamins, just not humics and stuff.

So i tell him i Will try the nirvana again, and to give me the vitaboost. but the vita boost is quite cheaper than the B-52 and to give me 4 socket extensions and a shit load of carboload samples. enough to make half the smallest offerings size.

i get the new shit, the new Nirvana, and the VitaBoostPro.


the goddamn vita boost has rocks in it like 6 of em, real real small and i also Had ROCKS IN THE 4TH replacement bottle of NIRVANA. it too this time had really small tiny rocks like 3 or 4 i cant remember, i said "screw it, im not going to send em back and the rocks are real small this time and hell never replace them for the 5th damn time, i will just try and suck the rocks out or something, i end up having to get some little 4" round kitchen screen strainer, and strain the damn things"

ive used conny at the levels i had before maybe not that high with big bud alway wtih kushie kush instead and i did keep the base ec at .94 ec and they looked fine so i though maybe i could bump it up a little with big bud and the base could go to 1.2-ish.

also the bottle of conny B that was fine after 2 prior replacemts ended up developing a rock or two in them in the month they sat before i used them, and i know how to read the prouduct batch code, and i also called tech support and they looked up the date and said they had no idea, and that maybe because they recently switched sources of seaweed, and maybe that was the problem, i told tech support that then you know there is a issue and you just told me about it, the new source of see weed is bad or the old one was bad and thats why you switched where or who you get it from.

got into a big fight with him.

not the store owner but tech suppoort @ 1800-640-9605

i seriously think that paying for return shiiippping that costs more than the shit i was replacing costs, i should of maybe took the 3.5 hours drive it takes to get some AN from a place that sells it, the 4 places that take no longer than 20 minutes to get to (one 7 minutes) to get to sell AN.

i know it soounds like marlarky but i swear to god on everything i love and hold dear to me that the story i tell you all is 100% true and genuine.

i always loved AN, and in spite of everything i think that if i had "good" not rocked up locked out nutes, pthis maybe wouldnt of happend.

yeah i could of burned them but they are getting 100 watts of hortilus hps a square foot with 1500 ppm Co2. and they tooke conny at a base ec of .9 in the past well and they should of taken it maybe this time a bit higher, but iguess i was wrong and i do admit i made a mistake. a boo-boo

but i never had this burning with gh or botanicare and technaflora(pure vida line) before, and i dont exclusively run AN i always run other nutes every now an then and in the other little cab i got. i use the pure vida alot in veg and on the mothers and i run that at a EC of 1.7 before supplements which bring it to 1.9 to 2.1. and in the other little cab that i flower scrog style take the Rez Dog Recipe Modified LUCAS formula/with bloombastic instead of kool blooms.

from the pics do i still need to back off on the nutes or should i resume with the 1-1-1 Gh flora series ratio??

thanks again all for helping,


Active member
from the pics, nobody can give any advice as to how strong the feed should be using the flora series lucas or 3 part????


Active member
well they are getting fed tonight and i think the rez modified lucas will be okay to give them, or should i use the new sensi bloom and bloombastic??

any input would be great.
Trial and error man. Only way to really know. Plants are like people, they are all individuals and all have different appetites. Trial and error.


Active member
well i fed em and they lookin great.

5 gallons RO got;

34 ml each SensiBloom A and B====EC-1.00
10 ml Bloombastic==============EC-1.27
20 ml Revive==================EC-1.35
7 grams CarboLoad powder=======EC-1.35
40 ml SensiZyme===============EC-1.36
PH was 6.15 after mixing all nutes and letting the mix bubble for a couple hours(i bubble to make sure there are ample amounts of oxygen dissolved in the water)

i left PH as it was right @ 6.15

i will get more pics up when i go to barnes and noble to use their WI-FI(i only have dial up, and dont want at&t or the cable company poking around my basement, to hook up high speed)

on another note, i know,,,i know. im still using mosly AN. well i did and still do get bomb results with AN, just had a bad bottle of conny, i think, as i used conny at those strengths before and had no burning, but this batch was all fucked up. as there was rocks and floater in the first 2 bottles i got, and like i said the bottle i currently have i had to strain out the rocks.

so now i will not use conny, sensi bloom work great, but when i finish this group of plants up, i will go get some Dyna-Gro bloom.

any body use DM gold i part or two part, and do you just use Gold as the base and use different additives or dou you use all DM lineup exclusivly with GOLD.

thanks all.


Active member
I think they have turned around quite quite well, considering how hard they got burnt. what do you think.

i have given them one light feeding since the "emergency flush" or "rinse" on day 27-ish (not exactly sure of the date at the moment).

they got the mix i have in the above post. then not the next time they went dry (gave em straight un-adjusted RO water) but the next time they were dry they got a dose of H-2 humic acid, F-1 fulvic acid both @ 3 ml/liter, and some bud candy at 1ml/liter, and sensizyme at 2ml/liter. made five gallons ph set to 6.3.

then they have gotten another plain unadjusted RO irrigation on saturday. now its day 53 (monday 9/27/10) and they, to me look great considering.


ghost in training
Just keep it simple. You didn't burn them to bad and they look like their recovering already so why don't you just feed half strength with what you have??

Somehow I missed your last post. They sound like their back in action. Goodluck

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