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Activism and exposure


I am a startup activist, but also grow for myself in illegal state.
Is it dangerous to become more involved? What kind of things I should be worried about?


Well-known member
Depends on what your goals are and what you're willing to endure. Personally if I were growing in a state in which it was illegal, I'd keep my head down and my nose clean. But that's just me. Good luck and remember to check your six at all times.


Well-known member
I am a startup activist, but also grow for myself in illegal state.
Is it dangerous to become more involved? What kind of things I should be worried about?

Yes it is a dangerous addition to growing.

Depends on the laws in your state. You say you only grow for yourself so depending on the state the risk could be rather minimal.

If you're not selling, smelling, or telling then anyone interested in you due to your activism work can speculate all they want.

Not saying they couldnt do a knock and talk and "say" they smelled something, but I think those chances are slim if you've got no obviously illegal activity otherwise.

Keep your trash clean!
Be careful in other aspects of growing, (acquiring supplies, disposing of waste, etc)

I'd likely make this decision based on the harshness of punishment in your state as well as the size of the city you'll be working in. Becoming a target in a large city due to activism might be a bit less likely then doing some activism work in a small rural town where everyone knows everyone and gossip runs rampant.

Around here.. the cops are too busy to give a shit about us potheads. They'll take it if its handed to them, but most of them know its harmless and their day shift consists handling acts of violence and much harder drugs.


Professor Organic Psychology
Activism is cool as long as you don't have something in your closet that can get you years in prison.


You can be an activist, and grow however you will be highly paranoid the entire time. I have done it for years, and it sucks balls.


Active member
Tje smart plan would be to go with the overgrow the planet model and get others doing the same. Then should you get busted start your career as an activist.


Fuck getting busted. I've had enough...
If I got busted, I would be growing in my cell (in my dreams)


Be careful donating large sums of money to getting laws passed. Most states require large donors to be listed on public record. My State says anything over $50 has to be on the list.

Something to think about.

Hank Hemp

Active member
I'm to big of a chicken to grow and protest. I wouldn't do it myself. Either grow or be active, not both at the same time.


Active member

Of course not. Raiding that couple was really dumb, and prosecuting them would be even dumber. With MMJ legislation pending in Florida, they don't want people getting riled up *in favor* of MMJ, at all. They don't want to give pro-MMJ forces a poster child. They want to kill it, quietly, like drowning a baby in a bathtub. Keep it in committee, avoid it, so that when the session ends, well, it's just something they didn't get done, gosh darn it. So very Busy! Maybe next year, or the year after that, or never if "Conservatives" have their way.


If we get it on the ballot & passed.....then the "Conservatives" can take a long walk off of a very short pier.


If we get it on the ballot & passed.....then the "Conservatives" can take a long walk off of a very short pier.

You are discounting the Rockafellers and their big weapons like AMA and FDA and endless pockets - 'conservatives' is a small player in their game. Money and power - that's two biggest obstacles. Don't forget that cops consider cannabis movement as direct threat to their job security; add the prison lobby to that, and all average Joes and Janes who loved ms. Reagan's "Just say no" campaign; all those involved in the black market who continue releasing strains with names that can't be associated with a medicine - Strawberry Dogshit, Alien Gangrape... - all of this force is against legalization.

The only unlikely allies would be: lobby of alternative fuel, textile industry, and tobacco. But FDA and AMA together is a behemoth compared to these major three industries - there is no doubt they will fight cannabis legislation to the last breath.


Of course not. Raiding that couple was really dumb, and prosecuting them would be even dumber. With MMJ legislation pending in Florida, they don't want people getting riled up *in favor* of MMJ, at all. They don't want to give pro-MMJ forces a poster child. They want to kill it, quietly, like drowning a baby in a bathtub. Keep it in committee, avoid it, so that when the session ends, well, it's just something they didn't get done, gosh darn it. So very Busy! Maybe next year, or the year after that, or never if "Conservatives" have their way.

Then this case might serve as a precedent in any med.cannabis defence in court, something you could cite in other courts of that county, then of that state's, then federal... in that case I believe the supreme court is obligated to issue an opinion on law enforcement, which can lead to medical excuse becoming a valid excuse in courts across the country. I am not a lawyer - could be wrong - anyone competent here to answer this question?