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ALF and the Fat B*stard AF's..


ICMag Donor
Happy harvest, enjoy that good smoke..... I've been warming up my taste buds with the assortment jar still.... Lots of awesome flavors and now I'm becoming more familiar with them.... Smoke reports coming up...

See ya on the fipp-side mossy....


yo mossy (hope you're still around) and everybody else...
the 2 ALF f2s i've got left are looking great. real deep purple flowers and a smell i can't place. the one in the hydro unit isn't looking real great, definate signs of deficiencies and green shit on the roots, but its still growing. this will be my last and final run in the hydroponic world (at least for a while). i'll stick to soil. but they both are fattening up, realllllllll fat. hopefully they will be done in about 3 weeks. been in flower for about 4.

hey mossy, is 7 weeks flowering long enough or should i wait a wee bit long?

and hey pipe, i've got 4 night hail ultra gals and one sb bx3 x sb bx4. 7 fine ladies. supposedly its a 43 day strain NHU is. let's see if that holds true...
and i'm keeping one NHU male.

sorry to get off topic.

stay safe everyone.



ICMag Donor
Great to hear things are going well, soxx! Hydroponics is a different ballgame and is difficult to get dialed, I've heard...

I would say give them about 8 weeks flowering at least.... Check out the trichs if you can... I got one of those pocket microscopes the other day.... They can be a little tricky but they work really well...

NHU was just cropped recently around here so its probably a variable strain with some of the earliest coming in around 45 days.... You can always go longer.... I wouldn't put much emphasis on the numbers in strain descriptions....

kush-sider pics are comin....


what is the Kush - Spider Pipeline? sounds interesting....

I have an AF female confirmed today. She is going to be used for breading. I have some Male AF pollen ready to get in the mix as well...Too bad my season is pretty much over and I will have to wait till the spring to start her offspring. Hopefully I can get a few more weeks of dry autumn days to make seeds. Wish me luck...


Joint Date: Today.
HH the kushSider is (afghan x hindu kush) x outsider.. by far some of the earlyest kush hybrid around i think.. very resistant for mold and bad conditions in guerrilla..


ICMag Donor
Will try and have an update here soon... Got a busy weekend coming up... Will be afterwards....


Not too much to report over here... Rains coming for the next couple days... I have one female AF and 3 small sprouts. Wish them luck on these recent storms. Ill try to get some pics when the sun comes back out... Good luck guys, Stay safe.


here's my update. the alf f2 gifted from a friend is doing alright. besides some hydro issues she turned out to be a nice show. below, she is the short one in the front. if grown properly, yield would have been better.

i also found some seeds mossy made under my keyboard. they'll be seein some dirt here soon.



ICMag Donor
Cab's looking great! Looks like a little b indy down in front.... Cool stuff! Who are the gals in back?


You will not be forgotten
hope things are going well for you Mossy, you are very missed and hope to be seeing you soon, this joints for you! :joint:
MOSSY!!! Where did you get to mate? I know this is long gone, but I just finished reading this whole thing, and it was very depressing having it be a bad ending...please come back and let us know you are still alive and kicking man! I hope the best for you.


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