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Action Alert AB390!!


Patient Grower
For some ideas concerning other voters attitudes toward cannabis use around children, please read the following story and comments, as well as noting that the father may have had a medical card, there was no indication of abuse and that the incident occurred well after the childrens' bedtime:

Police arrest Reno parents for allegedly smoking marijuana, endangering children

"What about the cheeel-dren" is a very powerful argument to those under the influence of the mind altering chemicals that parenthood releases into the brain. Yet some argue that people will vote for unfettered legalization, including 'the right to expose our cheeel-dren' to cannabis?

Replying to lr7660,

it might be legal in NV to smoke pot or whatever, but it is still against the law.. The federal govt still says its illegal so even if one states says its ok to have it the feds can over throw that.. also its a crime to smoke pot around children even if its outside cause that can still harm them... they should have known better, they deserve what they get weither a fine or jail...have some common sense people... i am someone who doesnt care if its legal or not, but i am someone who will do whatever it takes to protect children... atleast the children are safe for the moment...
12/29/2009 5:13:56 AM


The only bullshit here is the thought that you're going to get anything through without making some compromises. This is 70 years of propaganda we've got to overcome. It's not going to happen in a couple of days.

WTF is wrong with no smoking in public anyway? Fucking read the comments in the major news media when stories like this come up, there are a significant number from people with concerns about the smell and the 'threat' of second hand smoke.

WTF is wrong with a limit on the amount allowed for personal grows? All you need is to pay attention to what people are saying, and a major concern is out of control growers. Like it or not, these things will cause people to vote against us.

No one can put out a 'decent' legalization bill in your eyes because your demands are extreme, and don't have the proverbial snowball's chance of passing.

My demands may be unrealistic, but they sure as hell aren't wrong. All I want is my personal freedom and my privacy to do whatever the fuck I please in my own home as long as I'm not hurting anyone. The people worrying about the smell are ridiculous and someone should really open their eyes, lots of other stuff smells up the surrounding air yet no one gives a flying shit... But I agree, maybe we have to make a compromise like this first before we get to the real deal, my fear is just that after a bill like TC2010 gets legalized the movement will stall and people will be stuck with that bullshit restricting their freedom for another couple decades.


Patient Grower
I never said your position was 'wrong'. Here's another comment from the LA Times wrt to TC2010:

I could see a ton of problems related to enforcing the 25 foot square footage allowance for personal use... (who knew 25 sq ft was needed for one person's consumption?!... wink... wink), but it'll sure dent the profits of the mexican cartels... but for real reform, we need the federal govt to act.


Wink, wink, 25 sq feet is enough to supply other people.

Your real fear is that we'll get stuck with 'bullshit' restricting freedom for another couple of decades, so you'd rather stay stuck in this place that's even more restrictive? My fear is that just like healthcare, a demand for everything needed to make things right will leave us stuck in the status quo, until we're willing to make the compromises needed to push things through.We could have a working universal healthcare system by now had the Clinton's not 'stuck to their guns' in 1993. Here we are 16 years later, making the compromises that could have been made in 1993. Until people see that they're fears of legalized pot are unfounded we're never going to progress to the point where it's codified correctly. The only realistic way to prove this to those with baseless fears ingrained with 70 years of gov't propaganda is a little bit at a time.


Yeah I guess you're right Pythagllio. As I said, my only fear is that those people will never see that they're wrong and once something like TC2010 has passed they'll just say "Well you got your legal pot now, what are you going on about" and maybe a majority of the people will agree with them

Also, that Turlock Journal page you linked to is nothing short of hilarious. I can't believe the guy actually believes what he's saying... And all his arguments are based upon false government propaganda


Ironic isn't it.. Turlock paper has the queen of haters.. My home town.


So do we go with 10 plants and no rights to a job or do we go with 5x5 and have jobs?


the 5X5 isn't whats irking me with TC2010. Its more of the one ounce limit. How can there be a 5X5 grow when there is a one ounce cap? How could anyone grow weed and stay under one ounce? Not only that it allows the counties to continue their discrimination.

AB390 sounds better in my opinion.



the 5X5 isn't whats irking me with TC2010. Its more of the one ounce limit. How can there be a 5X5 grow when there is a one ounce cap? How could anyone grow weed and stay under one ounce? Not only that it allows the counties to continue their discrimination.

AB390 sounds better in my opinion.

I believe that is an ounce outside your home. isn't it?

So if you are walking around with cannabis it has to be an ounce or less?

Probably aimed at intercity dealing.

And an obvious give to racial profiling.

Blacks will still go to jail more than whites is my guess..

Not that if I had my choice I would pick Ab over TC or vise versa.

We need to get over Cannabis and we won't get there from here with TC or AB in my opinion

Really I predict cannabis use will drop in the next 20 years if we just make it legal and make it ordinary but, that, will make it less profitable too and you see the Red State Counties clinging to the Black market business model for their areas.. there may be a hidden agenda there.

I mean when a person really wishes to enjoy cannabis they more than likely plan the evening out and most of us have to budget our time so yeah; I predict actual use will drop over the next 20 years.


Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is lawful and shall not be a public offense under California law for any person 21 years of age or older to:
(i) Personally possess, process, share, or transport not more than one ounce of cannabis, solely for that individual’s personal consumption, and not for sale.

that encompasses everything. Not just outside the house. assuming im reading it correctly.


Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is lawful and shall not be a public offense under California law for any person 21 years of age or older to:
(i) Personally possess, process, share, or transport not more than one ounce of cannabis, solely for that individual’s personal consumption, and not for sale.

that encompasses everything. Not just transportation. assuming im reading it correctly.

NP I will go read and see if I can find support for my view.. i could be wrong with the second filing.

Give me a minute,]


ill stand corrected and might even slightly support this bill if you can show me proof otherwise. If not, one ounce is a joke and there is no way I can support it.

All I care about is protecting my home garden.


I see there is a change of intent here.

Honestly i focused on California Cannabis initiative rather than keep up with TC

14. Permit the cultivation of small amounts of cannabis for personal consumption.

This and what you posted seems to suggest that they can expect us to grow only one ounce or less in our 5x5

I worry since we didn't specify a third dimension to that law our plants need to be flat too.

So what is a small amount.. That wasn't the original pitch i remember..

14. Permit the cultivation of small amounts of cannabis for personal consumption.


Damn you people who's side are you on?


exactly. so is a small amount one ounce? If it is, then I will never be able to grow. Therefore, it'll strengthen lee's monopoly.

This bill is far to shaky, and far to many negative to support it. Its a step in the wrong direction in my opinion.

we need to take care of this in 2012.


It can be assumed the Initiative is to establish a legal Cannabis Trade not to actually legalize Cannabis for the People.

I am trying to find the Silver lining TC2010 and Richard Lee but it's hard it is very very hard.


im happy with prop215. The only thing I want out of a bill is either outright legalization or atleast a bill to prevent discrimination from law enforcement and certain counties.

I never thought a counter productive bill would ever come from within the community. :(


exactly. so is a small amount one ounce? If it is, then I will never be able to grow. Therefore, it'll strengthen lee's monopoly.

This bill is far to shaky, and far to many negative to support it. Its a step in the wrong direction in my opinion.

we need to take care of this in 2012.

I guess it is like a form of what we have now except in a State Side Monopoly.

Looks like industry wants in but wants to come in at Established market prices with guarantees against public competition.
To achieve such a market share and control the Industry expects to use the Police to enforce the Industry claim on the Market.

All this under the guise of Legalization.

Still.. I have to say the money is already being made.. But then we will be criminals if we practice proper horticulture and improve yield of the plants we grow to over an ounce.. Gawd knows that Goal will never be reached in our time so that limit will be safe in keeping the prison population down.


There are a lot of things we can do along the way to 2012.

We can organize the good fight. I am working locally to change opinion.
remember we are cutting edge thinkers here. They lag light years behind.

I have to support American Canna-Business over Mexican Canna-Business.

But we are getting a stupid deal on both AB and TC in my opinion.. Legalization is being taken by industry in both ways.

We do need Jobs.

Can we get Tom to amend AB to protect workers if they just test positive and are not in any trouble?

I mean if it's legal and you murder 6 with a forklift I will be the first to toss a stone for you testing positive for anything.


There are a lot of things we can do along the way to 2012.

We can organize the good fight. I am working locally to change opinion.
remember we are cutting edge thinkers here. They lag light years behind.

I have to support American Canna-Business over Mexican Canna-Business.

But we are getting a stupid deal on both AB and TC in my opinion.. Legalization is being taken by industry in both ways.

We do need Jobs.

Can we get Tom to amend AB to protect workers if they just test positive and are not in any trouble?

I mean if it's legal and you murder 6 with a forklift I will be the first to toss a stone for you testing positive for anything.

good point. Employers shouldn't be able to discriminate. Alcohol is just as dangerous as weed, but they dont test for alcohol. They just take your word for it that you are a good worker and wont show up drunk.

If an employer doesn't trust you, then why do you have the job anyway?


im happy with prop215. The only thing I want out of a bill is either outright legalization or atleast a bill to prevent discrimination from law enforcement and certain counties.

I never thought a counter productive bill would ever come from within the community. :(

Well we actually just need to respect ourselves in public.

Imagine what it was like to be Black person and walk on a white man's shadow in public in some places not long ago.. We are the same human beings genetically but who the hell won't be arrested for attacking someone who is black and steps on a White Man's shadow today?

This change in our culture back to legal cannabis is such a paradigm shift too.

We all have to get on that Sidewalk and refuse to be treated badly.

It's just that simple.

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