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Ak47 VS White Russian, Anyone have experience with both


I am planning out my next grow and trying to decide between AK47 and WR both from Serious seeds. I am looking for a balance between yield and potency... Definitely bag appeal is important. I guess you can say I'm looking for the best cash crop strain between the two above options.

I have done a lot of research on both strains and it seems that everyone loves either one. I didn't find any topics comparing the two specifically.

Any insight is much appreciated.

Also, if you think you have another option that meets my criteria feel free to post it up and describe why you like it more than ak47 or WR. I would appreciate only those who have grown AK or WR list other "better" options/recommendations.


Active member
AK is going to flower more quickly, although they are devastatingly potent. Both good choices in my book, depending on how patient you are.


I have grown both, I found WR had better bag apeal, in my area anyway.

AK finishes about 10 days or so faster. Yield is about the same depending what pheno you clone from each. From seed AK will yield more.


I am growing from seeds but plan to grow out some moms from seed then proceed to take clones. Once the clones grow out and I have a proper smoke report I am gonna keep the moms I like and probably just flower out the ones I decided not to keep.

Any info on how each of these strains clone? Which one out of the two would you say is easier to clone.

I have heard people say AK is somewhat hard to clone?


Pull my finger
Is this your first grow??

Do both.


An ideal cash crop (IMO) is giving a little variety. Switch it up a bit so folks dont get tired of smoking the same thing.


Active member
Is this your first grow??

Do both.


An ideal cash crop (IMO) is giving a little variety. Switch it up a bit so folks dont get tired of smoking the same thing.

This is true until they run out. then they will take whatever you have. lol

I just planted some white russian today.


Is this your first grow??

Do both.


An ideal cash crop (IMO) is giving a little variety. Switch it up a bit so folks dont get tired of smoking the same thing.

This is not my first grow but there will be many first in this grow.

First time...

maintaining a grow on a much larger scale
keeping a veg/clone/mother room
taking clones
growing in coco

My job never allowed me to maintain a constant setup throughout the year because i'm always out of town. I literally would germ seeds in my homemade aero cloner and then move them over to a fence post aero setup, veg and flower them in the same room.

I am now working for myself and can make the time to maintain a setup all year long. I have a lot of research I need to do though lol.

I am probably going to grow out both though.


A friend grew both for her own personal smoke and found the WR to be overall slightly better yielding, but stonier - more couchlock. Both, she said, were exceptional.

Lune TNS

I've grown out both, and I found ak47 to be a much better smoke than the WR. The russian came out a bit bland, still good but no AK by any means.

Doctor John

Interesting thread....

Interesting thread....

I'm deliberating over these as well...... what I want more than anything is good genetics, and as I see it, thats what I will get from Serious Seeds..... pity about the cost though.....

What I'm trying to avoid is expensive bullshit/product.......

Dont mind paying, just want to be sure its what I want, and need!


I've grown both and AK47 was my staple strain for years. AK47 will finish 14+ days faster then WR. The yields are very similar depending on what pheno you decide to run. WR has way more bag appeal then AK47, but it isn't in the same class in terms of potency.

Also WR will stink up during veg, a carbon scrubber is a must for flower unless you live on your own ranch.


I've grown both and AK47 was my staple strain for years. AK47 will finish 14+ days faster then WR. The yields are very similar depending on what pheno you decide to run. WR has way more bag appeal then AK47, but it isn't in the same class in terms of potency.

Also WR will stink up during veg, a carbon scrubber is a must for flower unless you live on your own ranch.

Can you describe the pheno type of AK you decided to run. I have read that there really is only 3 different pheno types for the AK and of the three pheno types, the cherry pheno, is somewhat hard to come by. I assume only leaves really 2 pheno types with the AK?


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
If your in to the cash croppers aspect, then I would have to go with the WR, for some reason people that don't know much about weed prefer it, Why? They name, they instantly think 'hell yeah, white something it must kick ass', plus it looks good.

Though I am only suggesting that based on the clientele I'm used to, down south (texas) people don't know much about weed. most think there are two types of weed, shwag and 'dro', they here the name white russain they just about piss there pants.

Though if the people your sellin' to know their shit, go with the AK, quality is a little better. Most other aspects are 'bout the same. (yield, speed, etc)


Can you describe the pheno type of AK you decided to run. I have read that there really is only 3 different pheno types for the AK and of the three pheno types, the cherry pheno, is somewhat hard to come by. I assume only leaves really 2 pheno types with the AK?

It depends who's AK47 you're running. I only ran Simon's AK47 *Serious Seeds*, they were very uniform from seed. You could say there were 3 or 4 main phenos from seed with very slight variations of each. I went with the most squat sativa I could find. Important things to look for are internode spacing and fan leaf sizes. I could squeeze 36-40 clones on a 4x4 flood and drain table on a coco mat over a 600 and expect at least an elbow if you got a green thumb, if its your first time its probably best with a 1k. For a true knockout smoke 9 weeks of flower is the sweet spot with 2 weeks of vegging. Just lollipop them and you're good to go, no need to top or fim.


Active member
i have always grew serious seeds ak47. the first pack i had 3 cherry phenos . and thay wher some dam power smoke 2-3 hit is all it would take . i tried to reorder and thay wher out so i bought nirvana ak48. and it did not stack up to the good old serious seeds ak47. do not get me wrong nirvana version is ok but you cant beat the original on ak47 or there kalimist.