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Addicted & Afflicted Fishing out of Oregon Inlet NC


Active member
Does anybody here salt water fish?
I like to river fish near where[/B] I live (Mid Atlantic) bluegill, bass, catfish etc. but saltwater fishing is the best I think.
I went to NC on vacation. I keep my boat dry docked there at BroadCreekFishingCenter. It is a 26' Regulator with 2 yammy 250's on a Gill Bracket with a collapseable tuna tower with full control station on top tier with outriggers and downriggers. Full Furuno electronics ...
I went the 2 weeks of August 7th to the 25th the last couple of days being a wash due to the early hurricane storms offshore...........I just visited with family and friends.
The Marlin bite and Sailfish bite was ON offshore with good Tuna in the 90#-100# being the most common.... we caught 6 tuna atleast every day we were outoffshore.....the Dolphin were elusive as were the Wahoo....we caught very few despite downrigger trolling at higher speeds below tuna schools and bait schools.
We dragged along grass lines, pitched live baits at sargrass masses but not much going on. Searched the warmer water but not much going on there.
We caught sailfish everyday we went offshore mixed with White Marlin in the regular trolling patterns. The Sails were in the 40# to 60# range and the White Marlin were in the 60#-90# range.
Caught 4 Blue Marlin the biggest being maybe 450# the others just under that..
Caught some Tile Fish, Trigger Fish, occasional Snap, a few deep drops with some larger live bait and we caught some AJ-AmberJacks and some Barracudas and other wreck species, a few sharks....it is pretty cool deep dropping, you never know what you got or what you had and then have now because something ate the fish you were catching and you now caught it.
Then there were the days that were not windy and the water was crystal clear we cruised the beaches looking for Spanish Mackeral and Cobia. The Spanish Macks and Cero Macks you just throw a stingsilver and catch them on light tackle.... whereas the Cobia you just pull along side them and cast bucktails from the tower at them and the fight is on. I think Cobia are the best fighting fish there is to catch.. I think the taste has something to do with why I love them so much as well. They swim on top of Rays and Turtles so they are easy to spot with clear water.
Well that about sums up this years offshore fishing adventure.... I wish I had the money I could do this everyday but with over $5000.00 spent on fuel in two weeks that is not possible..
I also went to a friends house that lives in Hatteras. He has some horses( my other Habit) and we rode for about 6 hours on the beaches and in the surf. Great fun.
I love to vacation on the OuterBanks in NC it is a nice peaceful place to go and relax.
I forgot to mention that I/we also consumed about 3 ozs of some prime bud (ICE)during this two week vacation to make it all that much better.
Let me know if you love salt water fishing and what is your favorite species to catch and your favorite strain to smoke? I love COBIAs and ICE


Outstanding! Love to saltwater fish. Fish mostly for salmon in Puget Sound, but will be heading down to Costa Rica for my 4th annual trip there fishing for sailfish, marlin, tuna, dorado, etc...


Got plenty of lovely fish around me, love to get out when I can.

Western Australian dhufish is the big prize here.........YUMMY!

A nice big Mulloway from the beach is also a lifetime catch ;)

But all these are around.....Balchin Groper, Blue Groper, Morwong, Breaksea Cod, Harlequin, Pink Snapper, Bight Redfish, Swallowtail, Foxfish, lot's of YUMMY Western Rock Lobsters, Samson Fish, Yellowtail Kingfish, Mahi-mahi, Spanish Mackerel, Yellowfin Tuna, Herring, Samon, Bonito, Garfish, Mullet, Trevally, Snook, Squid, Tailor, Silver & Black Bream, King George Whiting, (Western / Southern / Yellowfin) Whiting, Wrase, Leatherjacket, Flathead, Cobbler, Cobia, Flounder and Im sure many more......

Best eating fish of ALL TIME is the King George Whiting, nothin comes close :)

Favorite is Thai ;)


Rubbing my glands together
Sure-Off the coast of Charleston, SC

Nice catch this day!


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Rubbing my glands together
Used to catch a lot of Cobia out of the Colleton(sp) River down around Beaufort, SC, casting eel's around the bouys. Fun stuff I tell ya.


i've been fishing outta the oragon inlet alota times. will be going again in like 3 weeks top class fishing there. and for the last question for me its a-11 and bull reds


Active member
yes daddy it some real good fishin.............I feel extremely fortunate I know how to fish for these types of fish..........
Good luck in NC bro blizzzz maybe see you going by under the William C Bonner last point of safety before braving the inlet..................
Eels make a sucker out of any fish... they are like candy..eels work awesome for stripers too...cast them at the bridge pilings....cast them into schools of stripers CANDY.... its almost cheatin haha.........

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