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alaskinds 2006 Mendo outdoor


Active member
C.K.- Im stocking up on the bamboo... Ive barely been able to keep up with the rapid growth of the younger clones (transplanting, feeding,ect.),but they should make quite a difference in yield at the end. Im doing a personal preference test with over 20 strains this year,some greats are in the running-O.G., Bubba, G-13 X Blueberry sativa,Williams Mango,Widow X Rockbud,Elvis, Orient Express,ect....
I have been feeding them high P. food(guano) for about 2 weeks.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Awesome plants :)

Awesome plants :)

CarharttKidd said:
Babba- I wouldn't trust that roof in a hard rain. I would be losing sleep making sure that water didn't puddle up on that thing. Hmmmmm...... Crop worth thousands protected by free roof. I have seen this theory backfire on several people.

Hehe yea I dont blames ya !! Ive had great luck with my structures late in the season . So awesome to harvest buds that have never been soaked down by end of the seaon rains. Being a contractor tends to make a guy trust what he builds. But believe me Ill take heed to your words and build it even stronger this season :) Great looking plants. Ill be keeping a good eye on this the rest of the season so lets get lots of budshots :) Best part about being right in the yard is all the budshots you can get . Thanks for sharing a beautiful grow with us all :)
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!1


Active member
Babbabud, thank you for your compliments,though the climate is due the credit... I believe that if I get the chance to do this again next year ther will be some changes in my strategies and tactics... This is my first attempt at an outdoor harvest and Ive learned a few things: 1- Wider holes in the grond make wider plants, the depth doesnt seem as important as long as its over 10 inches or so. So next ime its going to be wide beds instead of deep holes. 2- I have a tendancy to plant more seeds than I can manage correctly..I have exhausted most of my budget on soil keeping them happy.
3-I should be on my third crop now instead of the first...next ime I set up something like this it will be a light dep. grow.
Those are some of the physical aspects of this grow that need improvement,and there are other problems such as location, and avoiding attention to improve as well.


Active member
Hello GreenOgre, Im doing the prep work to avoid mold such as removing the lower shaded branches, this also helps increase air ciculation under the plant. Other than that I will just have to keep a sharp eye on the developing flowers....


Im in the EastBay and I encounter mold every year.I try to inspect often to reduce this from spreading.

If you have some pics of how you trim the lower branches it would be great so I can see first hand how this works.

When do you usually harvest?month?
Alaskind- Yeah, if you had a green house or a quonset hut, it would be alot easier to black out and have a spring, summer, and fall harvest. You might need a heater and suplemental lights for the beginning to pull off a spring harvest depending on how cold winter temps get and how long you want to veg for. I have a feeling that if you got a good phenotype of the O.G. it will be your favorite mainly for potency.

Budswell is popular stuff. Easy to apply too. Bat guano is awesome.

GreenOgre- Trimming the bottom branches is beyond easy. Cut off all the dinky little branches on the bottom of the plant that do't give you anything but popcorn. The first foot or so off of the ground should be naked. Air circulation and sulfer burners help with mold too.


Active member
C.K. ...Im planning on moving to a g-house next season,and making light dep. rows full of bubba....
GreenOgre- this is my first season growing outdoors, so Im not sure of harvest dates,although I have enough strains that harvest should be spread out over a few weeks due to genetic influence.....
How is this thread NOT one of the most popular threads at ICMAG? People musta eaten the second half of that retard sandwich for lunch! Your shit is rockin', Alaskind! At least once a day, I wish I had a back yard that looked like this right about now. Keep it up! Can't wait to see those harvest pics! Your trimmers are going to have their work cut out for them! Hope you got some motivated trimmers lined up!


Amazing garden/grow! cant wait to see how this turns out.
Good luck with the growing!


Active member

hello all,
C.K. Damn you read my mind again... I was just lining up trimmers yesterday...I have been busy tying the bottoms up lately-they were already trying to break.

nielspotshop... welcome,and keep your eyes peeled ,Im going to post more pics today...
Is that a 10 gallon grow bag or bigger?

Hope you got a plan to keep your shit dry when the rain comes.

Just another tip that I've found helpfull. The wiss scissors are awesome. You can buy replacement blades for them and they are really ergonomic.


There is a way to set up a drying rack with bambo skewers and bamboo poles. This is the best way to hang your shit up. You can fit so much more in without your masonry string sagging. Stackable screens are a good method for smaller stuff, especially if you can ghetto rig something to work for the scale of your project with screen doors. Remember air ciriculation. You can get big ass glass jars to cure with at Ace alot of times

For a good size job to get done with the least ammount of pain, get a regular schedule flowing without too much smokein' and jokein' going on. Shit slows to a crawl and quality goes to shit if it turns into a giant non stop smoke session. You gotta take the "gettin payed by the day so why the hell should I move fast" attitude the hell out of the picture. A good trimmer can crank a pound out trimmed neatly in 4.5 hours. A good thing to do is do a work trade with other growers. They have fewer reasons to be runnin their suck about your shit.


Monster plants! went looking for two of my outdoor plants again today, no luck.
I really like seeing trees keep it up! and good luck!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
In the babbas garden we harvest one plant at a time the mrs and I trim it right up and move right to the bubblebags for clean up. Spend a day on each plant ....have it trimmed hanging and the hash made all in lessthen one day no problem.Many times its in the evening after work. Since everything isnt ripe on the same day anyways its really not a bad job at all. Plus I dont have to bring people in and our little secret remains just that .
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1 plant a piece or 1 plant between the 2 of you? I got a feeling that he'll miss the window of perfect ripeness if he only does 1 a night. Im not sure how many he's got, but if it stretches out over a month, he could be hateing life. Girls growing bananas and people wantin' pacs he cant put together and people that have already filled their needs and on and on.

Babba- you're a lucky dude if that works out perfect for you.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Well i have 10 different strains and 12 plants so its really not that rough. The wife is a relentless trimmer and its nothing for the two of us to do a plant or two a nite between us. I grow a mix of indica and sativa so my ripening window is spread out pretty well. Really not that much difference if i take the same strain a couple days apart. I only have two of the same strain in my garden though so the ripening times are all pretty much diff. Come on by and check it out alaskind and i actually have some plants that look alot alike. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=28635&page=1&pp=30


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hoping all is good with Alaskind he hasnt been on in over a week to update. Lets keep a good thought that all is well.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!