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I just finished up a run and the ak47 was my favorite from veg to the end. it was almost 2x the size of everything else but i had cropped it many diferent ways so it worked out incredible. It had me thinking..man THIS IS ORIGINAL. id never seen much like it. the nugs were kinda wispy as 1st but then they filled out nice. the hairs are so orange it reminds me of that Chucky doll. The leaves didnt have much crystals at all but the buds were TWINKLING! the smell is like pine, lemon, citrus, or even kinda like afghan, with a slight hazey smell after it is burned....its hard to explain. and my favorite part about it is it taste just like the smell..GOTTA LOVE IT.

(i didnt order anything just got clones from a close friend can anyone tell me if I have the origional ak-47 cause the reports ive read and the pics ive seen dont compare)

(P.S. few pics on my profile):joint:


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
my ak is short, sturdy. heavy yielding and produces massive colas. roots are also very strong. mine has the afghan goo smell with a hazy undertone.


Hows the smoke? Im sure its a delight. I've heard nothing but good from all AK. I just orderd a few of lowlifes auto ak47 with my last order. Im eager to put its suposed potency to the test


Active member
Who knows if it is the original? There is just no way to tell. I guess the question I might ask is, regardless of its genetic authenticity, does it hit the sweet spot for you? It sounds like it does. Is it really potent, a one hit wonder?

I have some Cherry AK and it is really potent, almost devastating. I'm not sure what the cherry cut/pheno is but it's floating around some Cali dispensaries and it strikes me as authentic(although who knows for sure) because it hits me so hard from head to toe.


collector of lightsabers.. and fine cannabis genet
ICMag Donor
i've been considering getting a pack because of the thumbnail pic in serious' add..... cherry AK sounds super green....

Hindu Killer

Active member
AK is a very nice performer. Good vigor, stone, yield you name it. If one was to be hunting a keeper from seed....cant go wrong with Serious gear.


Well-known member
How would you compare the HIGH of a good representative of AK-47 to any Haze hybrids (NL x, x skunk, SSH, Jack,...) you have experience with? In descriptions it's stated AK47 has good "sativa" high, but how sativa it actually is? Since there's no point in comparing to pure sativas, I wonder how it compares to the most common Haze hybrids.


How would you compare the HIGH of a good representative of AK-47 to any Haze hybrids (NL x, x skunk, SSH, Jack,...)

the AK that i grow is not like any haze hybrids that i've experienced (growing ssh atm) it is a heavy indica stone-makes you want to sit about-maybe sleep a little-or doze-or think about having a little doze-you get the picture. I gather that there is supposed to be a sat pheno out there somewhere-i've never seen it

very interesting eddie perhaps you have a more hybrid ak if you feel me..i believe ak is a known sativa. just dont get me wrong im feelin that ak you have there, I wish I could try it and compare myself.


Active member
I started growing on serious seeds ak47 and there where 2 distinct phenos. one indaca and one sativa. the sativa was the best buzz because i like a more sativa high. and the indaca would lay you out knock you in the head with a bas ball bat high. out of 15 seeds i got 3 cherry phenos .2 indaca and one sativa .i held on to the sativa the longest.

but i bought me a pack last year so i hop i get a special pheno out of the bunch. i do on making a open pollination with these seeds. so i do not have to buy any more .

ps i did use one cherry pheno in a cross with a unknown mexican sativa. i grew out one plant and got 1 pound under a 600 watt hps. it was so strong it had me grinding my teeth.
i need to do a incross as to find a better representation of the aki used in the cross.
very interesting eddie perhaps you have a more hybrid ak if you feel me..i believe ak is a known sativa. just dont get me wrong im feelin that ak you have there, I wish I could try it and compare myself.

Nah definitely not a sativa, it stretches a bit maybe 2-3x but has a heavy stone to it.


New member
AK is one of my favorite strains to grow. Very good yield. Awesome high. Excellent bag appeal. I highly recommend it to new growers, very easy to grow. All around an awesome plant.....need to grow it out again!!!!


I was just curious what might the diffrences be in the original Ak47 and automatic ak47 (besides the obvious diffrences height/yeild etc..) But is the potency still as high? The ease of growing?
I love AK-47. As a veg plant, it gets big fast (at least the one I grow, which I also got from clone). I had several mothers, but I had to kill a few to make space, but ak is an ideal mother plant if you have the room. I like to bonsai in 1 gal my moms.

I have several ak's in flower, one about less than a week from being harvested. The ak I grow gives me long big colas and dense trichome laden swollen buds. It's a little spicy, piney, full bodied and I feel physical relaxation, pain releif and a little giddy and laughy and relaxed. I am at my perfect spot.

Ak is easy to grow, great for the beginner and the pot snob. Don't harvest too early (about 9-10 weeks into flower) or it will be more racy and psychadelic, and sometimes not very pleasant.


Active member
I'm passing the 9 week mark and these hoes don't look anywhere near done....I have some frosty donkey penis's but god damn, I am not looking to tie up flower room space again with these.
I just took my ak out of the flowering room at 9 weeks and she smells like grape and cherry koolaide mixed with marijuana. I'm taking her down tonight. Happy trimming.

Don't jusde your ak until you smoke her...