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all medical, not legalization...


instead of going for a new kind of legalization in Colorado, why don't we adjust the medical program and extend it to all Coloradoans. i.e. EVERYONE for conditions they find relieve via cannabis.

This will accomplish a few things:

1 it removes the Doctor-Federal-Insurance dilemma.
2. it keeps the 6 plant limit and existing dispensaries can serve the new people.
3. the patient registry can be eliminated along with their piles of junk
4. existing Centers can service everyone (over 18 or 21?)
5. the rest of the underground is above ground, cartels are gone and taxes are collected.
6. smoke-em-if-you-got-em!


New member
Instead of adding to the already convoluted paperwork mess that is MMJ, why dont we go for all out legalization?

It will accomplish a few things:

1 it removes the Doctor-Federal-Insurance dilemma.
2. there are no plant limits, dispensaries or whoever can serve/grow what they want
3. the patient registry can be eliminated along with their piles of junk
4. existing Centers can service everyone (over 18 or 21?)
5. the rest of the underground is above ground, cartels are gone
6. smoke-em-if-you-got-em!

Legalization is the goal and always has been, at least in the movement ive been a part of. If tobacco and alcohol can be legal, then so can marijuana. Its the right thing to do! Why limit who can use it? It isnt harmful, and it should be an individuals (any citizen of usa) right to put what they want in their body...even without a doctors note


my point was (poorly made I think) that in Colorado, we could just accept all citizens as patients. I agree recreation is a valid use.

Making it medical... ensures user rights more. Employers are more likely to be accepting... etc. Liquor and Cigs are highly taxed and regulated as 'sin' products. Personally, I don't think Cannabis is in the same category, certainly not a sin and much more useful than either of those products.
my point was (poorly made I think) that in Colorado, we could just accept all citizens as patients. I agree recreation is a valid use.

Making it medical... ensures user rights more. Employers are more likely to be accepting... etc. Liquor and Cigs are highly taxed and regulated as 'sin' products. Personally, I don't think Cannabis is in the same category, certainly not a sin and much more useful than either of those products.

If they don't consider it a "sin" product then why is the Department of Revenue running things? Look at the other industries they govern, liquor being one of them.. They are totally putting it into that category of "sin" products if you ask me. As far as legalization.. the government is not fully ready to let go of Presidents Nixon's beloved DEA, and the war on drugs.


they are running things because that's what was put in the bill.

I bet the CDPHE would be in charge if they had proven to be more competent handling the registry.

Cannabis is as much of a vice as religion.
They are running it, because they classify it as a "sin" product the same as liquor, cigs, and gaming. If not a different department would over see it. Like the FDA or USDA.

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