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Advanced Nutrients Flowering Additives


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Day 25 Flowers

Day 25 Flowers

The flowers look good. At the end of the day, 11 different things to mix seems a bit excessive.

Heres my Green Crack Today. Day 25.

Just started using Big Bud

I 100% agree with you Casio, but I'm a newbie :)

Next feed the girls are getting nothing but water and Hygrozyme.

After that no more Bud Ignitor and as soon as I use OverDrive the Amino is outa the game.

Also running out of Bud Factor X.

Its alot but these buds are going to be bomb!

Dosages are lowering constantly as I have Nutrient Burn from the Connoisseur. I know its the Conni, that shit has a rep for being strong as fuck.

Hope you enjoy, and I can help some one else through my experience.

Check my thread in a month :)


Ive used just about every one of ANs additives with every possible base.their own and a number of others.mho is they have the best products on the market.my fave being carbo load.i use the dry and liquid.plants love it.im just now switching to the original connoisseur as ive heard great reviews on it.as for strong...is it stronger than gh? tht flora series packs quite the punch lol.


GB810 I do not disagree with you as I've experienced good grows with Big bud and Bud Candy and Voodoo Juice, but after trial and error I think Massive and Finisher is a must try product and are better than AN, (especially with tap water. I have never grown with GH. Funny too, as i have two of there sample kits.


I have tried massive and loved it.loaded with tricantonal.I also like and use biogold over piranha and tarantula to reduce the expense of an's line.as for the rest of the GP line idk.to be honest I havent found a nute line I cant make work.id say you get the most bang for your buck with GH though.knock the dust off the old GH samples n let em rip.great line for vegging imo btw.me like most growers will agree if you can afford an...run em.product specific.they support us and what we grow so I support them.


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Just wanted to add my 2 cents, I use a couple of AN products because they work, I dont care about marketing, price, or ____ as long as they work I will use them. I really cant explain the science behind it like others on the boards but I have over 50 grows under my belt. I really dont think anybody with less than 15-20 grows should be giving growing advice about anything, that is where all this bad info comes from. All the products from Advanced Nutrients I use are must to every grow I run, they do make some products that are a waste but a few products are the best in the industry.

Bud Ignitor- Buds will form 3-5 days ahead of non use.
Big Bud- AN best product
Bud Factor X- If you use RO water this product will really stand out.




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good lookin

good lookin

Just wanted to add my 2 cents, I use a couple of AN products because they work, I dont care about marketing, price, or ____ as long as they work I will use them. I really cant explain the science behind it like others on the boards but I have over 50 grows under my belt. I really dont think anybody with less than 15-20 grows should be giving growing advice about anything, that is where all this bad info comes from. All the products from Advanced Nutrients I use are must to every grow I run, they do make some products that are a waste but a few products are the best in the industry.

Bud Ignitor- Buds will form 3-5 days ahead of non use.
Big Bud- AN best product
Bud Factor X- If you use RO water this product will really stand out.

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You are correct, but I'm also trying to just share my experience, so don't mind me :)

Whats your stance on Bud Candy? I'd love to hear EVERYTHING.

And due to your recommendation I will be restocking on Bud Factor X and using it throughout the grow.

May I inquire on the amounts you use?

For instance we are advised 2ml per liter, do you do that?

Thanks, and that plant better have violet in its name :)


Hello mate, I've been using Advanced Nutrients for years with great results.. They do piss me off though cos they are forever fuckin' about and changing the formula and dilution of their products!

I use Big Bud, which works and it's important that you then use Overdrive later on in flower for best results!

Bud Candy is great for commercial product, I use it in hydro and it increases yield, lowers flower time by a couple days and adds a sweetness to most strains. I do not use it for my personal stash, adding molasses in soil grown herb has similar results..
I wish they had just left Carbo Load alone ( it forms part of Bud Candy, along with Sweet ) as I liked using that on it's own!

My hydro regime: Canna A and B, Big Bud, Overdrive, a PK product, a silicone product and Bud Candy.. Gives Great results!

they still make carbo load.dry and liquid.i like both.and i still use bud candy.i wish they still made swet leaf tho


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I use 8ml per gallon on all 3, not a big fan of bud candy I used it several times but dont like the finished bud flavor compared to blackstrap mollasses. that was a picture of Grape Ape. Glad that I could help the cause.


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What didn't you like, and what did you? And how different is the different bud flavor?


Just wanted to add my 2 cents, I use a couple of AN products because they work, I dont care about marketing, price, or ____ as long as they work I will use them. I really cant explain the science behind it like others on the boards but I have over 50 grows under my belt. I really dont think anybody with less than 15-20 grows should be giving growing advice about anything, that is where all this bad info comes from. All the products from Advanced Nutrients I use are must to every grow I run, they do make some products that are a waste but a few products are the best in the industry.

Bud Ignitor- Buds will form 3-5 days ahead of non use.
Big Bud- AN best product
Bud Factor X- If you use RO water this product will really stand out.

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I completely agree.I think at LEAST 15 grows before advice is worth shit.until you have every aspect understood of the fundamentals you cant begin to spout "wisdom" on topic or technique.


cant re Member
I dont know if you read all the threads you post in... so here are the ops words
"Example: I mix 7ml of rhino skin per gallon of water and always mix it before everything else. It raises the ph from 7.5 to 7.9. After all the ph perfect goodies get added and outside company additives, the ph drifts to a 5.8, sometimes 5.9."

* actually my response was directed to the ops first sentances where he said this: ''How's everyone doing?

Was wondering what other growers experiences were with Advanced Nutrient Flowering Additives.''

I also dont know if youve ever used a real silicate, so Ill just leave it at that... but
You troll the defoliation thread by obsessively posting about shit you have no experience with.

the thread is closed but yes i had an opinion which you may or may not agree with. shit i have no experience in? ok man i dont know what im doing atall!
You do realize the info I gave is correct right? Read the ops words. 7ml adjusted his ph by a few decimals. Try 7ml of real silicate.
Hey, btw. Ive read your posts and see that you dont understand what the fuck we mean when we talk about ANs marketing. Ive read you seem to think it has something to do with their adds. Ive always wanted to point out to you that its not that at all. Im glad you read my post here.
i guess we all see advanceds marketing from a different angle.. i dont see a problem with that i was ,mearly pointing out that your on every an thread i read, i didnt even mean it negatively towards you since you are on my friend list and ive spoken to you in pm but nevermind we have obviously got our wires crossed
Ive read your other posts, and I remember my posts. Im glad I finally got through to you about buying just a liter or gallon at a time.

yes agreed, the new nute schedules... eg 4mls per litre are not very economical to say the least.

just thought id clear things up here...


Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
hey LyryC I been dabbling with a few of those...Heres my feel/results on it all...or most of it..Heres what I mainly use or have used..and below is a selection of blooms grown from the use of them..
Carbo Load
(Sensizyme and Voodoo for odds and ends..)

first I wana ask you why the switch to BudIgnitorX vs BudBlood?...what was the main reasoning?..I stil use budblood...or OpenSesame if I get lazy..heh..
I get a great reaction from BBlood so dont wana fix a working thing ya know..

BigBud - is ok but not really needed unless its a strain that Hazy like..fluffy type bud form..Or loose bud form....To me its overkill on Indica doms..Indicas naturally dense up with not much help..BBud seems to blow out buds on Indicas to me..

Carbo Load -

BudCandy - actually I think is a combo of SweetLeaf and Carbo Load..so i just use Bcandy now instead of either of those..Ive used both SLeaf and carbo paired with Overdrive before with decent results..I had better results using Overdrive+BCandy..

Overdrive - is the Nutrient...to me its not a booster...Its the Food..
Budcandy - has the aminos and carbs for the processes needed mid-late bloom...

BudBlood - this works great in micro amounts...but will force flowering if over dosed...Will also increase early resin prod and stack nodes if used in the proper amounts..

I been lookin at the Ignitor and Factor-X...so glad to read a bit of how its doin for ppl..
My entire process is rather bizzare but can give more deets if you want..Im not happy all together with flav yet tho..needs more organic in all this synth crap...But its still not beating the quality Ive go from the likes of PBP lines or organic amended mixes and just watering..keep rollin


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Twisted pleasur

Active member
Sensi grow a&b ph perfect
Vudoo Juice
Rootz excell

In flower I feed then Water with bennies
Flora Nova
GH grow first two weeks only
Rhino Skin
Carbo Load
Roots excell first two weeks only
Weeks 3-6 bloombastic
Weeks 5-6 bloombastic & overdrive

When I started using Rhino skin saw my stem strength get better and yeilds have def. Increased.

With the Carbo Load the tric coverage got way better

With the Over Drive I saw a boost in the girth of the colas for sure at the end. I also flush with just molasis for two weeks before the chop. They just keep swelling and ripening and flavor gets nice. The hay smell went away. Ill never go without a final run of molasis again.

I tried to use the conosaur ph perfect with the whole line. But couldn't dial it in with my regimen.

Im going to try a hydro run with them someday.

Right now I reuse my soil with great success. So if aint broke dnt fix it.

These are from one of my systems I took a few weeks ago.

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LyryC- I use a mis match of nutes that I prefer after years and years of trial and error not to say it is the best for everyone it is just the best for me. I make variations to my nutes based on the strain being grown and my familiarity with it but the basics stay the same. For me no disrespect but soil or soiless mix is the key to big time flavor and dank dank odor. I dont want to hijack your thread with all my insights I just wanted to add my 2cents plus if you want my ideas on each nute I use check out my journal a whole lot of babbling in there.

But basically the key is trial and error because trust me nobody can dial in your environment but you, not just the nutes master the complete environment and everybodys environment is different.

I use Pro Mix Bx with %30 Chunky Perlite %15 EWC

PBP Soil base with a bunch of other nutes depending on the stage of flowering




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Really appreciate all the love everyone is extending!

All this knowledge is very useful but I have MAJOR nute burn, so much some of the bud hairs are burnt up... so I'm dialing my nutrients again after thinking things were going smooth...

Fuck its like Connoisseur requires scaling down, damn stuff, but the buds are looking good, and not all plants are burnt like others.

I have to say with Supercropping and Rhino Skin and Amino Treatment, Some stalks are extremely vigorous and won't need support for big big colas.

I'm on day 29, half way, its FUNKY in the closet, thank god I got that carbon filter in time. The buds are huge and frosted! The Trichs are still clear but theres going to be lots of frost and good sugar leaf.

I just started using big bud also... and holy shit with Overdrive, this is going to be fucking ridiculous!

Merry Xmas Eve all!

Twisted pleasur

Active member
Sounds good. And I agree I did hydro for like 13 years. And for me the transformation to soil it doesn't even compare from my experiance.

The smells taste and color I get from what Im doing now I wouldn't change a thing. Totaly agree.



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ICMag Donor
Sounds good. And I agree I did hydro for like 13 years. And for me the transformation to soil it doesn't even compare from my experiance.

The smells taste and color I get from what Im doing now I wouldn't change a thing. Totaly agree.


So you grow Hydro or soil?


Together, if you have a PPM meter add the full dose of Overdrive first then add base nutes till you reach your desired PPM.

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