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ALL ads pulled from Rush Limbaughs Show.......

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"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
I may be a hypocrite (although I don't want Rush censored, people who call themselves dittoheads make avoiding idiocy a snap, no need to even waste time on em.) but he's on another level, he heaps abuse on addicts, saying they're weak, spineless, worthless individuals who should be jailed.. then out comes his addiction to painkillers, and suddenly there's an excuse for addiction, and it should be forgiven.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
he heaps abuse on addicts, saying they're weak, spineless, worthless individuals who should be jailed.. then out comes his addiction to painkillers, and suddenly there's an excuse for addiction, and it should be forgiven.

EXACTLY the reason I called him a hypocrite & lying crybaby in my first sentence.......


Active member
Rush Limbaugh: the Viagra for right-wing America's impotent rage.

I hate his hatemongering, inflammatory bullshit and his hypocrisy, but I don't want him 'censored' - I want to see him lose all his corporate and rich-white-guy support and fade away into a sad, bitter, bloated old man. Maybe a sex scandal involving a black transvestite. And if he could manage to be caught on tape in a police sting operation buying oxy's and talking all kinds of shit, that would make me smile, too.
Agreed. And who spends $3000 a year in birth control unless fucking is your job? And why is that being dicussed in Congress? And why in THE fuck should my insurance company or myself pay for her pills? Makes as much sense as Rush complaining to Congress to make all of us pay for his oxycontine habit.

Bravo...but I guess because it wasn't framed in some idiotic liberal joke...

Well apparently you all have listened to more of his broadcasts then I have,which would exactly ZERO.

I'd still fight anyone of you for his right to say it.

Thankfully all any of you have to do is CHANGE THAT DIAL. :wave:

I'd venture a guess to just the opposite on ms. birth control, that poosay is welded shut...she's just a mouthpiece, which should suit her perfectly.


ICMag Donor
Now that the sponsors are gone, so does his lame ass radio show! Get rid of him...the sooner the better


Active member
Bravo...but I guess because it wasn't framed in some idiotic liberal joke...

Well apparently you all have listened to more of his broadcasts then I have,which would exactly ZERO.

I'd still fight anyone of you for his right to say it.

Thankfully all any of you have to do is CHANGE THAT DIAL. :wave:

I'd venture a guess to just the opposite on ms. birth control, that poosay is welded shut...she's just a mouthpiece, which should suit her perfectly.

Maybe you should have listened to her testimony before you spout all this ignorant bullshit. Then you'd have a clue as to what the fuck is being talked about. You'd still be an ignorant redneck misogynist, though. And a real hit with the ladies, I'm sure.
Judging from your comments and your screen name, it seems like you're overcompensating for something...

Hope nobody ever talks about your daughter that way, if you ever have one and she decides to stand up for her beliefs as a citizen.
As if she didn't deliver the exact message they wanted delivered? Please snap out of whatever it is you're on, we're not all that gullible




rush thinks that people who use cannabis should be in prison, yet he was and perhaps is still addicted to pain killers.

yeah this guy is a class a douche


Active member
Agreed. And who spends $3000 a year in birth control unless fucking is your job? And why is that being dicussed in Congress? And why in THE fuck should my insurance company or myself pay for her pills? Makes as much sense as Rush complaining to Congress to make all of us pay for his oxycontine habit.

Hey clueless - you can have all the sex you want (or none) and the cost for hormonal birth control is the same if you're taking it. And it can be pretty goddamn expensive (like almost all medications). AND it's commonly used for other medical problems, which is exactly what the example in her testimony was about - only her friend had to pay cash for it as a student because her insurance (which she pays for) wouldn't cover it because it's 'birth control' and her school is religion-based. The insurance company could care less about religious objections - it's just one less thing they have to pay for if they can get away with it.

What if your expensive medical condition wasn't covered because somebody else (not you) objected to it, even though you pay for your own insurance?

And how much more would your insurance cost if the costs for the prenatal care and infant care of massive numbers of unplanned pregnancies were factored in? Would you blame all that on women, too?

And insurance didn't pay for Rush's oxy habit - all his loyal listeners and advertising supporters did. If you listened to him, I'm sure he appreciates you helping support his habit.


Active member
As if she didn't deliver the exact message they wanted delivered? Please snap out of whatever it is you're on, we're not all that gullible

Who the fuck is 'they'? So this is a vast left-wing conspiracy now?
And I need to 'snap out of it'. Right...
Apparently your world-view is air-tight. Good luck with that.


Active member
I guess you've never heard of condoms...go buy some and fuck your brains out, or in a liberals case, til your hearts content.

I guess you've never heard of (or even considered) that women - who bear all the responsibilities, health risks, life-changing decisions AND are then responsible for the upbringing of another human being - MIGHT want to have some degree of personal control over their own bodies that's not dependant on someone else agreeing to use a condom in a moment of passion (or whatever).

But I'm sure that's not a situation you give a damn about. (Seeing as you value women so highly, Luv-U-Long-Time.) When the time comes, rest assured your insurance will pay for your testosterone supplements and Viagra because it's "medically necessary".

And hookers never raise a fuss about 'access to health care', do they?


Crotchety Cabaholic
You fucking hypocrites are unbelievable.
It's OK if Ed Schultz calls Laura Ingrham a slut.
It's OK if Bill Maher calls Sarah Palin a **** and Michelle Bachman a bimbo.
Do as I say, not as I do.


ICMag Donor
And on top of all this,he was buying up all the drugs here,a few years back ,Thus reducing my available supply. This guy has got to go!!!
I guess you've never heard of (or even considered) that women - who bear all the responsibilities, health risks, life-changing decisions AND are then responsible for the upbringing of another human being - MIGHT want to have some degree of personal control over their own bodies that's not dependant on someone else agreeing to use a condom in a moment of passion (or whatever).

But I'm sure that's not a situation you give a damn about. (Seeing as you value women so highly, Luv-U-Long-Time.) When the time comes, rest assured your insurance will pay for your testosterone supplements and Viagra because it's "medically necessary".

And hookers never raise a fuss about 'access to health care', do they?

Ain't it grand how 'they' automatically drag the poor,innocent souls into the fray...LOUD NOISES

That's how it starts, the poor and indigent.

Here's an idea, i'll pay for mine and you pay for yours and we'll work on keeping the pharma/gubment/disc jockeys from gouging any of us.

What the fuck is so hard to understand?

Why should I have to pay for someones bad choices? Ohh, that's right, lets charge the rich folks making 200k annually.Pathetic.
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