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Afropips Malawi Gold grow


This Malawi Gold (MG) strain is absolutely amazing :dance: . It must be the pure Sativa genes pumping through this plants. There are 2 of them. They grow like nothing I’ve seen before. I’d estimate between 2 and 3 cm a day. And this is just by sunlight and it is not yet fully summer yet.

I think the strain really loves the sunshine. I decided to top it after about 3 and a half weeks since germination. The plants are right in the front of our house and the complex is open-plan. :frown:

The whole complex seems to know about the plants, but nobody seems to have a problemabout it. About 30% of the residents are South Africans, there are a Kenyan family, a French guy &Thai girl and a Chinese couple.

Still, I would not feel comfortable with 5-10 feet plants in full view of everybody. The other side of our house is facing towards a government department office building (which is also in our complex!). So I hope topping, pruning and training will keep these babies in check.

I also planted 2 mystery pack seeds from Mist of Destruction (MOD) I received at Gypsy Nirvana in Amsterdam. They are also coming along, but much slower than the MG. There are 4 other MOD seeds being germinated and the 2 tops I’ve put in cloning solution and it seems both are rooting, I’m so excited it’s the first time clones of mine work. Clonex is quite amazing.

I need to mention that I purchased 12 seeds (The Real Mc. Coy ) from The Flying Dutchman and I had a 0% success rate. Based on past performance I have a 99% success rate with all seeds I’ve planted, but these seeds just seem to be sterile. I am very disappointed, I’ve tried everything, but not one of the 12 is even showing any sign of life. :confused:

I’ll keep you guys updated.

Grow well…
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Active member
Hiya Getafix,
Excellent to see your MG is performing
as predicted.
You might want to consider starting force flowering
so you can harvest around New Year - end of Jan.

Sorry to here about the FD seeds.
I also had inferior plants with hermies from them.

Cool Runnings........


i'll check in here, this is going to be very interesting.

are you going to build a 'hide' of some kind?


Very sad news :badday:

The landlord came to our house last week, with two guys he claimed to be police:angrymod: I doubt if they really were, because they did not ask for bribe money or stay to ensure I got rid of the plants. They told us to destroy the plants and that it is illigal. The landlord did, however, add that we can buy grass in town for cheap…

The plants have been in a darkish room for the week :badday: I transplanted the two bigger MG plants in a deserted stand a few blocks away (at 4am sunday). I tried to plant it where somebody would not see it easily, but with the way the MGs are growing I don’t know. Especially seeing that they will probably grow to over 10 feet until April. I've therefore also been forced to set-up my grow closet. It should be working with a 250W Son-T HPS later this week.

It’s such a bitch, this happened on the first day in our new house, just opposite our old house, which is much more private, with a totally private back garden. But I think the movers may have tipped-off the landlord.

These babies need and want this African sun. I am real sad about not being able to grow these wonderful plants in my back garden any longer :puppydoge
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I had a landlord discover the Durban Poison x Skunk #1 ladies I had in the backyard in pots, 16 of them. He demanded half of the final harvest to keep his mouth shut. I moved them overnight to a friend's place (they were only about 2 feet at the time) and told the landlord to fuck off, I moved out a week later.


sorry to hear it, maybe the vendors in town work for your landy? :chin:

have you considered flowering in pots? the mobility is priceless. also by constricting the roots you induce earlier flowering, and the plants are smaller at harvest. you can plant the pot in the ground for thermal stability, and to keep a low profile. of course there are cons, like more herms and less yield.

anyway just a few thoughts, chin up, stiff-upper-lip and all that. things should cool down, maybe you can do a late planting.


The 2 MG plants in the plot closeby are doing great. There has been 2 days of rain.

I'm almost finished with the grow closet, will post some pics soon...


I've fixed up my grow closet. It's still a bit basic, but it is working. I still need to paint it and figure out how to fit doors and split and isolate it in the middle so I can do a SOG.

We will be looking for a new home with a private garden soon...



Sorry to hear about the unfortunate incident bro, don't mean to bring back the bad mood.... but it just sounds so typical of an african country, where all the "illegal" stuff is only "illegal" for the people, but not for the government.

God, it pisses me off as it is so obvious what was going on: they came to make sure nobody smokes any other herb than the one they sell!!..:mad: The whole land ownership thing falls within the same pattern as well!...:mad:
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Back to business...

Back to business...

Had a problem with heat. The plants got heat stress BAD. But a fan sorted that out. The lights are on from around 16h00 - 7h00. The plants do not look to good due to the 10 days in a darkened room (which stretched them out) and then the heat stress.

I am seeing this as my learning curve. The sun is so much more efficient and simple/natural. But I need to get this growing under lights thing down and then the hydros. Just so that I know how...

I plan to grow again in my own garden under the African sun ASAP :moon:



howzit hotc!

brother getafix, do you have a compost pile or worm bin?
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hi G, a worm bin is just a 'containerized' earthworm farm.
compost piles are good for converting larger quantities of waste like leaves and grass clippings, and produces compost that is good for soil mixes. worm bins are good for converting smaller quantities of waste into earthworm castings that are better for organic teas, although ewc and regular compost can be used interchangeably.
i have both but if i had to choose for the sake of simplicity, i would go for the pile.

sorry just rambling... how are the guerilla plants doing?


hi sg, where could i get some earthworms? at nurseries?

the guerrilla plants are doing great. i found an even better place and have already dug the holes. i will probably be going tonight to plant 3 plants from my cab. They will be 2 MG from Afropips and 2 mystery pack seeds from MOD.

the cab is not handling the 5 plants very well currently as they are different heights and only one 250W bulb. i'll be left with 2 MOD mystery pack plants, which i will start flowering immediately. i want to get this grow over, so i can start fresh.

thanks for the advice bro!


i ordered mine from these guys: http://www.wizzardworms.co.za/
the eisenia fetida are the ones to get, just email them and ask if they'll send some to your location.
glad to hear those MG's are doing well. i hope they finish ok because i'm almost at the same latitude as you, and i'd love to get an idea of how the would perform here.
good luck with your cab too.


an update on the afropips malawi gold strain. the plants were bust in my garden and now they (2 of them) are roaming free in a guerrilla grow

i will try to get pics later on, but the season is stilllong and they won't even start flowering before April. I really hope they will stay undetected (but I'm not that confident)

so guys, this thread will be very sparse, but we can only hope :joint:

PS - Today I am lamenting the loss from this forum of the honorable breeder of this magnificent african landrace strain. may he keep the genes high!


Sad that you had to move the plants. I hope that works out for ya.

If you're talking about Afropips, remember he didn't breed the seeds, some guys in Malawi did and he just sold them. As for honourable, a few would care to differ on that.

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