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Adventures in baking


New member
I've recently started exploring the fun and magical world of edibles and extractions and how to best incorporate the many benefits of cannabis.

Looking to share awesome recipes and ideas.

I made some coconut oil based canna-oil with some Mango Haze recently, originally with the intent of using it for lube but decided it was so fragrant it needed to be cooked into some treats. It turned out nutty and tropical....so tasty!

I'm a glutard so I try and make most things gluten-free and with low-no sugar if possible.

This was something I pulled together last week....and it was a total hit!

(I made the first batch more mellow *depends on the strength of your butter* so we could enjoy a few bites without being totally ripped, but the second batch a bit stronger)

(You can make these into cookies, I dropped them into mini muffin tins to have good portions - made 24)

1c all-natural peanut butter
1c whole rolled oats
1c shredded unsweetened coconut
1tsp baking soda
2 eggs
1/3c maple syrup (or honey)
1tsp vanilla (optional)
2tbsp cannaoil (or butter) (adjust to desired strength)

-Preheat oven to 325oF

-In large bowl combine peanut butter, oats, coconut, eggs, maple syrup, vanilla, and infused oil. If you have an electric mixer, beat until well combined. Whisk in baking soda.

-Distribute evenly on cookie sheet or into mini muffin tin. *about a heaping spoonful*

-Bake for 10-15 minutes (or until bottom/edges start to brown)

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
I am getting high just from reading the above recipe ha ha. Coconut oil is THE best medium for extracting THC, for sure.

If I may be so bold as to ask, could you elaborate on the use of coco canna oil as "lube", mentioned in the third from the top line of your write-up above ? The mind boggles, as I contemplate this concept.


I guess hj will exercise her right to leave it to our imagination.
I have tried a commercial hemp+coconut oil to alleviate a stubborn skin rash I've developed.
Compliments and/or complications of a chemical burn, I might add.
So far only mild, placebo like benefit.
Have to wait till next harvest to try the real thing.
BTW nothing I've tried, except colloidal oatmeal, has given but scant relief; colloidal oatmeal lasted a few months before the rash came raging back.

Interesting recipe hj! No recipes to mention yet but I do a 3 day 3 change of water cure for a portion of a harvest, makes for a light, clean coco oil that has no detectable aroma. Bacon fat! and butter make excellent mediums as well.


New member
I am getting high just from reading the above recipe ha ha. Coconut oil is THE best medium for extracting THC, for sure.

If I may be so bold as to ask, could you elaborate on the use of coco canna oil as "lube", mentioned in the third from the top line of your write-up above ? The mind boggles, as I contemplate this concept.
From my understanding in the US there are one or two companies making weed lube commercially - and maybe just available in California. I'm not entirely sure - Foria, is one of them.

There isn't really much for it in Canada, but if you're growing - or into making edibles and extraction, why not give it a shot?

Coconut oil is a great sexual lubricant (**though not safe with latex, so keep that in mind**). And it is also an excellent oil for cannabis infusions. So it really is a great combination to take to the bedroom.

Without going into graphic detail, weed lube provides a localized high... so it doesn't really impact your cognitive senses. (No one ever said you can't have a little toke or two along with it though). From my understanding, though I'll have to ask my partner, it doesn't do a whole lot for men. It's a "get your pussy high" kind of thing. It increases sensitivity and can help relax your muscles (which in turn might make you more comfortable with different things). It makes you more wet, it will make you more aware of the sensations, and can make you have better/stronger orgasms.

It's definitely something I will be exploring more with.

(I made 1 c of oil with 1/2oz of Mango Haze which is what I am working with now).


New member
I am currently hanging out in my kitchen surrounded by the fragrant aroma of weed post decarb, waiting to finish making two batches of CannaOil. One high in THC and one high in CBD, which I will be using to make capsules as well as to cook with.


Well-known member
Would love to be able to capture the feeling that one get from the terps as the canna is decarbed. Neat experience.
There is a different approach to decarb that has worked out real well for me: http://cannapedia.me/Citric+Acid+Extraction
Only bad thing about it is that it is you loose the room full of terps experience.