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Africa Guide - cape to cairo


Cape town South Africa

Police tend to target the producers and dealers with big busts rather than the man smoking on the street.

Mainly Nigerians and Rastas. These nigerians are often refugees without work permits and thus have to deal. They will generally identify themselves with rasta colours. A good way to find out if someone will sell is to say something like: "Chise Iree" or "Do you have ganja" or rub your fist in on palm as if mulling weed in it. This is well recognized.

Good swaz for about R50 a bankie. Price goes up to R100 or R120 for very good weed. Often sold in grams at R20+ per gram.
Another type of weed is turries which is very cheap and very crap. It can be easily found in townships and is often sold by bergies (hobos). Some people can take this stuff but it really is very low quality. It is rather yellowish in colour


Durban south africa

Posession is illegal, so bare in mind that if you are unlucky enough to get caught, you may be fined $20.

You can find it under any bridge, garage or street corner with a guy standing on it. from about 5$ for swazi red but there is a lot of jut going around for about 2 rand a slope which is a couple of american cents.. Hydro is probabley about 30$ - 50$ a banky, and even though it's Durban there is hardly any Durban poison unless you go to the Indian areas like sydnem where it is ripe with DP


Nairobi - Kenya
very illegal, fines are high, due to anti corruption laws, they will make an example

It's technically illegal, but i smoked in broad daylight walking down the street. I personally would not suggest doing this unless you have cash, because Nairobi is very...not corrupt, but money minded, anywhere someone can make a few extra bucks, including cops, they will.

Where to buy marijuana in Nairobi: Anywhere in the general vicinity of a shopping complex called "the mall". From the people selling animals to street kids. its cheap too, really really cheap.

Not all that many people sell it, but most are willing to help you find it or will go get some for you. hash is very hard to find. always tip.

Nairobi marijuana Prices: I had hook ups with people, so i could get a pound for around 400 shillings, about ten bucks. ask for stuff from Kilimanjaro or Uganda, tends to be better. Dont ask for a 'special' they dip them in petrol.


Abidjan - Ivory Coast

Legislation is pretty harsh in Ivory Coast, and you could easily get up to 7 years in jail for carrying a few grams. However it is very unlikely for foreigners.

In town you'll have to be connected as the places can be dangerous. However, your best bet (just like in a lot of African cities) is to grab a cab ask him to drive you to a local big market. Once there you look for a rastaman and ask him where to purchase. He'll probably smile but will definetely help you out (I tried this technique 6 times in 6 different countries with success).
Otherwise you could also get some on the Ocean side at Bassam or in the wonderful site of Assinie Mafia, asking in the fishermen's villages. Be careful though as this could be riskier.

Usually a stash (un passe as it's called here) of about 100g will cost you around 40€ in town and 25€ on the ocean side.
Hash is around 7€ per gram and oil is near 100€ for a bottle.

Local varieties are ok but kind of weak sometimes. 90% of the time it is regular outdoor weed (skunk is making a huge penetration though) and the best variety is the one imported from Ghana. It is grown in very very good conditions and gives a soul to the joints you smoke. It is strong but not hard, tasty, easy on the throat and can be highly enjoyed different ways.

Some local privates have started growing some hydroponic from Ghaneian seeds (results are wow!) but that is not publicly available... sorry!


Malawi - Cape maclear

The police do not tend to look for people with marijuana, so there's nothing to worry about if you are careful and discreet

Good quality homegrown malawi grass ( known as ganja or dagga) anywhere in malawi. In Lilongwe, the capital, look for rasta types in and around the markets, but be very careful of pickpocketers.

Much easier and relaxed to buy dagga from the local tourist traders in Cape Maclear and Monkey Bay. Ask traders/hawkers at any of the other tourist towns around Lake Malawi. You will not have any trouble.

USD$ 50 would buy you more than an ounce. It is very cheap

Be discreet when smoking...only in your room, or out in the bush/beach, etc....not openly on the street, otherwise you are asking for trouble



Smoking marijuana, or "kif" is illegal in the Kingdom of Morocco and the penalty for being caught with it is ten years in prison. However, tourists are frequently let off with only a fine due to Morocco's need for both the tourism dollars and the $US7 billion dollars that makes kif their largest source of foreign currency.

Smoking marijuana, or "kif" is illegal in the Kingdom of Morocco and the penalty for being caught with it is ten years in prison. However, tourists are frequently let off with only a fine due to Morocco's need for both the tourism dollars and the $US7 billion dollars that makes kif their largest source of foreign currency.

Typically around 15dirham a gram (a little over $1, a liitle under £1 per gram) for hash


Nigeria Lagos

Mariuana is illegal in Nigeria and so is any related action
Where to buy marijuana: Basically anywhere. There's a well know club as well.
Marijuana prices: 200 Naira (Nigerian currency) - about $1.50 for 5-8 individually sized "wraps."

Marijuana brands: Bush. Once in a while, something will be imported from Ghana - it's a little better


Egypt cairo

Illegal to possess or consume marijuana, and very long jail time, though the laws are not set in stone and will be dependant on the judge's ruling
Law enforcement: From place to place it varies but generally the police are ignorant and don't place a priority they are sensitive to marijuana as being criminal as culturally its somewhat acceptable and has the highest majority of pot heads in the arab world. Though still take caution and dont place yourself in situations of needless risk.

Where to buy marijuana in Egypt: Like the rest of the middle east theres no seedy downtown alley or central park where dealers come up to you, though unlike the rest of the middle east asking someone usually yields good results, start some friendly chit chat with the locals and ask them to set you up, it should be fairly easy but be careful who you ask as some people are religious and will be offended. Taxi Drivers, Tour Guides, (occasionally the police!) waiters , coffee shop staff and normal people sipping tea will be more than happy to set you up, egyptian people are extremely friendly and likable and will leap at the chance to have a conversation with a foriegner( dont be scared there not try to hustle you, there genuinely friendly, its not uncommon to get invited for lunch and to spend time with thier families!), just make sure you dont ask middle class people or women or religious scholars that wont yield anything. Marijuana there is a drug for the poor, alcohol is seen as pre stigious and classy and notably unaffordble to the normal egyptian. though egypt in general is pretty easy to score in, take in mind egyptians think that all tourists are loaded with money and willl try their best to make u part with as much money as you can.


Law enforcement: From place to place it varies but generally the police are ignorant and don't place a priority they are sensitive to marijuana as being criminal as culturally its somewhat acceptable and has the highest majority of pot heads in the arab world. Though still take caution and dont place yourself in situations of needless risk.

Where to buy marijuana in Egypt: Like the rest of the middle east theres no seedy downtown alley or central park where dealers come up to you, though unlike the rest of the middle east asking someone usually yields good results, start some friendly chit chat with the locals and ask them to set you up, it should be fairly easy but be careful who you ask as some people are religious and will be offended. Taxi Drivers, Tour Guides, (occasionally the police!) waiters , coffee shop staff and normal people sipping tea will be more than happy to set you up, egyptian people are extremely friendly and likable and will leap at the chance to have a conversation with a foriegner( dont be scared there not try to hustle you, there genuinely friendly, its not uncommon to get invited for lunch and to spend time with thier families!), just make sure you dont ask middle class people or women or religious scholars that wont yield anything. Marijuana there is a drug for the poor, alcohol is seen as pre stigious and classy and notably unaffordble to the normal egyptian. though egypt in general is pretty easy to score in, take in mind egyptians think that all tourists are loaded with money and willl try their best to make u part with as much money as you can.

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