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all i want for christmas .....


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or

Gotta sense a little sarcasm in that mate:laughing:

I expect nor do I deserve a thing. I believe america(where I reside) has turned christmas into a rancor beast that cannot be tamed and it lives off of unnecessary gifts for undeserving folk like myself. Everyday is a day to love your family and be grateful for what you have; not just christmas.

I dont believe the point of the holiday is to recieve or expect/want things but to be grateful for the things you do have and always take for granted. Thats why I gave a rightfully gave a greedy answer, had I said I wanted a pony would it have hurt any less? Cos ill change my answer, I will.

But I seriously dont know anyone who wants world peace for christmas... you wont get it...new boxers.... SURE....ps3... IFFY... (more sarcasm)

Relax bro, its Christmas. lol


I want a good ole fashoned Christmas dinner with some pies for dessert like chocolate, pumpin, and custard pie...yum yum! I enjoy the simple things cause I'm just a simple guy. :wave: