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AK99(AK47+C99)xWW 2nd Generation

A buddy gave me some seeds that were the result of an AK99 and WW cross. I grew 4 plants and 3 were female and one was male. One of the ladies was lanky and weak so I pulled her. I took clones from both females and the male, killed the male plant. The male and female went into my veg cab. Once the main grow was done, I weighed the product and determined which female gave the best and most yeild. The clone from that female was kept and the other female was thrown out. In that veg cabinet, I created about 800 useable seeds. This grow is from those seeds.
Follow a link in my signature to see more. The original females resulted in about 9.5 oz in a staggered harvest (56,65,70 days of flower)under 400hps in a C13.



Active member
ice cross you have there dude i cant wait to see what they look like when they are finished...

800 beans thats alot of seeds dude keep up the great work...


Active member
i would never select my plants by yield alone. What if the buds on the one phenotype you don't keep are stronger or taste much better?
Alot of times I have changed my mind on which phenotype to keep after the curing.

Sounds like a good strain anyway. Have you been able to harvest/try any yet?


you could have saved time buy ordering white russian frome serious seedes


looks like a nice lil cross ya have there :)
very productive lookin cab you're running too!