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Allow ME to introduce....


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i go by Ion cause im charged up.

been growing cannabis for over a year, been an organic gardener/farmer for many years.

livin in the mountains, outdoor harvest this year was aurora indica, acapulco gold(barney's), SLh and alaskan ice(wild pheno)

ima apprentice of dr bud, cuurently undergoing perp grow w/ swiss-xt, nirv ice, leda uno, slh, acapulco gold, dinafem super silver, and alaskan ice

ima f.n.g. but i'll help anyway i can and have lots of questions

been lurking for......15 months now, its time to get off the bleachers

thanks to gypnirv, icmag mods, and this whole community




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now that we have gotten to smell each tohers.....does anybody have as big a pain-in-the-ass of cloning Ghouse SSH as i do??????


Active member
Heya TrichyTrichy, i was perusing and saw yer in the tokin vets club........besides being a vet,how many ears do i need to bring you to join?
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CHECK THAT sorry TyTy, I saw OjoRojo420 at the tokin vets club........this is what happens when the thc has left my system and it's b4 8am......zzzzzzzzz


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Heya Fader, i did the acapulco outdoors,first time growing it, grew pretty well but i had to harvest early(end-sep) because of frost and hunters. its taking a long time to cure, but its good. really good. not great....(so far) its staring to cure really nice, the smoke is kind of speedy, good for working and socials.......smells fruity......where's your C.G.from?


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hey y'all, hafta wait on the pix....im new to the technology thing.....but the a.g. is smoking better and better..........and better...........and...