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Airy buds


Active member
It was root aphids I mistook for gnats and I thought I was killing them. I just moved to a new state and I've done 2 grows both with different bug problems thrips, mites, and now root aphids. My last yield was atrocious and I suspected bulbs but, now I believe I have found my answer. House was extremely clean I kept the yard awesome not sure how bugs got in, but at least I can kill them all now ;\

This cost me and people I care about dearly. You won't be seeing from me for awhile unfortunately, but hopefully I can come back sometime. I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do or how things will turn out, but I will try to drop in if possible ever. They are day 44+ and look like they are day 20. Beautiful plants with almost no marks, but 20 day buds.

I suggest everyone to have researched and always have in-stock Floramite (destroys mites), Azatrol, Spinosad, Pyrethrum bombs, and Merit 75 (destroys aphids). I never needed this stuff before, but I guess that is the learning curve....BE PREPARED for the worse...

For late flower, try Botaniguard ES. It will kill RAs without using poison or messing up taste. I wouldn't use imid (Merit) this late, unless it's a haze.
Good luck.


high humidity doesnt only cause bud rot, high humidity has giving me alot of stretch and buds that were similar to your pics, and humidity will affect strains differently, some dont mind it, and some stretch...


Active member
damn im surprised it was just root aphids that did all that? you grow some good dank too 40 so i know you know what you are doing.....ive had on and off problems with damn insects too, first mites, then thrips, then fungus gnats......gotta do some root dunks and add diamatacous earth...

like others have said...that looks like spot on over dose on nitrogen and high humidity, and maybe weak light.....so hopefully you figure out what exactly it was..good luck.


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ICMag Donor
I am positive it's the aphids. I checked it under a loop and everything. They eat the roots and this why I believe the claw started because even though I was only giving them the normal 6/9 they couldn't eat it because the roots were ravaged. It's a really bad infestation now...and was even week and half ago. I was wondering why they weren't dying...

If a 5 inch plant can take the 6/9 like a champ, these monstrosities should too. They were impeccable up to day 25. It's just a really bad aphid infestation and me noobin it big time writing them off as fungus gnats and not checking them under my loop like I knew I should have.

If you notice airy buds and everything else is in check check your root immediately! If you see them flying and I.D. them as root aphids chop it and start over...it's too late.


Active member
If you notice airy buds and everything else is in check check your root immediately! If you see them flying and I.D. them as root aphids chop it and start over...it's too late.

condolences man. These things are a plague.. another grow down the tubes :(


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ICMag Donor
40, what are you going to do to prevent root aphids from now on? What causes them to infest?

Merit 75 will completely annihilate them. Many professionals have told me this is the one use killer but do it twice to be sure. You can always pretreat in veg a little before they go into flowering.


Both of these are the same chemical and same manufacturer. Bayer makes both merit and Bayer insect killer line. It is the same active ingredient except the Merit has no NPK. I recommend the merit because of no NPK.

(There is a tree and shurb version, complete version, and a rose version. All have the same pesticide but some may vary NPK)

These are strong systemics ^ around ~40 days this stuff will continually kill bugs like your floramite etc.. it's the only permanent cure.

I've got a family members house who was dependent on my income I am going to set up shop at this month while I am moving out. It's terrible they have the to take the risk with me, but were both dependent on my income and there is no other option. If they were not complicit we would both be out on the street literally so don't take chances learn from my mistake.

Always have this stuff in stock guys...IMO while although root aphids are easier to kill they are much more detrimental to your crop than mites. BE PREPARED!

I wish you guys some bountiful harvests shoot a prayer out there for my dumb ass shit is gonna be messed up for about 6 months for me but I could be on the street so at least I got a place to go.
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Overkill is under-rated.
Btw, just so you guys know, Merit (imidacloprid) makes mites lay eggs much much faster.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Btw, just so you guys know, Merit (imidacloprid) makes mites lay eggs much much faster.

Yea pretty much anything but floramite and azamite will lol...

NEVER PYRETHRUM BOMB MITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It won't kill them and the second they get a whiff of it just like merit and other pesticides they start shooting eggs out like a machine gun.

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