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AdvancedNutrients vs FoxFarm


New member
What is everyones thoughts on the two, I ordered a 4 pack of the AN grow/bloom and im doing Soil. My question is should I of went for the FF because of it being organic and would of probably been more forgiving with ph issues and such. I just started giving them 1 tsp of the a+b grow and they are about 1 month old just switched to 12/12 I plan on alternating reg water/nutes with a soil mix of 1 part perlite, 2 parts vermaculite and 1 part MC Organic choice.


Registered Non-Conformist
Go light .... Most regimens work moderately well, if not better... Not sure about the AN... I am trial-running AN Connoisseur and the additives Indoors, in Soiless mix, but that is not what you are talking about. So far, I think I would like to go with the AN nnext run, instead of the GH 3 part with additives... Seems more beefy.

I found the FF regimen OK.. Used it for years... a lot. Not sure that TIGER BLOOM is the greatest. but, I am no chemist.... The three part solubles are effective, but these days, I am inclined to go with AN on the ratios of NPK... The open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz and Cha Ching are very high ratios. Maybe too much 'P'. Oddly enough, they seem to work. Perhaps it needs to be used more carefully. I only went up to 1/4 tsp/gal, max.... With the wrong additives, it is easy to burn with the Open Sesame....

I do like Big bloom. Works well, expensive if used as directed...But, the occasional 1/2 cup/gallon dose (read the label) - is very effective, but costly. If your soil is rich, go easy at first, and you will find it works fine...

If you are using Fox farm soils, I do not recommend you use it straight from the bag, with out diluting it with at least perlite, if not a more inert soil, like a Black Gold or even a full soiless mix.... It has had issues in the last two years, with being released too soon, no time for it to compost. Demand got too high too fast.

Good luck, and welcome...!!


New member
well im just using a blend of 2 part pearlite, 1 part verm, and 1 part miracle grow organic choice. I cant find worm castings anywhere around me which sucks so my mix isnt the best


Active member
FF isn't 100% organic just FYI.It is organic based but organic based is not 100% organic.I believe the only one that is 100% organic is the FF's Big Bloom.

Still FF makes some kick ass ferts and additives,all I've used in the last 10 years but that's mainly because it is what I know and it's relatively cheap compared to companies that sell multiple ferts and 100+ additives.

Just be carefull with the Tiger Bloom...she is pH balanced at 4.0 so some pH up may be needed for your water/nute mix to get it back up to 6.5-7.0


Registered Non-Conformist
I am sure the AN will work... But, start off at a bit less than half strength, depending on the 'heat' of your soil, and work up from there. You should be good....

I am not a fan of any MiracleGro product... Their fertilizer contains many carcinogens... Is this soil called 'organic...?' I have never seen it before. If it is Organic, well, Organic is good.

Big Bloom, as I said above, IMHO, is a great product, however costly, if used as directed.

I am trying to decide between GH 3 part and AN Connoisseur for my soil grow this year.. Used FF for years, but have found in the indoor enviornment that other regimens do better... So, considering transferring that knowledge to the greenie. So far, my soil has been the main feeding conduit, but now it is time to begin feeding.

FF is deffo easier, as mentioned above, due to the lower number of additives.... FYI, the 3 'Solubles,' while effective, contain EDTA, and are a bit 'overkill' on the P and K... The EDTA ruins its' chances of being Organic. I do not minid that, so much, as the over-fertilization that I think it produces...

FF works good with Soil, I must say... I always used additives as well, like Nitrozyme, Hygrozyme, Super thrive, and others....

Good luck...!!


New member
Yeah well its too late for me to go with FF as the AN has already arrived. Im using a little less than a tsp/gallon of the GROW A+B. I guess I will cut the feeding in half by giving them 1/2 tsp instead of a full one. I guess i'll see how it turns out. I just started 12/12ing my SCRoG only about a month of 18/6 the screen isnt completely full and I should veg for a little longer but I want to 12/12 asap so I can try out the BLOOM. I will continue to feed it the grow a+b untill sex is determined then i'll start giving it the bloom a+b 1/2 tsp/gall


Registered Non-Conformist
It will go good... Hang in there. I think you made the better choice. I just wish the durn bottles of all the additives (especially the messy H-2 Humic), did not leak. That's lame.




There can never be enough threads about nutes, can there?

Great advice here everyone – thanks!

Decriminalize today!:woohoo:


Weed Robot
bro happy frog is crazy nairly cost this grow.its the same company fox farm so i would check that too,i have direct soil ph testing with a probe and its something i recomend to check first before droping a bean i also did run off test in a small cup and it read the same
ph 4.2-4.6 the ec ppm value was over 3000 ppm enough to kill a seedling i think mine pull through because they was well rooted when i planted them in soil but still was forced to flush because noticed nutt lock and burning. i rooted in rockwool before transplanting to one gallon thats when i notice the problem had to flush using powder lime with mag cal used the same powder lime to correct the soil they was going into ten gallon
so test your soil before you plant run off test i confirm works good


FF and AN are both hyped beyond belief but I'm sure both are good. I like FF and have used most of their products but IMO these designer nutrients are less of a factor in yield than the companies want you to think. Flip a coin or shop by price.

BTW you seriously can't find worm castings? I have a hard time believing this. Anyone who says they "can't find" basic soil amendments "in their area" is not looking hard enough.

Lastly, watch out for that MG Organic Choice. The "MG Organic Choice Garden Soil" is a good rich amendment that should be used sparingly as it is VERY hot. The "MG Organic Choice Potting Soil" is also pretty damn hot as potting soil goes. I burned some small rooted cuttings a few weeks ago with it.


AN's killing FF but AN killing my pocket so for folks starting up its harder to get into to AN's products but when your dough is right AN is a clear cut starter to FF just my 2cents.

experience is the best teacher


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Fuck me....I have learned more about FF in this thread than anywhere else....And I have been using em for 2 years...lol. Gonna have to go back through and read all this....I found out the hard way how HOT the recent batches of FFoF where.
Now I use MG Organic Choice with 40% chunky FF perlite added, and dont feed for a few weeks to let the soil flush out their stuff...and FF nutes, the burning I am getting damn sure could be the solubles! I only use em every other watering, but use 2 of the small scoops instead of one...may have to cut WAY back huh...
Thanks for the info guys! Havta re-read later...

good vibes

guest 77721

I've been using AN Sensi Grow and Bloom for the last 4 grows. It is a superior product to a salt based fertilizer and does not cause salt buildups and pH problems. My soil mix is similar to yours using 2 parts Promix, 1 part Vermiculite and 1 part Perlite.

I was being careful with the nutes the grow and only mixed up a 1000 ppm dose maximum and alternated feeding and watering. That was the HPS cab grow.

My last grow used the Big Bud bloom enhancer carefully on the medium feeding schedule and this one is running the High Yeild formula with more Big Bud on the light feeding schedule with no problems.



New member
ditto whiskey

ditto whiskey

Fuck me....I have learned more about FF in this thread than anywhere else....And I have been using em for 2 years...lol. Gonna have to go back through and read all this....I found out the hard way how HOT the recent batches of FFoF where.
Now I use MG Organic Choice with 40% chunky FF perlite added, and dont feed for a few weeks to let the soil flush out their stuff...and FF nutes, the burning I am getting damn sure could be the solubles! I only use em every other watering, but use 2 of the small scoops instead of one...may have to cut WAY back huh...
Thanks for the info guys! Havta re-read later...

good vibes

I've learned more from these boards already than I could ever have learned anywhere else. Of course, it's probably better for me to stay off the computer and get back to my grow, right?

Getting sucked into the conversations and discussions....:abduct: