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Airpots : Og Kush and Critical Mass

Hash Man



so in addition to my gen3 co2 generator, i have added a 50lb tank to get my ppm up to 1500. its now at 800 and climbing. hopefully before morning i will report a 1500 ppm lvl at around 85 degrees f.

Hash Man

good news

good news

the co2 is up. i will have to dial it in some more but i am feeling good about getting things up to almost 1500 ppm. i may go and get a second tank and forget about the generator alltogether as it makes too much heat. but i guess 85 degrees is perfect fo co2. a ffriend of mine is running the same genetics and his plants seem to love it. here are some pics.


Hash Man

yea man they seem to be loving it. I am dosing them at the moment for 2 1 hour periods over each day. i need to get it more dialed in before i can automate it. Unless i am imagining things, the dramatic surge of growth i noticed in the last day or 2 is really increasing the amount of lateral growth root growth, overall health and development of my ladies.

Hash Man



here are my ladies a day 7 . i spaced the lights out a bit further to accomodate for the rapid growth.man, something is going right cause my plants are bangin right now.

also im getting ready for outdoor. check out these seeds.



any updates? or is this thread ongoing? i cant see the dates on posts and I only found this by searching for airpots

Hash Man

Day 16

Day 16

So here is an update on day 16. I have noticed a huge water usage increase from 30 gallons a feeding to 80 gallons a feeding with little to no runoff. I have never seen water usage like this before, although i have never controlled co2 this well before either. Remember these pics are taken with hps lights on so they look more orange than they really are. they plants are a deep vibrant green and are so big i have had to tie them down . It makes the room look like a sea of green when its really built in individual boxes lol...I tried to take the pics so you can se the airpots at the bottom... refer back to the first pics of the room and see the huge increase in vegetation with just 10 days veg and 16 days flower. The critical mass will be ready a week or 2 before the OG... I will post pics again when there is a noticable dif.

Here are my OG KUSH clones... look at the nice rooting. I like rapid rooters, but am expirimenting with oasis cubes, as you can fit morein a tray. These rooted in 5 days. WOW


ICMag Donor
Looks like you are doing something right... ;) Keep up the good work and keep us posted. Very nice!

Hash Man

Is anyone else having an issue with the pics loading properly? i will find the online link for the airpots... my friend is a supplier so i got the pots from him, for 2 cents less than the online price. ..

norcal- i use a co2 generator and a 50lb tank... ii will nix the gen2 and add a second tank. i find that the trick is to raise the co2 fast by pumping it ut of the tank as fast as i can before the solonoid freezes... then when its up to 1200-1500 i turn on the gen2 to heat up the room and keep a constant co2 level. i have been injecting co2 rather than keeping it constant.
Hash Man to load pics you have to upload them into your picture
album then when you post something go to forum album :joint::joint::joint:
then copy and paste them into that post. thats the only way
i know how to put pics on here. good luck bro i will be watching you!!!!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor


Nice AirPots I have 4 in flower with them. 2 SLH and 1 Soma NYCD. These are massive 8g pots. These pics are old I have had mine in flower now for about 3 weeks for the soma and 2 weeks for the SLH. When using these you need to be careful as when you water the water will run out of all the holes so you will need to have a catch basin and empty that often. I have a q what is the ideal temp for Co2 Usage? I use it but my room does not get above 78f


hammerhead those look like netted pots, i bet those would work
with hydroten for hydro ro a soilless mix.:joint::joint::joint:
i bet those roots thrive with all that oxyogen.:joint::joint:

Hash Man

norcal, thanks for the help. i have actually uploaded pics, its just that, when i come to look at the page, only 1 or 2 pcs load up, so i press f5 to reload, and a dif pic will show, but rarely will all my pics show. maybe its just me?

hammerhead, i heare that c02 uptake peaks around 85-90 degrees f. 90 is scary llol, 85 is all about as high as i am willing to go.. but i make a point to raise my co2 to 1200-1500 ppm before the heat raise. the plants are really goiing off. i jusst checked em as the lights just came on and they are already weighing half the weight that they were last night. WOW um... water usage like this is very peculiar. im happy tho as i can really pamper them properly... Soon we will hit critical mass... and all the time will be worthwhile... and yea the critical mass smells like juicy fruit gum when i rub the stem lets hope its translates to the smoke

Hash Man

lol i hear you, the site obviously has its little quirks. still the best site i have found so far... anyone else usinf floranova and/or sweet
Hash Man wut up, hows it going. you gotta check this shittttttt out!!!!!
:joint::joint::joint::joint: i'm soooo hi off this shit,know more back pains
i could go straight to bed right now but i'm so excited, this stuff is bomb purple bud so fruity like candy!!!!!!!:joint::joint::joint::joint:
