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Agent Orange&Leela on Coco under 600W

fred b

hey folks,

after reading through all these awesome threads for ages I thought it's time for me to create an own grow report.

I've grown for a few years already but had to take a break of ~5yrs and since my old place and growroom is long gone I kinda had to rebuild everything from scratch. but no problem I like DIY ;)

(sorry euro here, measurements will be in the metric system)
so here we go:

Homebox L - 1x1x2m (I wish I would have taken the larger 1,2x1,2m tent tho)
below the tent is a 1x1m wooden plate and below that are two wheel boards, so its easy for me to move the tent around

the tent is in a seperate room with an isolated door. the room has got a big 3 part window which has been isolated with wooden plates from the outside so just 2x 125mm pipes go to the outside.
no light gets through these windows but they still can be opened.

(this room also houses my computer lab/servers, so it always was quite noisy in there but you cannot hear anything when the isolated door is closed)

inside the tent:

  • 240/360m³/h exhaust fan + 400m³/h active carbon scrubber
  • Super Sun2 air cooled reflector with either
  • Philips HPI-T Master 400W for veg or Osram NAV-T 600W for bloom.
  • exhaust and reflecter are connected together with isolated ducting which runs out of the tent and along the wall straight to the window
  • two connected flat plastic bowls, which hold 80l together for the drain
  • a custom wooden table standing in the plastic bowls with old fert. bottles around the feet to protect the wood
  • a dumabak plastic table with PE pipes on the edges, held there with cable clips
  • in the PE pipes i stuck 6x8 so that's 48 x 1liter/hour top drippers

outside the tent

  • a switchable ballast for HPS and HPI bulbs. switchable between 400W and 600W
  • active additional air fan (220m³/h) connected to the back of the tent(you can see the opening in the back of the ladies pics further down), which pulls fresh air from outside
  • 120liter round tank/reservoir with a 11.000liter/h pump inside and
  • a small circulating pump to keep the nutrient solution in move
(a hose runs from the big pump to a water filter and then to the PE pipe:

Electronics / Controlling / Monitoring:
I just love technology! so I used a old notebook with a custom software, 2 USB controllable powerswitches, and USB measurement instruments to build my own computer controlled growroom :D

on the top left you see the switchable ballast, next to it is the notebooks AC adapter and then the notebook ;)
underneath are the two USB controlable powerswitches connected to a active USB hub, which is connected to the notebook (electronic interferences would be very annoying otherwise)
the measurement devices are also connected to the USB hub but are inside the tent.

underneath you can see a part of the reservoir.

the notebook acts as monitor (sorry the graph is real old, I don't have a up-to-date one handy but you get the idea)

it also acts as thermostat/hygrostat and exact to the second timeswitch

I can plan the whole grow with all the light cycles, irrigation times etc in my program similiar to a calendar. but this topic is kinda too big and I rather wanna talk about the ladies and the grow ;)

the most important part ;)

these pics were taken when they just were transplanted into their new homes, so they look abit sad.

here you can see them with and without HPI lights
14 Agent Orange
2 Leela (they're marked with a pink thingie)

10 Agent Orange + 2 Leela are in 5liter Airpots and 4 Agent Orange are in rectangular 6,5liter pots (I couldn't fit 16 plants in airpots on the dumabak table otherwise)
so each plant got 3 drippers

the medium is Canna Coco. the fertilizers are Canna Coco A+B and additives are Cannazym, Rhizotonic and PH- and sometimes Ataclean (it's similiar to dripclean).
this time I didn't have time to prewash the coco, so the plants where just transplanted into fresh from the bag canna coco and then each plant got watered ~7liters of nutrient solution by hand at EC 1.1 PH 5.9 (with rhizotonic).

the plants won't get watered for 3 days after this first flushing so they will have to build a good root system already. then the first week they get 3 waterings each light cycle and then 4 till the end. just the irrigation times will vary.

I am planning to top all the plants when they've developed abit.

Well I think that's a good start for my report for now. If you have any questions, feel free to post them and I'll try to answer ;)

Thread will be periodically updated.

fred b


Nice setup. I am interested in your notebook monitoring system. Please provide more details. I have an computer setting around and I would love to use it to monitor my system remotely, control lighting and watering.

fred b

Hey joseaf,

thats what I do actually ;) I dial in to the grow notebook via vpn or use my iphone when I am in the local wireless lan to monitor the stats and control the room.

well ... there's alot of details hehe ..
a brief overview:
the powerswitches are gembird sis-pm. but i would not recommend them. their drivers are very buggy and I had to write many workarounds and fallbacks to make them work to my likings. I want to get a new powerswitch from anel elektronik some time but its kinda expensive and I am over budget anyway .. I am sure you guys have something in the US as well. you will need a USB or ethernet controllable powerswitch with a API of some programming language you know. (the gembird sh*tty things dont have an official API, so I had to write/port my own)
for monitoring I use the devices from pcmeasure, pretty easy to use. many different modules. but I think there are many suppliers for measurement devices with USB or whatever with a decent API.
I mainly used these components because I had used them at work already.

hope I could help you abit, but feel free to ask any questions you have!

fred b


Great stats display and even recycling an old laptop!
did you create the program?


fred b

thanks trichy!
yea I created the program ;)

wanted to say something about the strains:
Agent Orange is Orange Skunk x Jacks Cleaner x Space Queen by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Leela is (clone only) Heavy Duty Fruity x Die Grüne Hessin by xxxxxxxxxxxxx

fred b
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hi fred :)

howz it bro?
congratz on your first grow thread (if i get it right)
as said before i like your style of monitoring and your
varíation of strains as well ...
okay to put it in a nutshell

im inn --> :lurk:

greetz hans
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fred b

hey Hans,

great to have you on board! :good:
it isnt my first grow report in general but my first detailed report in english ;)

yeah i am really looking forward to these strains!

fred b


Nice grow Brother. It seems you and I are big fans of automation ;) keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing your progress. Nice program by the way! very cool. We'll have to exchange engineering ideas some time!

Silky Johnson

Hey what do you think about those Airpots? They are just getting to my area and im real hyped to try them out! I heard theres nothing out there like them! How long have you been using them and do you like your results? Your setup looks nice but a little high tech for me bro. Ill be watching keep us posted

fred b

thank you pushlimits, I feel very honored to have you here :D I've watched your report with great awe! my automation is not really advanced but it's enough for my little tent ;)
I've also looked alot into building my own nutrient monitor and dosing computer but it turned out too be too expensive and exaggerated. but sure I'd like to share some thoughts :D

@Silky, heya! tbh I just recently got those airpots and I have 3 mother plants in them with very nice growth, but I cannot really compare them to my normal pots yet.
I really wanna see how they do with automated dtw irrigation. I also have 4 clones of the same strain and mother plant in normal pots in there, so after the grow I can at least compare the root mass/growth ;)

probably gonna post some new veg pics in the evening.

fred b

Silky Johnson

Yeah I just picked up 16 small air pots to start my clones out in then transplant to the bigger ones in flowering! Im in the US and they are just making their way out here! Which sizes do you use? Its always better to start out in a small air pot and transplant into a bigger one for best results. I will be keeping my eye on this one keep us posted!

fred b

Hey Silky,

cool :D I really like the airpots so far! But I think they can be watered more than normal pots with coco.

I got 5 liter airpots that's 5 liter = 1.320 860 261 8 gallon [US, liquid] :D

anyways the ladies are starting to shoot their roots out of the airpot holes:

and the tips are yellowing (sorry the picture isn't the best, it's really hard to take macros with a USB microscope while holding it)

I suppose that's the desired air pruning starting there ;)

the ladies are feeling well so far (pic from yesterday afternoon)

I'll update again when there's more to see :wave:

fred b


thats what I do actually ;) I dial in to the grow notebook via vpn or use my iphone when I am in the local wireless lan to monitor the stats and control the room.

well ... there's alot of details hehe ..
a brief overview:
the powerswitches are gembird sis-pm. but i would not recommend them. their drivers are very buggy and I had to write many workarounds and fallbacks to make them work to my likings. I w you will need a USB or ethernet controllable powerswitch with a API of some programming language you know. (the gembird sh*tty things dont have an official API, so I had to write/port my own)

fred b

wow! much respect!

i love the idea of a "grow-notebook", very high tech! and controlling it with your iphone... thats just wicked cool!!!
seems you know your stuff with computers... and i know from your past reports that you definatly know your plants...

so im looking forward to an awesome ganja report!!!


Active member
love the grow man, they seem happy on those air pots,if its not to much to ask,can you show me a better pic of the dripping system, i wanna do one for myself but theres a thing or two that i am not really shure, and yours seems real close to what i want for my coco grow.

fred b



hey guys,

I think its time for an update and since I am currently home alone with a cold doing nothing but drinking tea and soup, I thought I could just post an update.

@evergreen: thank you old mate! :D
I hope I won't disappoint you!

soo here is a pic of the ladies at veg day 7, they had stretched out good and were touching their neighbours with their fan leaves:

I was recommended to top the ladies at this point, so I massacred them abit ;)

The tops weren't dumped but instead put into a quickly assembled clone bubbler

then I went away for a music festival, so some time passed ;)

and this is what the ladies look like today @ veg day 12

as you can see they've filled the canopy pretty nicely, just the the 2 leelas don't grow as wide as the agent orange so there's some open space there still

the plants are all around 20cm tall, I'll give them one or two more days of the metall halide and then switch to 600w hps and also install the suspension net

the agent oranges are branching out pretty nicely after the topping

and theyre also shooting out there roots everywhere, its crazy

I just adjusted the irrigation times so every plant gets 600ml nutrient solutin per day. still 10-20% runoff ofc ;)

@BroughtSuperior: thanks! and sure no problem, just the photo quality isn't the best (sorry for that, only got a crappy old digicam)
the pump in the reservoir (wow it seems kinda dirty, due to the rhizotonic and culinex/bti tabs i think, needs some cleaning ;))

it goes through the rez wall via a rainbarrel connector.

outside the rez is connected to a flexible 32mm bimex hose. this hose runs through a hole in the tent into the tent.

inside the tent the yellow hose is connected to a water filter

the water filter is then connected to a 25mm thyleen hose (aka PE pipe)

and with a piercer you cut lil holes into the PE pipe to stuck the ready-to-use drippers.

I prefer the octopuss 8x drippers. but they're hard to get.
the drippers aren't just hoses but there's a one way pressure valve on the connector. the valve only opens on enough pressure and let's through 8liters/hour, so every single dripper does 1liter/hour or 16,7ml/minute. I got 48 drippers in total, so that's 3 drippers per plant. so every plant gets 50ml/minute

the PE pipe goes all around the table. in the corner i got 90° PE connectors and the pipe is stuck to the table with cable clamps

but the pipe is not a circle. at the end there is a stopper so the needed pressure can build up in the pipe (sorry there is no photo of that, because it's in the farest corner)

oh yeah here is a kinda off topic pic of my mother/kids chamber and some fresh popped seedbag seedlings. its pretty stuffed :chin:

I am sorry if some of my sentences make so sense, as said I got a cold with fever and am abit dizzy n stuff :)

fred b


Well-known member
oh mei the tank is pretty dirty. u should clean it mate :D
i for one scrub my tank after every run, so every 3 months. afterwards it's so clean u can even drink out of it.

the plants look good. when will u switch to 12/12 ?

fred b

hey randa :D
actually I had cleaned the tank 2 weeks ago just before the new plants were transplanted. I was kinda shocked to see how dirty it is now ... I suppose its either the rhizotonic or the culinex/bti tabs, I cannot believe its algae because the tank is completely light proof and got a lid.
well gonna have to clean it again soon I guess ;)

I wanna switch to 12/12 tomorrow or on saturday, gonna decide that tomorrow when I install the suspension net. I don't really know yet how much they will stretch ;)

fred b


Active member
the galls look great fred b, thanks for the detailed pics, really appreciated man, i have to do something like that, i am getting a better idea now of what i can use.