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Actual Buds way better than trim for cannabutter?


New member
I have always found cannabutter to make me way too sleepy and brain dead. So I used some nice potent buds at a ratio of 5 and a half grams of bud per stick of butter, and the buzz from the dank butter was extremely energetic and euphoric (exactly what I was shooting for). Has anyone else experienced this? Is this due to trim being more heavily concentrated in cannabanoids rather than thc?


I never noticed a difference unless I was using a different strain. I just noticed the taste of the butter was 10x better with the nugs compared to trim.


New member
Yeah, that too, plus I washed the butter three times, so the "green" taste was almost nonexistent.


If you have the people to try it, maybe a blind test could be taken to determine if its real or just in your mind. The type of buzz that is.


5g/4oz butter, that wouldn't even get me high.
weak sauce.
Our Med Butter here in CO runs min 60g per stick.
That's top AAA+++ nugs not popcorn or leaf, we use pure bud.


New member
5g/4oz butter, that wouldn't even get me high.
weak sauce.
Our Med Butter here in CO runs min 60g per stick.
That's top AAA+++ nugs not popcorn or leaf, we use pure bud.

Over two ounces per stick, lol. I would surely pass out. I like my oral buzz to be comparable to the buzz from vaping or smoking a couple bowls spread out over 4 hours or so. if I consume butter any stronger it's way too powerful for me. But to each his own :)

Big Foot

Your mind set, and personal biology at the time, going into the marijuana experience can greatly effect the type of high you will experience you have. Personally if I embark on marijuana early in the day, (keeping the dose relatively low) I wont suffer the grounding effects of marijuana. If I consumed the same dose at night, as my body/mind are more tired the chances of me being consumed by my couch increases.

Biology could also explain why you feel this way. Trim contains a much higher amount of chlorophyll then plain bud. Chlorophyll as been shown as an effective sleep aid. In theory this is what you may be experiencing.

IMO it all comes down to dose control you take a lower dosage you won't be as sedated if you attempt higher dosages the negative side effects will increase. But the same can be said about most drugs.


New member
If I consumed the same dose at night, as my body/mind are more tired the chances of me being consumed by my couch increases.
Biology could also explain why you feel this way. Trim contains a much higher amount of chlorophyll then plain bud. Chlorophyll as been shown as an effective sleep aid. In theory this is what you may be experiencing.
Yeah, plus by tripple washing the bud I am further removing the chlorophyll

Not sure what's producing the wonderful aspects, this butter was made with grand daddy, romulan, and afghani buds, I will try another batch with a few different strains of buds and see how the buzz compares.


I just had some of the best brownies yesterday, ever.

I took a bunch of trim and made some Gumby hash with it, siphoned it down, and let the rest of the water evaporate.

I scraped up the powder and added this to my (cooking) oil. Mixed it all up and poured in the pan I used to evaporate the hash.

When eating them there was only a slight taste of cannabis, but a nice punch 30-45 minutes later. This spacey feeling was with me for hours.
I was more than smoking-high, but not tired like some of the trim-butter brownies I have had before.

I always hated the taste of canna butter, and hated leafy/flaky canna butter even worst. Yeah, you can force it down but damn.

Buds are better than trim but bubble/gumby is top shelf!

Eat the only think that counts, no chlorophyll in hash.

Mr. Mountain

5g/4oz butter, that wouldn't even get me high.
weak sauce.
Our Med Butter here in CO runs min 60g per stick.
That's top AAA+++ nugs not popcorn or leaf, we use pure bud.

I also like it strong, but I have seen people have bad reactions to VERY potent cannabutter.

I like the old BOBB (black out bud butter) recipe, potent is good. You can always cut the butter later if it's too strong :)

Good quality hash makes the best edibles in my opinion. But not everyone has the resources for that.

I would rather turn trim into hash, and then make it into butter.

When I make butter from buds I like using the bottom/inside buds and some whole tops.

Although I have been known to throw whole plants into the crock pot. I would strip the buds/leaves off of the stems and throw them in the crock pot. But the taste suffers.

In my opinion candies/caramels are a better delivery device than cookies/brownies. Candies dissolve readily in the stomach and give better dose titration.

Good conversation,

Mr. M


Last year I made a batch of cookies with about 2 ounces of buds and frosty trim. One cookie would get you high for 8 hours, like extremely uncomfortable really tired high lol. Wasn't a very fun experience.
I make BHO from bud then i melt some butter and mix the bho in.. dissolves completely . i made some candies and caramels just like you said Mr. Mountain. You cant taste the bud at all in some fo the flavours, other ones its SLIGHTLY noticeable.. I thought that the lime / lemon flavours would cut it the best, but i was wrong. the Fruity, berry flavours would mask it completely. I made soft and hard candies. I am a pretty heavy smoker and consider myself a heavyweight. I used to eat stuff all teh time i made butter from trim and bud but i never really got high at all from eating. I mean i made 2 bathces of browneis before and like my friends had like maybe half or 1/4 of one and they were all floored.. I ate like 8 of em ? hahahaha... These candies knocked me the f out tho. hahaha


Have any of you tried making THC infused cooking oil instead? I find it far superior and easier to make. I use dry sift hash and fry it in cooking oil over medium heat for about 6 minutes until its completely dissolved. I use about 2-3 tsp in whatever amount of oil that box asks for. There are many brownie/cookie mixes now on the market that can use veg. oil instead of butter.

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