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Advanced Nutrients PPM / PH Perfect really does work !


New member
My store just got the new formula. They have been advertising the stuff for months and months. Sensi A&B now requires 50 OZ per 100 gallons where I could use 30 ox with previous formula. Wasnt thrilled about that.
They did add several items to the mix so it seems they are basically forcing you to buy their other products all of which I wasnt using before. Did the math though and it is still a reasonable $300 for 8 weeks of full strength A&B, Big Bud and Overdrive.

Does what it says, no need to touch your res with a PPM meter, PH meter or adjust your PH EVER !!
It doesnt change the actual PH of your water but rather makes the nutrients available in a huge PH range like 4 - 8.5
Was using their previous blend and had GREAT results with it. I had some Fruity Chronics that yielded me 4 times as much as my soiless version under same conditions, same container size (one gallon) I was also using Ebb and flow so a lot of it is probably due to that. Everything grew incredibly well without a single issue and it was my first ever ebb and flow run. Been doing soil less for 5 years and every single variety I changed over I got the same kind of results.

2 weeks in with new stuff and havent touched it with PH down or adjusted anything. The plants look VERY VERY good. First 36 hours after switching 12/12 most all my plants doubled in size and that was with only one light period ! Shocked the hell out of me honestly.
Were only 5 inch plants to start but still....

Would also like to add I have been using the A&B Sensi Grow on all my mothers . Every single one I had issues with getting 100% healthy using GH, Pure Blend Pro, House and Garden and a few others are all now 100%. Really dark green and very lush with fast growth.

I know there are a lot of AN haters but that is my report. Makes things SO MUCH easier then before..........
(Yeah, like Big Mike has time to write notes about himself. LOL.)

I've been hearing nothing but good things about the ph PPM thing from Advanced Nutrients. At the same time, I've also read the pH Manifesto by Advanced Nutrients and that makes it sound like pH is about more than just adding something to the grow.


I think it's best to follow the basic rules of growing and then have a product around for emergencies. I mean, wouldn't it be better not to have to use something at all?

Watch your nutes, yes, but also your water, your humidity, and the other things which can make your plants do things you don't want them to do, evident in the pH readings.

Meh. I'd try any Advanced Nutrients product, just wish they came in a trial size so I could use it without spending too much. LOL



And the way they treat the shops, I very surprised that they even carry these hypercritical snake oil salesmen. Next time you see him ask "Big Mike" why he is telling the shops how to stay in business and how to price their products. They will take the line away if sold below MSRP "Manufactures SUGGESTED retail price". Sounds like some big boy strong arming to me.


And the way they treat the shops, I very surprised that they even carry these hypercritical snake oil salesmen. Next time you see him ask "Big Mike" why he is telling the shops how to stay in business and how to price their products. They will take the line away if sold below MSRP "Manufactures SUGGESTED retail price". Sounds like some big boy strong arming to me.

Or they want to make money. Yeah, how horrible of them. They sound like...everyday retailers. Everyone wants to make a buck. I wouldn't want anyone to sell my shit for less than I think it's worth.

But you're a shill, I can tell, and no one is listening to you anyway. You can always tell the shills since they always include 'Big Mike' and snake oil in the postings.

Good try though.

People who whine about how much nutes cost aren't really into growing, in my opinion. But they are spending a lot of time whining. Instead, why not focus on growing and watching your harvest instead of just coming onto boards to put in a few catchy phrases and get paid for doing so.

Hey icmag - any way to get this loser off the boards? LOL Now, this is what I would call spam.

Me, I'm offering an intelligent observation (businesses want to make money). And anyway, how would YOU know if a nute company does or doesn't allow their products to be priced below that recommended price? SHILL!

LOL Can spot em every time.


Bud Bug

And anyway, how would YOU know if a nute company does or doesn't allow their products to be priced below that recommended price? SHILL!

I personally know three store owners and this is exactly what Advanced says they will do but we all know it would never happen because I don't think they would be stupid enough to bite the hand that feeds them. Same goes for GH they can bitch all they want but if a store is moving 40K of GH per month and selling it
at 35% over cost GhH wouldn't touch that store with 10 foot pole.


New member
Maxi bloom kept at the right PH will work just aswell as ANY other fert on the market. At the most you may need a lil cal/mag to supplement. it has the same proportions of nutes as the GH Lucas formula. Plus a kilo cost about $20 and makes about 140 gallons. A 8 week cycle cost about $30 for me, maybe even $20. I getting around 1.5 or 2 per 1000w with 4 different strains, this is before Ive even picked the best phenos for the room ;)


Active member
hey vag dont be a dick haha. i got crazy results with an 7 years ago and never looked back. they are bang on with their canna specific ratios. glad they work, to save us headaches and heartaches, thanks for the info, d