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Aeroponic Cab 400W *HPS* Zindica Grow


New member
hey all here are a few shots of my zindica grow in my new cab from seed to harvest in 15 seconds including a few macros in the middle hehe
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The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Looking good!

Looking good!

THose are some pretty nice zindica girls you got their.


The Best Is Yet To Come

Ooo never try it. Looks killer MadRican . Where can i get some seeds of this baby?




New member
blazeoneup... thanks !
Crazy Composer ... thank you also
HOT CARGO not only does it look killer it is killer ! as of right now i dont know where to get the seeds as the people involved in getting it out have gone off radar ill post the info as soon as i get some


The Best Is Yet To Come
Just my luck , hahaha...

Hope they will have some for all to enjoy.
This will be big joy to grow.


--I never seen anything grow so fast!!! -Everytime I pushed the button they were a li'l bit bigger! -They just grew rite before my eyes! --Just kiddin, -I aint really that stoned but this aero shit really is the shit! -I flower in aero and am on my third flowers and was wondering how long you leached for and how you did it. -About 5 days before my last(and first)flowers finished I took them out of their root chaimbers and put them in a seperate container with their roots suspended in fresh water ballanced to 6.4 ph. -I leached them like this for their last 5 days. -I cant just run water threw my system for the flush because my system is involved in a perpetual harvest type situation. -My next flowers finish next friday and I was gonna throw a bubble wand in their watter when I leachem this time. -Anyhow- I was just wondering how and how long you leached for. ~~><>'


honey oil addict
i want a nun.... i want a nun..
i want to burrough in the frosty light....

hope you dig that thingfish.. i bet you do.. ;)
--Hey! -Got time for another question? --HaHa. --I noticed you grow 4 plants at a time. -Ive been growing from 4 to 8 depending on how many I get out of my root/veg machine every other week. -8 of them are really crowded but this cycle I got 4 flowering and I was wondering what kind of yield you got with 4 plants in your machine. -And how long do you veg for? -And are you clonin? -I got a pretty sweet 3 chanber 8 hole per chamber aero set myself. -I run an Ecoplus 230 and I use netafin quad foggers. -Growroom 3 part aero mix. -2 x 400 watt hps. -And Im growin Sugar Shack from Prairie Pride. --Also-> -Your weed looks SWEET! -Please reply!


New member
Thing_Fish_ i simply emptied the res added regular tap water ran for 1/2 hour then dumped filled back up with ph balanced water 6.2 ph ran that for 7 days then i harvested all the big buds added some N into the res by way of alaska fish got the green back into the lower growth after a few days they where dark green again i then dumped res and filled with nutes 0-50-30 @ 1/4 tsp/gal and let them go for 2 more weeks total yield after second harvest was 299g dry from a 400 hps :) the second harvest was only flushed for 2 days i think


New member
the upgrade has begun

the upgrade has begun

i began the upgrade to this cab today so far i got the lower profile res in there ( gives me 6 more inches head room)made a venturi bypass for my water pump ( to airate water better using excess pump flow) mylar all over the place using 3m spray adhesive before mylar my light meter reading was 1500 ft candles around the edges of the grow and 7500-8500 foot candles in the middle now with the mylar the edges read at 4500 foot candles and the center area is still 7500-8500 foot candles . mission accomplished more even spread of light ill also be swapping my regular hps bulb for a hortilux or a gavita not sure which yet most likely hortilux
-Sweet tekneek MR.! -Lookin at you I know I got work to do! -I got a perpetual harvest type thing goin on and I harvest 7 plants this comming friday, -then 2 weeks later I get to harvest 4 more, -They come in every other week,-between 4 to 8 plants. -It all depends on how I do with the clones. -For the ones Im harvestin friday I thnk Ill start my flush monday. -That gives them a good 4 days of flush. -Ya really dont need that long of a flush with this aero teknek. --Thanks for the reply Bro!