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Advice on making the most of big F*ck up.

Cry Tuff

Im right on 6 weeks bloom and was taking a closer look at things when to my horror i saw these !

and more

Im cluless as to how i missed this but all 9 plants have hermied or have been hit with pollen from a stray male flower that i have failed to spot. This isnt something that ive ever had to deal with in around 10 previous grows and needless to say , i'm hugely pissed off. Anyway........what do any of you recommend ? Do i grow on and run the whole lot through the bubble sack and cut my losses with a nice lump of ice hash or would it be worth trying to salvage some weed. Sadly, its looking as though most , if not all cola's, have been hit . Personal experience or advice appreciated .


Active member
:rasta: dude they're only seed, my crop got hit with pollen too,no big deal, just pick em off. it sucks but your acting like your weed is ruined,it'll be fine. good luck
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While I have not seen incontrovertible evidence on the affects of seed production to THC levels, there have been some claims made that are generally accepted.

Most of the reputable claims about a small amount of seeds being in the bud, report that there is around a 10% loss in potency. Again, this is if there were only a small amount of seeds. It's generally thought that the more seeds a plant produces, the less strength it will have to devote towards the chemicals we are looking for when we smoke.

Personally, I have smoked some really good bud that had a couple seeds for every ounce or so. I've also smoked some bud that had quite a few seeds for every ounce or so that was decent. So, hashing everything is up to you. I'd personally grow it out and test it. If it doesn't seem worth it: maybe hash will be good for you. However, you might be surprised and find that there is plenty worth salvaging.

While you will not get a sinsemilla crop this time, you can rest assured that your bud will still get you high. I agree with others: keep the seeds. They'll be handy to have around in case of a catastrophe involving loss of plants (or a specific breed of plants). Some seeds can stay viable for up to 5 years if stored properly.

In addition, you can pluck the male parts off and/or pluck the seeds and let the bud continue to grow.

It's really up to you at this point. It helps to realize that it could definitely be worse. Your plants could've gotten sick and died on you and then you'd have no bud to smoke at all. I'll take bud with a couple of seeds over no bud at all any day.

-Q :rasta:
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I couple a couple seeds in pretty much every crop. And my share of nanners as well, I dont think they can be stopped. A plant that has hermaphroditic tendencies, will do it regardless of what the grower wants.

You can pick out the pollen sacs easily enough, and seeds, dude just grow them out, good rainy day seeds.

As for clones only? pretty boring. I like the whole experience of seeing the little thing grow, I clone when I like a specific pheno of a plant, or I need a bunch of weed

Pretty much Quazi has it nailed here


Most of the reputable claims about a small amount of seeds being in the bud, report that there is around a 10% loss in potency. Again, this is if there were only a small amount of seeds. It's generally thought that the more seeds a plant produces, the less strength it will have to devote towards the chemicals we are looking for when we smoke.

Don't believe that. Seeds have no effect on potency. ALL the pot(mostly Columbian sativas where I was) we smoked years ago was seeded up and it'll compare to any weed around today. Don't believe me, ask someone like Sam Skunkman. We're about the same age. Yield WILL suffer, depending on when they were pollinated and how much. One of my SSH's, a Sk/Haze pheno was just lightly seeded, and it still had a decent yield.

I had 3 SSH plants get seeded up grow before last. All three plants are KILLER smoke. And I have a couple thousad seeds to grow out. The first batch of the SSHx SSH "f2s" were also good smoke.

Save your seeds and grow them out. And don't worry about "potentcy". Just take good care of your plants.



Finish the grow for sure. :joint:

As for seeds reducing potency, I don't think so unless it is just totally seeded out. I've had really good herb with some seeds in it.


toodles said:
Don't believe that. Seeds have no effect on potency. ALL the pot(mostly Columbian sativas where I was) we smoked years ago was seeded up and it'll compare to any weed around today. Don't believe me, ask someone like Sam Skunkman. We're about the same age. Yield WILL suffer, depending on when they were pollinated and how much. One of my SSH's, a Sk/Haze pheno was just lightly seeded, and it still had a decent yield.

I had 3 SSH plants get seeded up grow before last. All three plants are KILLER smoke. And I have a couple thousad seeds to grow out. The first batch of the SSHx SSH "f2s" were also good smoke.

Save your seeds and grow them out. And don't worry about "potentcy". Just take good care of your plants.

FWIW, I didn't say they would not be great smoke at all. In fact, I was encouraging him to let him know that he could have fantastic smoke from it. If your bud is great, it's great. 0-10% of potency is a marginal loss with good bud. Because there are so many factors (and chemicals) that make up "a good smoke" it is hard to put the potency loss on a scale. However, those who have tried, have put it in that range. I've also heard it's a 4 to 14% loss. It really depends on the source of your information.

However, to say there's no loss of potency by comparing two completely different plants (from two different times even) is comparing apples and oranges.

If you want to measure potency loss, you cannot compare your bud to other strains that you have smoked that had seeds that were awesome. You need to smoke your bud with seeds and smoke it without seeds. It's as simple as that. In addition, those plants need to be raised in a nearly identical environment. However, since it is practically impossible to produce two completely identical plants, then it is hard to know if there are other factors that might be getting in the way of the "good smoke."

If there was no potency loss, why would people struggle so hard to produce sinsemilla instead of just letting a few seeds get by every time? I don't think it's just because the yield is affected.

-Q :rasta:
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Don't grow out the seeds produced by herm plants unless you want more herm plants in the next generation. Damn pollen!

Cry Tuff

Thanks everyone for the input. After a further look around my plants, its pretty evident that they have been heavily dusted . Clusters of seeds in around 90% of bud sites. This will obviously reduce my yield considerably. As for potency, well , ive smoked decent seeded weed now and then over 30 odd years but, as Quasi correctly points out, its not what we strive to do. The aim is to produce sensimilla.
All the cola's are nicely frosted so im pretty confident that the THC content will be good on what little of the calyx there are. Btw, the seeds are huge.

Im going to let them run up to about 9 weeks then make a call . As it stands at the moment l think im looking at maybe an oz of ' clean' weed and the potential to make a nice lump of ice. Not the 6 or 7 oz of sensi that id hoped for !
Guess ive been lucky in the past. Bit of a leveller this time. We learn and move on !!


Like I said, one of you go ask someone like Sam Skunkman.

Loss of 0-10%? As "measured" HOW? THC content? As Sam will tell you, THC % content is NOT an accurate measure.

There were seeds in ALL the pot back in the old days. Open pollination was common in the vast fields in Columbia, Mexico and other places. Pollination was unstoppable. You don't really think they were out there pulling up the thousands of males do you?

And yes you can compare weed from 35-40 years ago to today's weed....IF you smoked BOTH...as I have.

So you think and say what you want. I've been there....and done that :rasta:

I wasn't disrespecting you. Just offering a different point of view from personal experience.

There were small amounts of "Sensimilla" around in my area beginning in the early 80's but it was rare, and very spendy. As I said we all smoked the seedy stuff.


Cry Tuff

Good point Toodles . I too remember the seeded weed of the very early 70's right up until the mid 80's ....the point at which sensimilla began popping up more regularly.
Be it Thai, Colombian, Jamaican or African it was all heavily seeded but ,more often than not,very potent .
I dont doubt that the bud i end up with will be sufficiently potent (and if there is a loss pf potency it will be neglible ) but its way too heavily seeded for me to want to bother picking them out each time i roll a spliff. Guess we have become spoiled after becoming used to connoisseur Weed !
Bubble sacs it is.


Yeah, I know. I have a dozen or so jars left from grow before last that has seeds still in it. Pain in the ass. The old stuff was so dry, you could run it thru a flour sifter. Mine is so sticky from resin I can't do that. So I just pick them out....and save them :rasta:

The plants from them are first rate.



grow it out and smoke it!!!
big deal. I just started growing and havnt reaped the rewards yet so i still have to smoke seeded weed from god knows where. IOW you do what you have to.
good luck. They look great otherwise.

I would take the seeds from anywhere. I NEED THEM.