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Alfalfa tea



It depends on the quality of the Alfalfa. Start out low.....1 TBS per gallon. You do not really need to brew it. Just add to the water and agitate.
About 1 tsp per gallon will do on the sugar product. I use a refined version of the sugar beet here in the EU for mine.



dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
make sure there is no salts in your cubes. a lot of companies add it to help "mineralize" there alfalfa. good alfalfa should already have tons of minerals.

you also dont need an airstone. the common method used by growers with alfalfa is take a 1 gallon bucket. add a few handfulls of alfalfa, let sit for a few weeks with a loose lid to keep pests out. strain the solids out toss them on your compost( it will smell so be aware), and then dilute the liquid 1:10-1:20 for soil drench depending on how strong your soil mix is and how heavy a feeder your plant is. foliar sprays should be diluted at least 1:30-1:50.

simple as that.


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
alfalfa makes an awesome tea, probably the best teas i have ever tried. alfalfa has more available potash than nitrogen but produced beautiful veg plants and is great during early flower. I am using LCs mix and I have found that the girls want for potash (most likely because the greensand hasnt had a chance to break down) its only the slightest of def but I treated some bullrider girls with some alfalfa tea right when they went into flower and they now look very healthy, healthier than they looked in veg!
i use 2 tablespoons in 3 gallons of water..let sit for 48 hours, strain then apply. Too much can burn, so start with less. I use a good agricultural alfalfa that isn't high in sodium