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Adding water back to DWC


Active member
Few of my plants droop after adding water back to the buckets. Same temp, same ph, same ppm.

WTF is going on?
Are the roots completely submerged? If so they could be drowning. Looking back I think this is how I ruined a few DWC harvests. I like to leave at least 75% of the rootmass above the water level.

Also, what nutes are you using? Just curious.
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Active member
If you're keeping the same water level than you should be looking at other things because it shouldn't be the water.


Active member
Are the roots completely submerged? If so they could be drowning. Looking back I think this is how I ruined a few DWC harvests. I like to leave at least 75% of the rootmass above the water level.

Also, what nutes are you using? Just curious.

Pretty sure that's what happenend as well. I'm adding back just a pint at a time now and everything is back to normal.


Active member
What's happening...in my opinion of course, I'm a dirt guy...is you're changing the balance of the solution too quickly, you're causing an "osmosis", or a change in water pressure due to a high difference in solution strength too quickly. The nute solution is strong...the plant has a higher water concentration than the new nute solution. The water migrates into the nute solution...and the plant slowly adapts by overcoming the solution difference.

Am I right?


Active member
Pretty sure that's what happenend as well. I'm adding back just a pint at a time now and everything is back to normal.

Yep I had the same experience when I changed the water level in DWC. Root differentiation happens pretty quickly in this plant it seems. Once the roots adjust to taking up O2 the plant shows signs of overwatering if you cover them in water.