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ALL ads pulled from Rush Limbaughs Show.......

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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Media's biggest hypocrite and a most loathsome piece of shit has finally crossed the line, every major sponsor has dropped his lying crybaby ass.

His big mouth finally wrote a check his fat ass couldn't cash and neither would his sponsors.

The link below the first paragraph goes to an article that quotes Flush Limbaugh as he directly blames 'the left' for being responsible for him calling Sandra Fluke a slut.

Here's a prick with a huge set of balls, they should go to the Smithsonian, today.

Less than 10 companies had pulled their ads from Rush Limbaugh's radio show Tuesday, when The Atlantic Wire counted the ads still running. Since then, the number pulling their ads has more than doubled.

RELATED: Limbaugh Blames the Left for Calling Sandra Fluke a 'Slut'

Here's our tally of the companies -- both national and local -- who've stopped supporting Limbaugh, despite his apology Monday for calling Sandra Fluke a prostitute for her testimony before Congress.

Sleep Number: "Recent comments by Rush Limbaugh do not align w/our values, so we made decision to immediately suspend all advertising on that program," tweeted March 2.
The Sleep Train: "As a diverse company, Sleep Train does not condone such negative comments directed toward any person," vice president of marketing Mike Wilson said in a statement March 2.
Quicken Loans: "Due to continued inflammatory comments– along w/valuable feedback from clients & team members– QL has suspended ads on Rush Limbaugh program," tweeted March 2.
Legal Zoom: "As of today, LegalZoom has suspended all advertising on the Rush Limbaugh show," tweeted March 2.
Citrix: "Over the past day, we’ve heard from many great Citrix customers about our advertising on The Rush Limbaugh Show. These customers have expressed their growing concern that some of his recent comments seem inconsistent with the core values Citrix has always stood for – humility, integrity and respect. While Citrix obviously does not control any show’s content or endorse opinions of their hosts, we do take the concerns of our customers seriously. When they are upset about something, we listen. After careful consideration, we have decided to discontinue our advertising on The Rush Limbaugh Show," posted on Facebook March 9.
Carbonite: “No one with daughters the age of Sandra Fluke, and I have two, could possibly abide the insult and abuse heaped upon this courageous and well-intentioned young lady. Mr. Limbaugh, with his highly personal attacks on Miss Fluke, overstepped any reasonable bounds of decency. Even though Mr. Limbaugh has now issued an apology, we have nonetheless decided to withdraw our advertising from his show. We hope that our action, along with the other advertisers who have already withdrawn their ads, will ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse," CEO David Friend posted on the company's website March 3.
ProFlowers: "At ProFlowers, our mission is to delight our customers with fresh and long lasting flowers, and that is our singular focus each and every day. We do not base our advertising decisions to align with any particular political view or opinion as our employees and customers are as diverse as the USA. Mr. Limbaugh’s recent comments went beyond political discourse to a personal attack and do not reflect our values as a company. As such, ProFlowers has suspended advertising on The Rush Limbaugh radio program," posted on the company's Facebook page March 4.
Thompson Creek Windows: @RushWMALads @rushlimbaugh @wmalnews we have requested our ads be pulled from his show. They should be completely removed tomorrow," tweeted March 4.
Hadeed Carpet: "As of this past weekend, ALL our #rushlimbaugh commercial spots have been PULLED. We do not support his inexcusable words/beliefs. Thank u," tweeted March 5.
Tax Resolution: "Thank you for your comments and concerns. We have decided to join other advertisers and suspend our sponsorship of The Rush Limbaugh Show," tweeted March 5.
AOL: "At AOL one of our core values is that we act with integrity. We have monitored the unfolding events and have determined that Mr. Limbaugh’s comments are not in line with our values. As a result we have made the decision to suspend advertising on The Rush Limbaugh Radio show," posted on its Facebook page March 5.
Bonobos: "Looks like we were running on it, but we've told them to pull us from the show indefinitely. Thanks for letting us know!" tweeted March 5.
Sears: "Sears and Kmart did not intentionally advertise on the Rush Limbaugh show. Sears Holdings has taken actions to ensure our ads do not run on this show. We appreciate our customers, fans and followers and thank you for your business," tweeted March 5.
Allstate Insurance: "Allstate does not advertise on or sponsor the Rush Limbaugh show," posted on Facebook March 5.
Vitacost: "Mr. Limbaugh's unsettling comments are not in line with our values, and we've decided to remove our advertising from the program," tweeted March 5.
Sensa: "Rush Limbaugh’s comments are not in line with SENSA values so we are pulling our ads indefinitely which shud be down in the next couple days," tweeted March 5.
Bare Escentuals: "All, we take your feedback to heart and can assure u we did not authorize the airing of our ads during The Rush Limbaugh Show... We've taken steps to ensure that our radio ads do not air on this program," tweeted March 5.
Goodwill: "Goodwill is a non-partisan nonprofit organization. Public service announcements are not paid advertisements and should not be considered endorsements of a particular political or ideological point of view. The Goodwill public service announcement that aired on WMAL or other stations affiliated with the Rush Limbaugh show aired without Goodwill’s knowledge or consent. No further Goodwill public service announcements will be aired without our permission," posted on its Facebook page March 5.
Service Magic: "It has come to our attention that some of our advertisements have inadvertently been airing in conjunction with the Rush Limbaugh show. While we at ServiceMagic respect the individual political beliefs held by our customers, recent comments on the show do not align with the values we hold at the core of our company and as such, have requested to remove our support as an advertiser," posted March 5.
Bethesda Sedation Dentistry: "Bethesda Sedation Dentistry is happy to join the fight! Effective immediately, we will pull our Rush ads," tweeted March 5.
Cascades Dental: "Mr. Limbaugh’s comments are inconsistent with the values of our practice. We have canceled all our advertising on his show," tweeted March 5.
AccuQuote Life Insurance: "AccuQuote has instructed our media agency to immediately pull all our advertising campaigns that support Rush Limbaugh. His recent comments do not reflect the values of AccuQuote," posted on Facebook March 5.
Geico: "In 2004 when Rush Limbaugh’s program also carried remarks that were inappropriate, we ceased all advertising on his show. We don’t advertise there to this day. On occasion, a local station may mistakenly run a GEICO ad in the wrong time slot. We are directing our ad buyers to make sure that doesn’t happen," the company said in a statement March 5.
Netflix: The company has emailed to say it doesn't advertise on Limbaugh's shows, though we heard its ad Monday. It's likely the company is in the same situation as several other companies that bought airtime but not specifically for Limbaugh's show. Some companies -- like Geico and Capital One -- say their ads ran on the show in error.
PolyCom: "Polycom does some syndicated radio advertising, including spots on WMAL, however we had no intention to run ads on the Rush Limbaugh Show. The recent comments by Mr. Limbaugh go against our core values, and we have taken action to discontinue advertising on this program," posted on Facebook March 6.
John Deere: "Deere is reviewing the placement of these advertisements, as the company has not chosen to be a current advertiser," Kenneth Golden, director of global public relations, told Bloomberg March 6, explaining that dealers had bought the ads through a network.
Stamps.com: "Rush Limbaugh's recent comments do not align with our company values, and as such, Stamps.com has suspended advertising on the Rush Limbaugh radio program," the company said in a statement March 6.
St. Vincent’s Medical Center: "We agreee that Mr. Limbaugh’s recent derogatory comments regarding an individual testifying before Congress are not acceptable," the company said March 6.
Capitol One: "Capital One does not advertise on the Rush Limbaugh Show (and hasn't for some time). If a Capital One ad ran during the program, it was without our permission. We are investigating to see if an error was made by one of our media partners," the company said in a statement March 6.


I don't even know who that guy is

heard his name, that's it

I guess I don't know about him for a good reason


When David Letterman says Sarah Palin's 14 y/o daugher should be raped, that is fine though?

LOL WOW....... You turned the chicken pox into the plague, good job.

He joked that Alex Rodriguez got Palin’s daughter pregnant, but he didn’t mention which daughter he was referring to, and later claimed he assumed that Bristol, Palin’s daughter who also happens to be an 18 year-old mother, was at the game. Only Willow, 14, was there though. Letterman said “One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.”


He never said she should be raped are you out of your mind?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
When David Letterman says Sarah Palin's 14 y/o daugher should be raped, that is fine though?

LOL WOW....... You turned the chicken pox into the plague, good job.

He joked that Alex Rodriguez got Palin’s daughter pregnant, but he didn’t mention which daughter he was referring to, and later claimed he assumed that Bristol, Palin’s daughter who also happens to be an 18 year-old mother, was at the game. Only Willow, 14, was there though. Letterman said “One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.”


He never said she should be raped are you out of your mind?

wow! owned by Megas (nice find K++ coming) AND exposed as a Palin ~ Limbaugh lover, this just ain't yer day push3r.......


He should blame the microphone for converting his voice waves into a digital signal.

Fuck You Sony.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
He should blame the microphone for converting his voice waves into a digital signal.

Fuck You Sony.

he's sounding a bit like Geraldine Jones (Flip Wilson) The devil made me do it.......

Here's Geraldine & Muhammad Ali, for the
first time ever Ali's absolutely speechless.



Slim Pickens

Well-known member
FUCK rush limpdick

and anyone who supports him ought to have their head examined.(sheesh..can't anyone think things through anymore?)

imagine him calling someone a slut...and this from a guy who goes to the Dominican Republic for a "boys weekend" with a pocket full of Viagra.(that is,when he is between wives).Rash Limprug is shiatstain, and anything he says is BS.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

and hey wtf?!? I've called a gal or two 'slut' over the years but I never had all my friends jump ship all @ once over it.

it's like his sponsors were all just waiting to bail on him.......

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I can't say I know a lot about USA Radio show's but I thought this guy was a joke that would be taken off soon because he was so bad. I just found out last night that through his sponsors he makes $52million a year himself so that even if he lost half his sponsors he wouldn't care. As he put it lastnight" losing these guys was like dropping a few french fries,, what do I care"
The worst part about this report last night is he is one of the most listened to radio shows in the US WTH??? PPL actually tune into this tool?? WHY?? .. It's bad enough that the world is the way it is but don't let ppl like this on the airways wow needless to say this guy is as bad as it gets . Don't expose your kids to these type of ppl headband 707
20 Million+ listeners on 250+ radio stations...hardly the windfall that his detractors dream of.

Don Imus still makes a killing, Rush can live without a few sponsors.

The shitty part is that stoners think some voices should be silenced?

And Rush is the hypocrite...lol

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
I really feel for the poor schmuck that has to clean the grease out of the hot tub after Limpjaw gets out.


Active member
20 Million+ listeners on 250+ radio stations...hardly the windfall that his detractors dream of.

Don Imus still makes a killing, Rush can live without a few sponsors.

The shitty part is that stoners think some voices should be silenced?

And Rush is the hypocrite...lol
Agreed. And who spends $3000 a year in birth control unless fucking is your job? And why is that being dicussed in Congress? And why in THE fuck should my insurance company or myself pay for her pills? Makes as much sense as Rush complaining to Congress to make all of us pay for his oxycontine habit.


3rd-Eye Jedi
20 Million+ listeners on 250+ radio stations...hardly the windfall that his detractors dream of.

Don Imus still makes a killing, Rush can live without a few sponsors.

The shitty part is that stoners think some voices should be silenced?

And Rush is the hypocrite...lol

no rush is a doctor shopping opiate addict who has his own human depravities yet he makes his money being critical of others

being open to humanity doesn't mean you have to like those who scourge it

hes a human piece of shit with the resources to know better

when he sows what he reaps its on him

fuck his fat face with infected undead donkey dicks


20 million listeners...100 percent old white people that hate Obama...i wish his fat ass would get back on the oxys.
20 Million+ listeners on 250+ radio stations...hardly the windfall that his detractors dream of.

Don Imus still makes a killing, Rush can live without a few sponsors.

The shitty part is that stoners think some voices should be silenced?

And Rush is the hypocrite...lol
let's see
stoner's try to educate
rush preaches hate
see the difference
by the way he can keep his 20mil right-wing evangelical hyprocrites to himself.
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