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Afghani-4weeks into flowering

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
I have one great big Afghani plant that's been my "breaking in the new garden" plant. I've been using her to just get the feel of this setup and am quite pleased with the Nirvana Afghani genetics so far. Since my camera absolutely sucks, you can't see the forsty trichomes covering the top buds, or the beautiful multicolored hairs. But this'll give you a brief blurry glance into one part of my project. Lots more going on outdoors. Peace.
cooked cook

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cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
hehehe...TOO long syko. Believe it or not, this thing hung around vegging for damn near 5 months. Might explain it's bigness, eh?
It's top damn near stares me in the eye :)
Here's another look. Same crappy camera. And beleive me, before harvest I WILL have some shots with a better cam. She's too beautiful not to photo(and THEN smoke the hell out of)
After a few minutes online, I'm going to have a few nice hits on the ol pyrex saxaphone and then it's off to work on the project. Lights are on now since it's night. Gotta get a window AC unit hooked up in there as it's about to get REALLY hot. Thanks for the kind words fellas. Still pretty much a rookie here. But practice makes perfect ;)

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damn nice...........

damn nice...........

.............plant, big fat chick:D hellva job.



WoW 5 months no wonder she's sky bound...:D I understand thoe I have some sensi in dwc going on 70 day's I wont a 90 day veg and yup I like trees too!:p

I just aded a window unit my self makes life alot nicer for both me and my plant's...

Take it easy...:rolleyes:

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
hey syko. Just tried to PM you, but it didn't seem to work. In rereading your PM on AC unit tips, it seems my late night baked self misinterpreted your advice. I have more questions.

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
now 5 weeks in

now 5 weeks in

Sweeeeet! Today marks 5 weeks into flowering, and I just got that window AC unit installed in there. Now my baby will be nice and comfy no matter how damn hot it gets(hell, we've already seen a 90 degree day). Nugs continue to fatten up, and get frostier. I'm sure the AC will only accelerate things. I also needed it for dehumidification, as it's ALWAYS over 75% humidity in my area. I aint tryin to blow it with mold now!
3 more weeks, 3 more weeks!!!!! Woohoo!
Hopefully I'll either buy or borrow a better digicam before harvest for some proper pics. Peace my fellow growers.

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
now 7 weeks in!!!

now 7 weeks in!!!

Sweeeet! As I type, my fingers are suspiciously sticky from resin. The microscope is in front of me with some nice samples I just clipped. I have been flushing for not quite a week, and have mostly milky trichs. We've sampled a few small, loose lower buds that werepicked early and found them VERY stoney.
This is great :D

I REFUSE to take any more crappy photos with my crappy $20 digicam(sorry blurry photo fans). Hopefully tomorrow I'll get my new one and treat you all to some beautiful budshots. Stay tuned.


Nice grow, cc. I'm gonna miss the blurry pics, though. They look all psychedelic. Let us know how that 'ghani smokes/tastes/smells! Can't wait to see what it looks like through a good camera.
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cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
Now at 8 weeks- hey, new digi cam :)

Now at 8 weeks- hey, new digi cam :)

Too cool. Well, today is 8 weeks. Should be soon. I keep checking samples with the microscope(and then smoking them ;) )
This Nirvana Afghani is oh so sticky, starting to develop a strong smell, and the samples are nice n stoney. These buds are hardening up nicely. The tiny lower buds (I didn't do a lot of pruning this time around) have been beefing up a little and are getting a nice frost going. I'll use these for making hash and/or oil.
I FINALLY got a new digital camera. The Nikon Coolpix 2100. Got a killer deal at Costco. Thanks and much love to trichome farmer for his tips on cameras. Now, these first 2 shots are my first pics with the new camera. They'll get better. And more plentiful :D

OK, this one:
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is a shot of the top, obviously the HPS light is on.

The other shot, I had the sense to turn off the HPS for a closeup of a side bud.

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cook- ammature photographer, professional smoker :D