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aero system outdoor


I wish all new growers the best.......

I wish all new growers the best.......

You have to take the time to read..... read.... read... then read some more. Most of the numbers you are stating are off. Need to work on the basics.

I am hoping for your success but put the effort into understanding the basics.



yeah, but my water temps are fine for over a week :p

using 2 liter bottles every 6 hours lol...also have a 5liter bottle for emergency lol...

and 4 tupperwares of 250ml frozen to lower when the bottles run out :D

still they dying...

i wanna clone them cause one of the fenotypes is super productive :S (50% bigger than the other plants)
its just looking like shit cause i toasted his roots :(

also have a nice ph, the ec was raised to the veg level of ghe, to see if it helped.



Active member
If you actually do wanna save them plants youl shurly lower the ppm's. I dont know anything bout how ec converts to ppm's but I do know that your plants cant eat with the kinda root damage you got there. Your nutes are just damagenem more. You gotta givem plane 6.4 water at this point. When you get the roots back in their proper condition you can start veggin them with some nutes, but for now, just plane 6.4 water. At this point your not veggin, your rootin.


i washed theyr roots, now im gona put only plain water like you said, and take some clones and place them also on the system since ther eis only plain water...

btw last time i did clones i just cut them and placed them on the system suspended so they could be misted...this time i did the same thing...is there any heating requirements?
still the 21cº water?

thanks a lot for the pacience :)


Active member
I just went through a similar problem with several Satori plants.

After I lost the 3rd plant to root rot, I removed the others and planted them in Miracle Grow potting soil, giving plenty of water.

One week later, all is fine. The carnage has stopped.

With the high temps (esp. here in Houston) I don't do any hydro after July. Too damn hot. I just try to keep my clone moms happy under floros.


Active member
With larger plants I would allow the plants to be shaded for several days, getting indirect sunlight until the the plant stabalizes.

For me, the temp of the rez is not the main problem, but the temp of the grow room is. With higher temps the buds will not develop (as I discover last year).

Hydo is a great hobby, but for outdoors I would always use soil.

Hydo is also a damn expensive hobby, but soil (for me) is much more reliable.

But I'm down here in Houston where the devil comes --- just to get warm
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they all droopy..really droopy like in about to die :S

even the one i left in the system, is droopy ever since i changed to plain water :S

is this normal?

i placed them under a fluoro light...

im gonna put that one in soil as well as soon as i get my hands on some more lightmix.


Active member
It has been my experience that once the entire plant droops, the root system, is shot and the plant is dead. You might keep it around for a few days and see what happens.

The comments made about the rez temp are not what I have experienced. Over ferting, I believe, was my problem. Less is more often better. I was using Dryna Grow/Bloom and the directions on the back of the container is about twice what you really need. You weakest plants are usually to ones to wilt.

Welcome to the complex world of hydro. Sometimes it's enough to make me go back to soil completely.


actualy the most wilted ones are the best plants :S , the less wilted are the smaller ones...

ill just keep them around...to see what happens, back to the dealer for me lol


Active member
I've done the whole taking clones off of almost dead plants thing. You might be surprised sometimes. As for normally growing outdoors with your hydro system. You have some options. I've used cooler setups for insulaiton, shade cloth within reason. Hygrozyme and or hydro guard to fight root rot. OUtdoor hydro can be rough. The other thing is there are also UV protected materials. Yet, in the end outdoors can be rough with record heat in certain areas.


yeah i just tried it outdoor due to the high temps associated with growing with 40cº in summer with a hps light :S

yeah i got 2 rooted clones in my bubbler cloner until now...(its a diy bubbler its cheap like a mofo, only a tupperware and a water pump :S, as i used the pump from the system, i spent no money on it lol)

the clones look like shit though LOL

when should i put them in soil?how many roots do i wait to pop out?



Active member
It's sad too. I feel like a neglectful person when I see my jacked up clones due to not taking care of stuff from time to time as well. Yet, they can always be grown out to look pretty.