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Adding kief/hash to cannabutter.......


Whats up everyone??.....Just wanted to know the best way of adding more kick to my cannabutter.....I purchased some cannabutter at a local coop and wanted to kick it up a notch......I have a couple of g's of hash (pressed) and some keif I wanted to use.....Now do I simply add it in the tub after it's been left out for a while or should I re-heat butter in pan and simmer the keif and hash??


ICMag Donor
If you add the Kief without heat, it will be a little gritty if used un-cooked (ie on toast).

We like to start with 1/4 teaspoon per dose & we no longer use anything but Kief in cooking, as we do not like the 'green' taste of regular cana-butter.

If you add pressed Kief (hash) I would recommend heat, as the pieces will be uneven.


Thanks nobull.....After I let it cool down and solidify, what should I do with the left over liquid/water??.....Does it contain any THC??


ICMag Donor
THC is not water-soluble, (so they say) the water does keep a lot of that green taste. I do not remember where the thread is, but there are some good ideas on butter/ cooking.
Keep it green
Thanks nobull.....After I let it cool down and solidify, what should I do with the left over liquid/water??.....Does it contain any THC??

you can drain the water and throw it away...it does not contain any thc.... if you then reboil the cannabutter with fresh water you can take even more of the green out of your butter..

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Have you tried the cannabutter yet? I would recomend trying some before "adding more kick".

But yea, lightly boiling it with water will seperate out the chlorophyl. Dont let your temps get too high though. You'll vaporize your THC.


Thanks guys.....I appreciate the info.....Here's my report:
So I added about 2.5g of kief to 1 stick (1/2 cup) of cannabutter that I picked up at my local cooperative......After simmering with water, the butter was clean and pure.....Very little green color, no plant matter, and most of almost no taste or smell.....So I bought a cookie mix from grocery store that required 1 whole stick of butter (can't remember brand name).....Went home and mixed everything and then baked......Ended up with 16 chocolate chip cookies that were about 4'' in diameter....So being careless and not thinking about it, I eat 1, yes 1 single cookie at about 11:00am and thats all she wrote.....I thought I was gonna die.....lol....Serious couchlock, couldn't even keep my head up....I started to feel sick and started spinning and the next thing I know, it's 10:30pm.....I gave some to my friends who are also patients and they also felt the "wrath"....Some of them eating just a 1/3 of cookie said they were completely incapacitated for 5 to 6 hours....I guess next timeI won't add as much kief....


But yea, lightly boiling it with water will seperate out the chlorophyl. Dont let your temps get too high though. You'll vaporize your THC.

THC's boiling point is 315F, water's is 212F. It will, of course, start to vaporize at somewhat lower temps, just as steams starts coming off water before it reaches a boil, but the point of boiling butter & water together is to keep the temperature at a max of 212, plenty safe for THC.

Oil (butter) by itself can get a hell of a lot hotter than 212, & thus vape off your THC.