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All time favorite Cannabis Edible?

I am just curious what your favorite edible is, and why?

Personally I enjoy a nice warm cannabis brownie followed by a joint and a glass of milk.

Mmm-Mmm-Mmm! They are easy to make and easy to carry around and share with friends! Great party food also! :) How about you? I know some people get very creative when it comes to edible items. Got anything up your sleeve you care to share? Peace!


I really like firecrackers...

1) They don't taste half bad and are quite effective.
2) You can make just one or a dozen...
3) They are quick/easy (25 minutes and you're done)
4) And you can make them on demand.. just sprinkle a bit of grounded bud and you're good to go no need to make a pound of butter or use an oz.. just sprinkle/make as you go.

Though I must say i've only had oatmeal raisin cookies (with butter) and i've done milk before too. But both require larger batches and take longer..


Irie Kaya Lover

New member
I've got a few fav's: Choc-covered toffee, cannamels, and budderscotch.

pretty much standard candy recipes that use butter. sub regular butter for budder - can also be infused into chocolate. i prefer the candies over baked goods because the ganja taste is a bit more acceptable when it is in a sweet. if i do brownies, i like to go 1/2 strength to keep the taste appealing to others...well that and i can also eat more than one!

personally, i think firecrackers taste like ass mainly due to them containing plant material. make them with a chunk of hash and then we're talking!
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stone fool
Green milk is the drink for me, easy to make, freeze, and take any day, like a couple minutes ago.

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
Thanks! I use a tincture made with 100 proof Orange Schnapps to get the medicine into the recipe. My favorite recipe using butter is
Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Bars

Haps said:
Green milk is the drink for me, easy to make, freeze, and take any day, like a couple minutes ago.

Cannamilk has the best high. Wish I had found it years ago. Our bodies crave it and we never knew it. I feel completely different than when eating brownies, cookies etc. Hits way faster to me and feels like a very even all over my body high. Not to mention replaced my sleeping aids. lol. Carefull though.. never fails to cause a full assult on the fridge. :smoke:
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I like to make cereal bars...They are easy and no-bake so there is no chance of oxidizing the THC (remember to keep ur oven below 350degrees).

Just follow the recipe on the marshmallow bag with Budder. Yum!


Cannamilk has the best high. Wish I had found it years ago. Our bodies crave it and we never knew it. I feel completely different than when eating brownies, cookies etc. Hits way faster to me and feels like a very even all over my body high. Not to mention replaced my sleeping aids. lol. Carefull though.. never fails to cause a full assult on the fridge. :smoke:

could this be done with hemp milk?

I would definately at least try half milk and half hemp milk... hemp + ganja = dank!

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