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Green is Gold

GIF is funny, but the ebonic caption is some racist BS. Just letting you know

On topic: Did I miss the climate change thread or something, why is everybody getting their popcorn out and shizz?


Game Bred
there have been countless GW/AGW threads...
ALL of them quickly descend in to wild hyperbole,emotional drivel and ad hominem nonsense pretty quickly on both sides. as evidenced herein.

Tom Hill

Active member
In Plain Site,

You really think I am being passive aggressive, lol? Most assuredly, it is not my desire to be, I feel no passiveness on these issues whatsoever. The difference here is in the message, not the delivery.

There is a group of humans on this planet who are attempting to take action in righting the more horrid sins of mankind,, the war mongering, the bigotry, the oppression, yes, and the destruction of the planet. You bet I admire this, and feel it is our duty.

There is another group too, who not only refuse to admit the above, but their answers to our problems are things like, oh, let's kick all the Mexicans out of California, let's go right those evil doers on the other side of the world, that'll fix all, or at least keep us in curry for a spell.

I feel this latter requires nothing more than a deep inner cowardice. This is the root of what we are talking about here, and in all these like threads, make no mistake, in spite of the smoke.


Game Bred
In Plain Site,

You really think I am being passive aggressive, lol? Most assuredly, it is not my desire to be, I feel no passiveness on these issues whatsoever. The difference here is in the message, not the delivery.

There is a group of humans on this planet who are attempting to take action in righting the more horrid sins of mankind,, the war mongering, the bigotry, the oppression, yes, and the destruction of the planet. You bet I admire this, and feel it is our duty.

There is another group too, who not only refuse to admit the above, but their answers to our problems are things like, oh, let's kick all the Mexicans out of California, let's go right those evil doers on the other side of the world, that'll fix all, or at least keep us in curry for a spell.

I feel this latter requires nothing more than a deep inner cowardice. This is the root of what we are talking about here, and in all these like threads, make no mistake, in spite of the smoke.

i see the inner cowardice angle..
i also see the extreme hubris and sanctimonious (undeserved) superiority.

you and grape... two sides of the exact same smug coin.


would a prick by any other name smell as much like cawk?


Well maybe in my mind I hold certain things to be true.Sometimes we gloss over what we think is an already unspoken truth or understanding.Being cognizant and proactive of how we make our way through this life would be at the top of that list.

I disagree with you on the delivery vs. message point though.Your comment did come off as a bit condescending, in a passive/enlightened kind of way.Just one persons take on a post on the internet...but I like English humor as well so that may explain much.

If you say isn't wasn't meant that way, I believe you.I meant no malice and I'm a huge fan.Trust me, if our paths ever crossed I'd only want to soak up whatever I could about growing from you :)


Politics and religion...fucking yuck

In Plain Site,

You really think I am being passive aggressive, lol? Most assuredly, it is not my desire to be, I feel no passiveness on these issues whatsoever. The difference here is in the message, not the delivery.

There is a group of humans on this planet who are attempting to take action in righting the more horrid sins of mankind,, the war mongering, the bigotry, the oppression, yes, and the destruction of the planet. You bet I admire this, and feel it is our duty.

There is another group too, who not only refuse to admit the above, but their answers to our problems are things like, oh, let's kick all the Mexicans out of California, let's go right those evil doers on the other side of the world, that'll fix all, or at least keep us in curry for a spell.

I feel this latter requires nothing more than a deep inner cowardice. This is the root of what we are talking about here, and in all these like threads, make no mistake, in spite of the smoke.
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