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afterthought autos- Gas & Guns test grow

Gas & Guns Auto test grow
Afterthought Autos was so kind and generous to send me Auto regular seed strains for a TEST grow for Gas & Guns Auto. Also running 2 test journals for new products Tranquil & Numbskull. Each of the 3 will have it's own journal, though grown all together.

This is Gas & Guns Auto regular(2)
Genetic lineage:
Diesel Ryder x AK influence. This GAS & GUNS hybrid is an inbred cross of Soma's NYC Diesel and Lowryder No.2 and produce very potent, extremely resinous and tasty marijuana plants. Diesel Ryder produces compact tight middle-sized buds, slightly irregular and variable, with thick orange pistils. Combine those attributes with a sativa dominant Auto Ak47 plant and crossed it with reworked sativa strain we have been working on a mid-sized to large auto with great potency and very good yields. STRONG buzz. ~85 days using larger container for to produce larger container for maximum harvest.

10/30/20 Germinated and will be grown in:
Organic soil, reused and baked Stonington blend base
Worm castings
Stonington blend fertilizer
Fish bone meal
Lobster compost
5 gallon cloth bucket
Start under CFL(18/6) and they later go to LED: 2 x 280w DIY run 18/6 on/off schedule

DAY ONE: 11/1/20 popped up from soil.

DAY 23: Showing sex already. Wow are these siblings quick to puberty. Only 23 days and BAM, 1 is clearly showing MALE pods and the other showing FEMALE pistols.
Moved MALE into its own 3x2 cabinet to harvest pollen.
Started a 3rd seed the other week with hope it's a FEMALE for the perfect 3-some.
Each plant is 4" tall.

DAY 35(today): Female is looking very healthy, strong, sturdy and compact. Can envision a single fatty bud growing up the middle. Male is throwing pollen everyday. I painted the lower buds of the female with collected pollen, hoping for a few dozen seeds only. She’s now up to 10”. Hope to get a few more girls to finish this cycle.


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49 days in for G&G

49 days in for G&G

Just finished the 7th week post germ for Gas & Guns.
Good ole #1 is a solid single conical bud that’s settled in right at 12”. POA of painting pollen on lower buds appears to have worked. Should be just the right amount of seeds + main bud(s). She’s just starting to emit a nice floral scent when caressed. She’s a flat top bud.
#2 produced a good amount of pollen now being stored. Clipped off the pollen sacs and stored in a shake box for a daily shake, which worked well.
#3 was also a male and had to be culled due to space and enough pollen stored.
#4 started 12/1.


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ICMag Donor
Looks good, Scrog! At 49 days, you are well on your way!! Whoo-hooo!

Good to start in finishing container. Recall when you started in small nursery containers (pic from afterthought Seedbay journal) and now (see below).

Given the right environment, the Gas & Guns strain do grow large.
No matter the size/yield, the end product, your finished product, no doubt, we believe you'll be pleased.

My buddy Barley concurs with your canine pal!!!

Happy Solstice! Keep on growing!! ;o)


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Gas & Guns @63 days

Gas & Guns @63 days

Despite my best efforts to F-up this Auto test grow, my 1 for 4 only females battling through powdery mildew towards the finish line.
Since it’s very dry(40-50%), and I’m running 3 fans in a 3x5, I figure I’ve over watered to cause a battle with pm. Lifted the 5 gallon bucket and it’s too heavy.
The 2x/week water schedule has not been kind to G&G, nor another test grow(Tranquil), though others have flourished. I didn’t watch and read the plant close enough.
Seeds have developed well in the lower sections where I painted them with pollen of its male. Those seeds seem just about ready. Looks like another 10 days to 14 days for #1. Tricomes continue to be clear


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ICMag Donor
As we've talked, you'll get a handle on your PM.

Are your holes adequate for drainage? Just like we humans, we don't like our feet in wet muck, nor do autos like roots sitting in drenched soil/water.
Bucket has good drainage, as seen via run off. My guess is she didn’t like starting in a cup and transfer with roots staying small, so the watering system that worked for the others didn’t suffice for her.
Seeds she has produced now look viable and are BIG. Looking forward to next run of G&G to show better results.
Close ups show all orange hairs and tricomes are getting close. Mostly clear mushroom tops with a smattering of ambers.


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Gas & Guns harvest @68 days

Gas & Guns harvest @68 days

68 days from germ to Harvest. Extra quick ‘thanks’ to my added stress to the poor girl. :moon:
Usually I hang the entire plant to dry for 5 to 7 days before trimming, but due to the size and slight battle I had with PM I decided to clip each small branch to hang and dry separately. That will cause it to dry out a little quicker than hanging the whole plant, but that’s OK for this grow.:bow:
I already have a few dozen seeds without even going through the plant that much. Well let those chill for a month and then start testing those. I might as well finish off the remaining test gas and guns that I have to start this year, looking for Big Momma Gas & Guns. :wave:


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ICMag Donor
:bis: Nice progression of your grow, up close and personal pics....love it. Look at what you've achieved from seedling to harvest, Scrog- gorgeous!

Appreciate you giving an depth saga of your Gas & Guns grow, including mistakes. That helps others in your successes and failures. Much appreciated.

Next G&G grow, with more skill/knowledge under your belt, you'll improve upon an already successful grow! Awesome!

Congrats, Scrog!! GROW ON!:good:

You'll have today's newspaper headlines on your wall now, America’s Day of Shame. Difficult to digest the insurrection brought on by deranged leader of 13 more days. Sigh.

Look forward to the finale, the finish, the taste, the smile, and your impression of Gas & Guns as one of our TESTERS - thank you for the time and effort you put into it.
Burping be good for Gas & Guns
Conditions have been nice for some curing, and thankfully didn’t leave out too long getting sidetracked. I use multiple timers/alarms to remind me, after learning the hard way.
Settled in @62%, so now just 2x/week a quick open, dump out, put right back in and lock it up.
Mild aroma of unknown origin. Buds are tightened up.
89 large, plump seeds to date, with plenty more in the buds.


ICMag Donor
Indeed, yes, your learning curve has been exceptional. Once you get to know how autos perform....they like a comfy environment indoors (light/medium, supplements) and perform best when sun is warm with sufficient light hours in daylight (approx May-Sept) outdoors, it's automatic in growing!!


ICMag Donor
Burping be good for Gas & Guns
Conditions have been nice for some curing, and thankfully didn’t leave out too long getting sidetracked. I use multiple timers/alarms to remind me, after learning the hard way.
Settled in @62%, so now just 2x/week a quick open, dump out, put right back in and lock it up.
Mild aroma of unknown origin. Buds are tightened up.
89 large, plump seeds to date, with plenty more in the buds.

Those ought to be almost ready to "savor the flavor"!! Buuuuuurp! ;o)
Smoke Report-Gas & Guns

Smoke Report-Gas & Guns

It’s 3 weeks since harvest with a 2+ week cure, so let’s wrap this 1st G&G grow for me. :smoke:

Gas & Guns by afterthought autos;
Method Smoked: in
Glass bong. Cleaned spotless, of course, for report. :biggrin:

See attached pics of cured buds. Aren’t they cute little nugs of great colors? Got some more seeds to be plucked.

Dominant smell of bud:
From Jar- Mellow, earthy and quiet aroma;
Crushed/grind- BIG DIFFERENCE. Skunky, floral and sweet :flowers2:

Be patient. Slow developing, delayed, Smokey smooth, with late VERY sweet taste. Very discerning taste, and I’m no Tasteologist... ?
Dominant flavor : Sweet, floral and tasty

Harsh/smoothness : (1-harsh to 10-smooth) =10 for super smooth!!
cough factor? : Not a thought

Profile : Percentage of head to body?
I’d say 50/50. Nice feeling, easy interaction/thinking/social, non-narcotic.
Potency : (1-weak and 10-extremely potent)
I’d say a 5. A nice daytime selection.
Duration :(length of buzz, from first hit)
I’d say 2 hrs???
Use : Daytime
Munchies? : No


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ICMag Donor
Awesome Smoke Report, Scrog!
Yes, Gas & Guns was an older strain we developed back in 2009 and has been a favorite along with Azure Rocket and a few others, early on.

Our main goal at the inception of afterthought autos was for those having difficulty obtaining MMJ strains. At the time 2008 (my first year as MMJ), it was a cloistered list of producers around the state. You contacted them, they would deliver twice weekly in rural mountain area. Delivery price was high, so we started developing our own strains for medical cannabis clientele making it easier on the wallet, the access, and the finished product. Now, with your MMJ card, you can go to a host of medical cannabis dispensaries statewide.

Although potency is medium, the effects of a smooth smoke (those with lung conditions) and several with MS like it for reduction of muscle spasticity. There are more symptoms I'm sure Gas & Guns can treat, yet having a daytime smoke enables those to keep on, keeping on!

Good to recall, it's a great daytime smoke like KILTER, and a few others we've developed.

Now, long time customers, (some since 2009 onward) like that we are taking an ecological slant (including flower seeds for bees, hummingbirds and butterflies), feeding Nature's pollinators and also assist with food insecurity by including garden vegetable seeds in every order, direct.

We're quite gratified that our clientele still enjoy the uniqueness of our medical strains and not the flavor-of-the-month. Old school strains with a twist, I suppose.
So, again, our thanks and appreciation for an in depth report!!


ICMag Donor
Recall, not having it on hand at the moment, a hint of fumes aroma...like motorcycle exhaust. Surprised that didn't come through. Yet, can't begrudge sweet/floral.

Right you are, a lip smacking tasty treat, Gas & Guns!
You are 100% correct with the fuel/exhaust that I relate to a Sour D taste, a classic tongue pleaser.

BIG SURPRISE I SAVED FOR LAST... I have 2 G&G testers left, they’re are growing great from start in a 5 gal bag, and that journal, starting at 3 weeks, is to follow our Smoke Report CoffeeTalk. Yaa


ICMag Donor
You are 100% correct with the fuel/exhaust that I relate to a Sour D taste, a classic tongue pleaser.

BIG SURPRISE I SAVED FOR LAST... I have 2 G&G testers left, they’re are growing great from start in a 5 gal bag, and that journal, starting at 3 weeks, is to follow our Smoke Report CoffeeTalk. Yaa

Sounds great, Scrog! Grow 'em while you got 'em!
Gas & Guns Rnd 2

Gas & Guns Rnd 2

Gas & Guns Auto- Rnd 2
While Gas & Guns has finished round 1, it’s time to focus on round 2. Both of these babies popped back on January 9th, making today three weeks old.:dance013:
I like to soak seeds for up to 48 hours, then I put them into the 5 gallon bags that they’ll finish in as shown.:plant grow:
The 2 are looking very healthy and strong. Watering schedule is every 3-4 days and sprayed with water a few times a day due to very dry conditions.:tumbleweed:
Using the same recycled Stonington blend base + organic amendments mentioned in the 1st post.
I like the results of Rnd 1 and want more, so fingers crossed for some ladies. :artist:


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ICMag Donor
Perfecto`!! Nice grow bags. Indeed, your G&G will prosper stating in original grow container! They look mighty fine as seedlings!
Gas & Guns Rnd 2 @4 weeks & flowering

Gas & Guns Rnd 2 @4 weeks & flowering

Gas & Guns by afterthought autos is 4 weeks old today. They have both really shot up over the past week, with one at 15 inches and the second at 12 inches. They have similar structure and both started showing true flowering over the past week.
They are doing well under an 18/6 light regimen and respond well to watering every three days.

G&G is great for oral nerve pain. My sister’s mother-in-law is suffering from oral nerve pain. Brewing about .5g in simmering h2o to make cafe’ works better than the pain meds she stopped taking. Also allowed her to eat and sleep well. :ying:
I recently bought a TLC kit and will be testing G&G shortly.


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